Hereditary Grand Duke Family visited the 60th Venice Biennale

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, accompanied by Prince Charles and Prince François, visited the Venice Biennale which is one of the most prestigious events of contemporary art. On Thursday 18 April 2024, Hereditary Grand Duke and the Hereditary Grand Duchess, inaugurated the Luxembourg pavilion at the 60th International Contemporary Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

The artist Andrea Mancini with the multidisciplinary collective Every Island, was chosen to represent Luxembourg during this edition of the Biennale and attended this event alongside Joel Valabrega, curator of the Luxembourg pavilion, as well as multiple official and cultural representatives. Throughout the Biennale, the pavilion will host four guest artists who will produce and present new sound performances.

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore a greenish-blue silk crepe blouse by Joseph, and sky blue jacket. Prince Charles and Prince François

Princess Stephanie wore JOSEPH Dark Teal silk crepe de soie broca blouse and Tova silk pants
JOSEPH Dark Teal Silk Blouse and Tova Silk Pants

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  1. Well, HGD Stephanie will need to up her game fashionwise with a more polished look soon. In a recent interview with a french paper, her father-in-law, Grandduke Henri, said that he plans to abdicate in order to give perspective to his successor and his young family. He also said that plans had been made within the entire family and that a date was picked, too. He would not, however, tell as of the exact date now. My assumption is that this abdication will most likely take place next year, so in 2025. In April 2025, the Grandduke will turn 70, but in October 2025, he will celebrate his Silver Jubilee. So, I think this might be the opportunity for HGD Guillaume to take over at, around, or after that celebrations.

    1. Anonymous20/4/24 20:58

      Henri will abdicate - really? When I saw the new portrait of Haakon & Mette-Marit I was wondering if Harald was going to abdicate or is otherwise in very poor health. |Melanie|

    2. Anonymous21/4/24 04:39

      Agree completely DSC!

    3. Anonymous21/4/24 07:37

      @ DSC
      These are just rumors, for the moment nothing has been decided officially yet. Of course such decisions has to be discussed with the family and preparations have to be done.
      I think in the future we will see more "young" monarchs who will abdicate (for commoners it means to be retired). Kings and princes also wish, as long as their health is more or less good, to be able to pass their senior life in peace and enjoy their children and grand children. The younger generation of monarchs are people of the present. They don't feel the necessity any more to sit on the throne until they die.

  2. Anonymous20/4/24 17:40

    How truly beautiful Stephanie is. The fifth picture in profile shows her exquisite bone structure and gentle expression so well. Love the soft green color and fabric of her jacket.

    1. Anonymous20/4/24 21:21

      She is indeed lovely, which makes all the wasted potential even more frustrating-Jacqueline

    2. Anonymous21/4/24 03:38

      Completely agree with the comments of Anonymous at 17:40 and Jacqueline. — Jane

    3. Anonymous21/4/24 06:36

      Agree that this natural photo of Stephanie in green is stunning. Disagree with the term “wasted potential” being used about a young mum already doing her best. (Grace)

    4. Anonymous21/4/24 07:23

      It’s a beautiful capture that shows her kind and intelligent nature. MR

    5. I agree with Grace!

    6. Anonymous21/4/24 21:12

      As SophieT pointed out there is work to be done on HGD Stephanie's comportment. Even with slacks on there is simply no excuse for her to be sitting that way, like a truck driver taking a break! Can you think of any other Royal lady who sits that way?

    7. Thanks for thinking that way also. And your point is interesting, effectively I can't think of any other Royal lady who sits that way. In fact even not in my office....and we are just regular people. It's sad because she is certainly a very nice, heartfelt person. But it's almost hopeless. It's like she is either not conscious of it, does not know better, was never told or does not care. On my side, my mother was very strict on this and left us with very good manners, which I am very grateful.

    8. I agree with Grace as well ! Regarding Sophie T's comment, I think wearing trousers on an almost every day basis has changed ideas on how to sit properly.

  3. Clairement la grande duchesse héréditaire a besoin non seulement d'un styliste mais également de cours de maintien. On ne s'assoie pas comme cela, même lorsque l'on est issu de la classe moyenne travaillante, même dans un métro ou un cinéma. Compte tenu de son rang et de ses fonctions de représentation, cela n'a aucun sens.

  4. Anonymous20/4/24 18:29

    HGD Stephanie looks beautiful in that last photo and her earrings are divine. But those slacks are a disaster. I have no idea why she insists on wearing them other than for comfort. Perhaps she is insecure about her figure? But the answer is not baggy pants. She is very pretty and needs help.

    The children are as adorable as ever. Look how big François has grown overnight!

    1. Yes she might well feel insecure about her figure. What would be the best trousers for her, since she obviously like to wear them. ? Bearing in mind fashion trends I think that these fairly wide-legged ones are just as good as straight ones. She is nicely harmonizing their color with the rest of her outfit.

    2. Anonymous21/4/24 03:36

      It does indeed seem that Stephanie has a marked preference for trousers these days, however much well-tailored skirts would (imo) look better on her. During her engagement to Guillaume, she was photographed a number of times in chic, well-fitting suits that looked wonderful on her. I believe she wore one of those lovely suits to the couple’s civil wedding. As for the trousers situation, I think that on curvy women, anything is better than leggings or very tight pants that follow the form of the leg too closely. Imo bootcut pants are a good choice, as are wide-leg pants (such as the teal ones Stephanie is wearing here) IF, and only if, they are well- tailored in the back to fit well, rather than look baggy, over that area. — Jane

    3. @ An03:36 Difficult to make a comparison with the "engagement period" she had a very different morphology at that time.

    4. She obviously bought the whole ensemble from Joseph, which looks quite good, but the size she needs distorts somehow the whole appearance. Globally I think she looked quite nice.

  5. These very adorable boys! 😍And Stephanie does look lovely too.

  6. Trop mignons les petits princes ; belle allure de Stéphanie dans la couleur bleu sarcelle mais pour mettre son look en valeur, j'aurais bien remplacé son pantalon par une jupe droite tout en conservant le bleu pâle de sa chemise !

  7. Anonymous21/4/24 06:59

    Such a lovely face!
    In one of the pictures she looks better than I ever saw her in official visits.
    She definitely likes comfortable clothes.

    1. I guess you mean pic5, I agree with you.

  8. Anonymous21/4/24 12:16

    I love the jacket in picture 4 & 5. I also love the way she did her hair.
    The light blue jacket with the bow is too tight. The teal ensemble is a repeat and I remember that she received positive comments when it was new. Someone referred to her engagement period. HGD Stephanie was rather thin in that period. HGD Guillaume was completely different from now too. The only one who practically didn't change in the family is GD Henri himself. He stays thin and he looks much younger than his 69 years.

  9. I think HGD Stephanie looks lovely especially in pics 5&8. She is a natural beauty,her personality and class shines through. Comments such as `up her game` and `wasted potential` are impolite. HGD does not play to the camera. I presume she wears what is comfrotable and practical considering she almost always has her young children with her. Love the style and colours of both jackets.

  10. Anonymous21/4/24 19:59

    Both sweethearts together. These two boys are super cute. Nice look for Stephanie. css


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