Charlotte Casiraghi attended the 77th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

On May 21, 2024, Charlotte Casiraghi attended the screening of "Marcello Mio" during the 77th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a white gown from Chanel's Spring/Summer 2020 Couture Collection, at the red carpet opening ceremony. Marcello Mio is a 2024 French-Italian comedy film written and directed by Christophe Honore.

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection. Chanel earrings

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a bridal style gown from Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection
Chanel Spring Summer 2020 Couture Collection

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  1. Anonymous22/5/24 13:26

    Her hair is a disaster and of course she is wearing just another unflattering outfit by Chanel. She looks as if she just stumbled out of bed, eyes half closed, dark circles and dull looking skin. She is surely a natural beauty, but aging extremely fast.


    1. Anonymous22/5/24 14:36

      Exactly my thoughts. She is a natural beauty but her expression and posture take all that away from her.
      Ana Katarina

    2. Anonymous22/5/24 15:24

      @ Anonymous 13:26
      If you live fast you are aging fast too.

    3. Anonymous22/5/24 16:13

      Agree !!

    4. Anonymous23/5/24 16:43

      At "Anonymous22/5/24 15:24"

      Preach! :)

    5. Anonymous23/5/24 16:44

      The dress doesn't even look good on the model.

    6. Well said, her overall appearance is sloppy and nothing elegant about her look whatsoever.

  2. Anonymous22/5/24 13:36

    Un simple porte manteau
    Le bas est joli mais le haut très moche

  3. Anonymous22/5/24 13:58

    Ein schönes Kleid, anmutig getragen. Aber warum dieser - pardon - blasierte Gesichtsausdruck?

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 17:38

      Ist auch mein Gedanke, aber vielleicht sind die Fotos etwas unvorteilhaft. e.

    2. Um sich abzugrenzen - sie ist ja kein Privatsender-Model wie beispielsweise Heidi K.

    3. Anonymous23/5/24 12:17

      A little smile doesn‘t hurt…

  4. Anonymous22/5/24 14:04

    Oh my she is skinny 😳 the dress is so ordinary doesn’t look like Chanel att all.

  5. She is looking very sultry even with her hair disheveled!

    1. P. the original22/5/24 17:08

      Yes, agreed!
      Charlotte's overall aspect is well thought- out just to draw / capture attention on her sensuality.
      Everything looks subtly conceived, her disheveled hair, her cat's eyes and her every move.
      Well done.
      I'm not wild about the long black gown though but I guess that more risquè outfits and visibile stiletto heels would have resulted in a sexy overload.
      My 6th sense tells me that she is very happy now can do wonders.
      You go, girl!👍😉

    2. P. the original22/5/24 18:06

      * long white gown

    3. Anonymous22/5/24 21:10

      She looks beautiful but very far from happy imo. Just the opposite in fact.

    4. P. the original23/5/24 08:51

      Anonymous yesterday at 21:10

      ...In fact?
      May I ask you what level of intimacy with Charlotte led you to draw this conclusions?
      Could you share with your follow bloggers the undeniable evidence and facts do you possess?
      I am all ears.
      Oh, by the way...
      I think that you may be seeing a reflection of your own unhappiness (you always seem to detect something of yourself in any royal lady!) in Charlotte so you aren't being objective imo.
      You just see what you want to see.
      Ok, if this pleases you...

    5. Anonymous23/5/24 18:52

      P. Again so aggressiv?

    6. Anonymous24/5/24 06:37

      @ P. the original- it's called having an opinion. Grab a dictionary. After catching your breath from your bizarre, embarrassing rant.

    7. Anonymous24/5/24 06:42 berate another poster for their opinion that Charlotte doesn't seem happy, but then you turn around and yammer about her "sensuality" like some cheap tabloid writer?? LOLLLL

    8. Anonymous24/5/24 13:16

      @P. So your 6th sense tells you, Charlotte is very happy now.
      May I ask you what kind of intimacy with Charlotte led you to draw this conclusion? Could you share with your fellow bloggers the undeniable evidence and facts that you certainly possess?
      Too bad, your 6th sense doesn't tell you to behave in a civilized way. Rina

    9. Anonymous24/5/24 18:38

      This is hilarious. So many people want the privilege to assert a nonsense opinion on what a stranger may or may not be FEELING on a fashion blog, all based on a few captured milliseconds of time. She looks the way she does because she is head to toe in a look created by a team to give her that look, including her hair. What do you make of other women in fashion, such as Victoria Beckham, who don't smile? VB does not want wrinkles, and is very open about that. Women who model do not show a lot of emotion in their faces as a rule. No one here can possibly know how Charlotte personally feels at that moment. She could be in a "working" frame of mind, she could be happy to be in a better personal space. Why is the group here so hungry for the worst to be true? Trying to guess how someone feels is usually pointless unless it is extremely obvious, such as at a funeral, then there is no point in saying anything anyway. Why do you all care?

  6. She looks so unhappy, I feel so sorry for her and the breakup of her marriage. She's a beauty but she needs a big dose of some FUN and get HAPPY again!!

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 16:18

      Yes her marriage broke up, but she had quickly someone else to replace her husband.

    2. Anonymous22/5/24 17:25


  7. Anonymous22/5/24 15:25

    Pic. N°3 is really ugly !

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 19:18

      side view is not flattering at all, she needs to correct her posture before she gets older!

    2. Anonymous22/5/24 20:48

      Anonymous 15:25, that’s a pretty raw comment. You could say it’s not a flattering photo, or just ignore it, but “ugly” is pretty nasty criticism. Let’s keep the tone of this blog kinder and focus on fashion critique - Grace.

    3. Anonymous23/5/24 06:56

      There are other comments here who says that the dress is not adapted to her morphology because she has no boobs. Isn't that nasty ?
      Anonymous 15:25

  8. Chanel ..... what else?

  9. Cette coiffure c'est ni fait ni à faire...cet air désabusé...cette robe pas adapté à sa morphologie (car pas de seins). Pas d'allure... quelques jours avant Dimitri était venu avec sa mère.. Charlotte venue seule n'a pas encore osé amené son nouvel amoureux...Sa place n'est pas n'est pas à Cannes...elle ne représente rien dans le monde cinéma...L'année dernière, elle était femme de producteur, à la rigueur....pauvre petite fille riche et capricieuse. Elle n'arrive pas à la hauteur de ses hommes.

    1. Anonymous23/5/24 16:47

      Wow, but how do you really feel? ;-D

  10. Désolée mais je la trouve belle naturellement ; si je la compare avec le mannequin, cette robe convient mieux à la morphologie de Charlotte ; très beaux cheveux avec un effet coiffé décoiffé qui est tendance ; j'aime le style de ses boucles d'oreilles que je vois de Chanel ?!

    1. Anonymous24/5/24 03:58

      Exactly! I noticed the earrings as well!

  11. Anonymous22/5/24 18:02

    She looks unhappy in my eyes 🥹

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 21:06

      Just a year ago this month she was stunningly radiant in that incredible navy blue siren gown, and she was on the arm of her gorgeous director husband at Cannes. Now here she is with messy hair that looks like it hasn't seen a brush in months and she is all alone. With what would have been their 5th wedding anniversary only weeks away-Jacqueline

  12. Anonymous22/5/24 18:23

    Chanel pays her to wear Chanel!

  13. Anonymous22/5/24 18:38

    She looks disheveled, unhappy, and perhaps unwell.

  14. Anonymous22/5/24 18:42

    Cette robe ne convient pas à celles qui n'ont pas de poitrine, ça l'aplatit complètement !
    Son côté blasé, snob, genre "je m'ennuie tellement ici" c'est très agaçant ! Pourquoi venir à Cannes si c'est pour bouder... Elles sont nombreuses, comme elle, à tirer tout le temps la tronche, sans esquisser un sourire. Pffff...

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 19:42

      Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec vous!

    2. Anonymous23/5/24 13:35

      Oups, 22/5 18:42, j'ai oublié ma signature : Paloma.
      Au festival de Cannes j'ai beaucoup apprécié le sourire radieux de Virginie Efira, elle est toujours si éclatante, quel plaisir de la voir, elle ne minaude pas elle ! Elle ne fait pas "semblant", elle est vraie. Paloma.

  15. Interesting how views differ. I think she is an exceptional beauty and knows exactly how to present herself. All the effects of "disheveled", "skinny" or even "unhappy" are planned. She surely is no "everybodys darling" but a darling of the rich elite.

    1. If the elite wants their women to look disheveled, unhappy and smug. I would say I count myself lucky, that I am not part of the 'elite'.

    2. Anonymous23/5/24 03:34

      Coralie, you are correct. So many come here to a fashion blog and know so little about fashion. These may not be looks we would wear ourselves, but fashion is not just functional, it is a form of art. Because Charlotte represents Chanel, she leans to fashion as art. She is at an event, with like minded people. This is not anything they haven't seen before.

  16. Anonymous22/5/24 20:29

    She’s seems unhappy as if she has the weight of world upon her shoulders, cheer up Charlotte!

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 22:00

      Yes because telling someone to cheer up always works…

  17. Anonymous22/5/24 21:19

    The dress is nice, but she looks like she just rolled out of bed hair. josebabe.

  18. I don't like her appearance at all. I don't see sultry at all. I see disheveled and not well groomed. The gown is disappointing. I'm not sure if its the design of the bodice, but the bust area is pretty much flat? Her posture and overall look is not good. She is a natural beauty, this appearance is disappointing.

    1. Once again Ava you have written exactly what I was thinking so no need for me to add anything.

  19. Not my kind of dress but it has potential. It needs a curvier figure and a better posture. Charlotte unfortunate has neither, which is why this is an awful choice for her.

  20. Anonymous23/5/24 04:07

    Why do people always have to rip into beautiful women and single mothers? She lost her father so early and lived through another chaotic marriage of her mother. That's enough to explain the difficulty with relationships, and her melancholy tendency. She's always refused to be molded into the princess mold. Good for her. I don't love this look, but she gets to present herself as she likes, so back off, people. I hope she finds happiness after all.

    1. Anonymous23/5/24 12:56

      Yes it is a bit of a habit in this Grimaldi family. Nobody seems to be happy with their partner. Anyway they always find a new partner rather soon than later. Lucky until now there have been a few who are only have been married once or who are still married (or together) today.

  21. Anonymous23/5/24 04:33

    Very cool and relaxed performance. She stands out with the nonchalance with which she wears this great dress and the exquisite ear jewellery. Very fresh and modern - as if she was coming back from a walk by the sea with a lot of wind. Love it!

  22. Anonymous23/5/24 10:47

    I’m not a fan of this dress at all. Or this hair style I hope one day she will return to the fashion in her twenties.


  23. Anonymous23/5/24 11:45

    I'm sure she knows everything about fashion and the whole look is exactly as it should be. BUT she looks so self-centered and even if she is perfectly healthy, she shouldn't expose e.g. sternum. She is a role model and many suffer from a distorted body image.

  24. Anonymous23/5/24 16:40

    It's called a comb. They're available everywhere, cheep.

    The dress? No, no, and no. And did I mention, "no?"

    1. Anonymous24/5/24 04:04

      As you educate yourself to these things, you will find that it actually takes quite a while to achieve this type of unkempt hairstyle. It has achieved its goal as it has all of you talking about it.

  25. Anonymous7/6/24 23:37

    I think she looks amazing effortless and very cool...unlike most of the over groomed woman like the Kardashians and most celebrities etc we see all the time.


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