Dutch King and Queen hosted a State Banquet for Spanish King and Queen

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

On the evening of April 17, 2024, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands hosted a State Banquet at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam in honor of Spanish King Felipe and Queen Letizia. Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet of The Netherlands attended the state banquet. At the invitation of King Willem-Alexander, Spanish King and Queen are making a 2-day state visit to the Netherlands.

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet. Princess Amalia tiara

Queen Letizia wore THE 2ND SKIN CO Suraia Dress
THE 2ND SKIN CO Suraia Dress

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  1. Anonymous17/4/24 21:10

    Letizia Maxima Amalia sont sublimes.

  2. Anonymous17/4/24 21:18

    Wow - Amalia is regal. Looks super confident and poised.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 02:25

      She really does…lovely young woman.

    2. Anonymous18/4/24 19:01

      To me she looks like she’s uncomfortable.

  3. Ladyofthemanor17/4/24 21:18

    A bit hard to see from these pictures what the queens dresses really look like.
    Queen Letitia's blue dress is beautiful but at the same time a bit understated as a gala dress. Magnificent tiara. Queen Maxima´s dress has a pretty blue colour and soft look. I can´t quite make out if there is a large stomacher attached to it or if it is some other decoration. Big gun tiara and great hair. The ruby peacock tiara looks good on CP Catharina-Amalia but I don't understand the necklace worn under the dress.

  4. Anonymous17/4/24 21:23

    Wow beautiful and that brooch QM has on the bodice of her dress, spectacular. QL lovely, the princess PCA is so regal, PB & PM bring elegance to the party. The kings as always looking dashing.

  5. Anonymous17/4/24 21:26

    Lovely dresses for the two queens but not what I was expecting. I thought we might have seen some modern couture designs, but instead Maxima gives us a Disney princess style gown (those sleeves and the bodice), and Letizia is wrapped in yards and yards of flowing fabric (with conservative neckline and sleeves), unlike her more usual straight silhouette type gowns. That said, they both look regal as befits their station, so no complaints there.
    Can't see too much of the other women's gowns though the top part of CP Amalia's outfit looks very nice. All 5 ladies have done justice to their dazzlers.
    The men look dapper and handsome; King WA looks all the better for his weight loss and trimmed hairstyle.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 20:34

      I agree. Amalia looks stunning also.
      Damsel Dragonfly

  6. I always look forward to royal state visits but when I read that Princess Amalia would scheduled to attend I got even more excited. All of the ladies look absolutely gorgeous, tonight's looks did not disappoint. The Princess of Orange nailed her first state visit. I believe this is her 2nd outing with the ruby tiara, I wonder if it's her favorite. The cape gives her such a regal look, but I would have placed the necklace over it so it can be seen. Queen Maxima and Queen Letizia both look stunning, honestly I have no complaints. They both brought the big guns when it comes to their tiaras like I hoped they would. I hope we see the Princess of Orange taking part in future state visits!

  7. I'm amazed how the Netherlands Princess has blossomed. She has absolutely gorgeous features. I think she is the one where there were some problems with her security. She had to leave her school because of threats. (I think I have the right Princess.)

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 02:31

      Agree! She has lovely skin and eyes. Princess Alexia gets much attention for her looks, and she certainly is a pretty young woman, but Princess Amalia is quite beautiful also. There was something about her life being threatened by some crazy and she needed extra security measures. No doubt a difficult time for her and her family.

    2. Anonymous18/4/24 02:50

      Joann, you are correct. She was a possible target for kidnapping, yikes. I recently read that Amalia has been studying in Spain. She will go back to the Dutch University for next year, apparently they've implemented new security for her.

    3. Anonymous18/4/24 16:59

      She has been seen regularly in Madrid yes. But did she really studied there, I doubt it. Her sister Princess Alexia is taking a sabbatical year. If I am well informed it is only the youngest Princess Ariane who studies in Italy for the moment.

    4. Anonymous18/4/24 18:34

      @Anon 16:59 I read that yes she lived in Madrid for this past year and continued her studies online from Madrid with the University of Amsterdam.
      - Anon 9:13

    5. Anonymous20/4/24 17:57

      Yes! I was just checking her major area of study on Wikipedia and there was a comment that she was studying online in Madrid in 2023, under the protection of the Spanish Monarch. No wonder she looks so serious in these photos. Despite that, all the ladies look lovely. Christine

  8. Anonymous17/4/24 22:47

    QM at her best in every possible way.
    QL dull in my humble opinion. I do not understand why she has to wear 12cm high shoes and later has to sit in order to rest her feet .
    Princess Amalia is a beautiful young lady. The dress suits her very much. I think , though, that the necklace was unnecessary

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 13:37

      Did you see her feet ?. I didn't they are hidden under her dress. How do you know they are 12cm high ? When she arrived she wore kitten heels and today she is wearing kitten heels again.

    2. It's not the shoes. She has a foot condition that causes her pain - from wearing high heels!

    3. Anonymous19/4/24 18:35

      Yes Lorraine it has been explained over and over that she has foot problems, but Anonymous 22:47 couldn't see her feet. I am sick and tired of all these people who are guessing things they cannot control. She might as well have worn flats under her dress, nobody sees it anyway.

  9. Anonymous17/4/24 23:12

    They ladies did not disappoint tonight!
    Maxima in the towering Stuart tiara and the bodice bow is a feast for the eyes.
    Letizia seemed a little subdued tonight.Apparently she was sat during the meet and greet part of the evening. But she still put her best foot forward and dazzled us with the I think Queen Ena diamond&pearl tiara. I think I prefer this tiara on Letizia.The fluer de lys always seems to wear her,instead of her wearing it.
    Lovely to see Princess Beatrix and her sister join the dinner.
    Amalia only twenty stood tall and confident,and looked pretty in her gown and adorning jewels. Lowri

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 14:28

      Queen Letizia has a foot problem.

    2. La tiara de la Reina Letizia no proviene de Ena sino de su suegra, la Regente Mª Cristina de Absburgo-Lorena.

  10. Just what we need to brighten a cold evening (well it is in the UK anyway) Fabulous tiaras but I'm a tiny bit disappointed in the dresses--just a tiny bit. Queen Maxima's dress is gorgeous but the colour is a little too dull. On the other hand, Queen Letizia's dress is a fabulous colour but the very prim neckline and sleeves aren't the most flattering at all. Difficult to see much of the dresses at the back but CP Catharina Amalia certainly looks good with her updo and tiara

  11. Anonymous18/4/24 00:29

    The ladies dresses are beautiful;I particularly like Catharina's;she looks very regal,her tiara is striking.,as are the earrings.,her makeup is stunning. I also particularly like the detail in the top of Maximas dress;the brooch or the jewels are lovely.Letizias dress is voluminous;but the neck line is too plain.Nothing like a right royal knees up;these two royal families aren't particularly rich;but they know how to do things in style.The roses on the table are beautiful (Tara)

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 05:43

      These two families aren’t particularly rich ???? You must be joking !!! Letitia married in a dress worth 6 million euros !!!!

    2. Anonymous18/4/24 06:57

      The Oranges are very rich indeed!

    3. Anonymous18/4/24 10:35

      6 millions euros?? And Who paid for It? I do not think that the Spanish government..LOL... Felipe has a salary: 225.000 euros pero years and Letizia: 130.000....per year..for everything..clothes included..
      The Oranges are rich...

    4. Anonymous18/4/24 12:01

      6 millions?? Are you crazy?? 6000 euros...!!? Do you know how much are 6 millions of euros???

    5. Anonymous18/4/24 13:48

      In Spain they do not have anything, even their House belongs to the State and places are public and you can visit them, nobody lives in a Palace. The last was the President of the Second Republic, Manuel Azaña.

    6. Anonymous18/4/24 19:06

      The Dutch RF are rich. What they lack in elegance and nobility they ‘ve compensated as good merchants.

    7. Anonymous18/4/24 20:11

      @Anonymous 13:48
      In most European countries with a monarchy the castles and palaces are belonging to the state. During Summer parts of the castles and/or palaces open their doors for the public and the tourists. Nowadays queens and kings and their children are living in parts of the castles that are transformed in apartments. The rest serves to receive foreign heads of state, to organize state banquets or concerts at Christmas or New Year. To gather with the government, to receive ambassadors of foreign countries, to organize their administrative services, etc... Sometimes they have personal property abroad, those who are (very) rich their richness is coming from their ancestors and if they are smart and know how to invest their money they can become richer and richer through the years. Just like a civilian can do with his savings. The only difference is that a civilian must work his whole life until he can be retired and pay for everything himself. The royals receive a budget that must be voted every year in parliament. From that budget they must pay for their children, themselves, to eat, money for the children's education, their personal needs, medical costs, engaging (a part of the) staff members. The buildings (castles and palaces) are looked after by the state since they are its property.
      There are probably differences from one country to another but in general that is how it works in most monarchies.

    8. Anonymous19/4/24 08:30

      Anon 20:11...in other countries they have investments , money, jewels..etc...in Spain It is not allowed...the Oranges have had a lot of money from Beatriz...you only need to look It up...

    9. Anonymous19/4/24 16:18

      @ Anon 20:11. I know that the Oranges are very rich, they were already rich before Beatrix. I recently read that Queen Beatrix will give 1 million Euro to each of her grandchildren. I know in Spain it is totally different, that's why I explained how it is generally going on in modern monarchies. I also know that King Felipe refused the heritage from his father when Juan Carlos abdicated. I finished my comment by writing "There are probably differences from one country to another,....." I talked about their property abroad, etc...
      I have always the impression that comments are not be reading carefully or not completely. Why am I still trying to explain something ? One last point I also wish to add. In all the European countries with a monarchy, the monarchies have to slim down. I think that is the only way to save the future of the Royal houses....

  12. Anonymous18/4/24 02:48

    What have happened to Constantine(?) and Laurentein, do they not attend state visits anymore. I haven’t seen them out in a while. Just asking.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 13:41

      It is Constantijn and Laurentien. They are not always there, they have their job too, especially Constantijn.

  13. Anonymous18/4/24 02:53

    Though all the jewels are gorgeous I don’t particularly like Letizia’s tiara on her. Its halo effect in combination with the unadorned neckline of her gown is a little stark. The blue color is a little harsh. I love the diamond and ruby jewels on Amalia, but on a 20 yo woman? Too much, I think. The Stuart Tiara on Máxima is magnificent. The top diamond has a very slightly blueish tint which goes very nicely with the soft blue/green gown. The kings look great.
    I think the Dutch royal family is very rich, but everything is relative, I suppose.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 18:04

      I couldn’t agree more!

  14. Anonymous18/4/24 02:54

    I'm in the minority here but I'm not loving QM's or QL's gowns.
    CPCA looks fabulous.

  15. Anonymous18/4/24 03:04

    Maxima est tout simplement magnifique.

  16. Anonymous18/4/24 07:37

    Wow!! Princess Catharina-Amalia looks beautiful - we're getting glimpses of how she would be as queen. She is best dressed in my eyes today.


  17. Anonymous18/4/24 07:48

    I think the jewellery on Amalia is lovely, but I also think she should have chosen another dress to show the necklace, instead of hiding it under some chiffon. The dress and the necklace do not work together. - Ellie

  18. Anonymous18/4/24 07:50

    It looks like the chiffon thing was an addition, when she decided to have something to cover her arms, for some reason. So, I think the chiffon drape is not part of the dress. - Ellie

  19. Toutes ces dames sont superbes. La princesse Amalia est vraiment belle ; je ne suis pas déçue car elle a su choisir ses bijoux de diamants/rubis comme je l'espérais ; magnifiquement bien coiffée !

  20. Letizia is truly ordinary, she may wear the clothes-bags-shoes of the best designers, crown jewellery and more, but still ordinary she remains.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 10:17

      Letizia is not ordinary if Felipe chose her to be his queen…

    2. Anonymous18/4/24 14:30

      Queen Letizia is a cultured and educated woman who is anything but ordinary .

    3. Y tú eres un troll, desagradable y antipática. No es difícil saber de dónde sales. Qué asco de gente chismosa y venenosa.

  21. Letizia is truly ordinary, she may wear the clothes, bags, shoes of the best designers, crown jewellery and more, but still ordinary she remains.

    1. Como te repites, me repito. Ordinaria y hater tú, marioscura

    2. Anonymous18/4/24 22:46

      Marilu, you’re grasping at straws here. The queen of Spain is none of those things.

  22. There is a quiet elegance to QL`s dress that allows her jewels to take centre stage, gorgeous colour. PC-A has gone over the top with jewellery why wear a necklace that cannot be seen, unless she eventually removed the cover-up cape. QM`s dress just seems a little too `girly` and the brooch is lost on such a pale colour. KP and KWA are the fashion stars here, imo.

  23. Anonymous18/4/24 09:23

    Overall 'wow' effect!

    In contradiction to the view of many others, I must admit that I feel that CPA's necklace underneath the cape adds a special touch to the overall look

  24. Anonymous18/4/24 11:22

    I don't understand why wearing a tiara, necklace and earrings with ruby's when your dress is blue. I don't like the pointy tiara on CP Amalia either. With her hair loose and another tiara and jewelry with blue stones she would have looked better (we saw her like that already on another gala, can't remember exactly when). I like Queen Maxima's light blue gown by Jan Taminiau. This designer rarely makes something that I don't like. Queen Letizia dress is simple but not finished for a gala and can easily be transformed into a dress that she can wear on a less formal event. The belt and the sleeves can stay. The only thing she has to do is have made the skirt smaller (and shorter if a day dress is needed). It is the 2nd or the 3rd time I see her in a navy dress for a state visit. The tiara is beautiful but a bit too big for her small face, but I think she has not much choice in tiara's and jewelry that belong to the Spanish royals.

    1. Thing is that the Peacock Ruby Tiara makes The Princess of Orange look even taller than she already is. She should have opted for perhaps a tiara that lies flatter on the head. Or bust out the Aquamarine Tiara which hasn't been seen in quite a while now.

    2. La Reina Letizia tiene exactamente 6 tiaras a su disposición ya usadas + 1 que aún no ha estrenado.

    3. Anonymous18/4/24 16:53

      Thanks for the information Angie. I never saw her with one of the other tiara's, unless on her wedding day. If she has to wear a tiara it is always this one in which I saw her.

    4. Anonymous19/4/24 01:00

      @Anon 11:22 If you visit more often, you may learn why it is perfectly acceptable, and even preferable at times, to wear jewels that are not matchy-matchy to the gown. It is so elementary, I wasn't sure you were being serious at first. Amalia looks lovely and has chosen her tiara and jewelry well.

    5. Anonymous19/4/24 16:35

      Anon. 01:00
      Maybe I am on this blog longer than you are and let me tell you something, my taste may differ from yours. I just said that the CP looked better with her hair loose and with the tiara and jewelry with the blue stones. She wore a blue dress too then. As a matter of fact I remember now when it was : on the 18th birthday party of Prince Christian of Denmark. She wore the ruby tiara and jewelry with a dark red dress on the wedding party of the crown prince of Jordan. I never said she was not lovely. I just said what I like more.

    6. Anonymous19/4/24 16:41

      @ Anon 01:00
      I wonder why you picked me out ? If I read the other comments about CP Amalia they are not so friendly. I always try to stay neutral and say what I like and what I don't like. The others, on the contrary....
      Signed Anon 11:22

  25. Anonymous18/4/24 13:12

    Wonderful tiaras were worn at the state banquet. I love Amalia's whole look, though I wish we could see more of that beautiful necklace. Maxima wears those larger tiaras well, and Letizia's gown is a perfect shade of blue. - Louise

  26. Anonymous18/4/24 13:53

    All of them are very good friends, William and Máxima started their relationship in Sevilla and they travel there for the feria every year. Also, Máxima is from Argentina with Spanish heritage.

  27. Anonymous18/4/24 14:21

    Amalia perfect. Maxima perfect. Letizia is drowning in a tiara that's way to big for her. Not impressed about her dress either.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 17:45

      For goodness sake Catharina-Amalia. So sorry my phone used autocorrect. Have no idea why he changed a personal name.

  28. Anonymous18/4/24 14:34

    Letizia is the only one not smiling at this gala. She doesn't look like she wants to be there and would rather be somewhere else. I can see why. These royal state banquets and dinners seem ridiculous in the 21st century.

    1. Anonymous18/4/24 15:25

      She needed to be sat, she was ill...Hello magazine!!

    2. Letizia tiene mucho dolor, no es que no quiera estar allí. Tiene metatarsalgia en los dos pies y un neuroma de Morton en el pie izquierdo. Habrá tenido un brote fuerte y por eso está sentada en el besamanos. Hace ya un año que lleva zapatos de tacón cómodo o plano.
      Si las cenas y banquetes de Estado le parecen ridículas, no entiendo qué hace usted aquí.

    3. Anonymous18/4/24 17:43

      Not ill, but have feet problem.

  29. Anonymous18/4/24 14:41

    Letizia's gown was far to full in the skirt, and rather plain in design, with too much of one colour. The jewelry was ok, nothing special. Maxima's gown was lovely. CP Amalia looked lovely, though we could not see much of the gown. Her necklace should have been worn 'over' the top of the neckline, not under. It paired well with her earrings.
    Beatrix looked beautiful as usual, but Margriet's gown appear much less formal than the other women.


    1. El vestido de Letizia es sobrio, pero absolutamente chic, moderno y elegante, como ella misma. Es una pena no haber podido verlo completo. Aquí está en la web del modisto:
      Psst, Helen, puedes copiarlo ;)

    2. Anonymous19/4/24 01:11

      @Edwina Amalia's necklace should be under the capelet because it can be removed at any time, much as a shawl would be. It is not a permanent part of the dress. Even if it was a permanent part of the dress, the necklace is visible. It is like wearing pearls, but tucking then into the collar of a dress so they peek out. It's a way of not overdoing it.

    3. Anonymous19/4/24 01:13

      @Angie Thank you for sharing the link. The gown looks beautiful.

  30. Anonymous18/4/24 19:02

    Maxima is showing too much skin and Letitia is too covered up. Amalia is wearing too much jewelry for her age and her demeanor makes her look much older. The House of Orange is the richest by far.

  31. Anonymous18/4/24 19:12

    A beautiful dress in a striking color for Amalia, but she looks so old with it. I think she looks up to her mother and copies her style ( clothing, make up, shoes, jewelry…). She should try and find her own style, dress younger. Still time enough to dress like a middle aged queen.

  32. Queen Maxima looks sensational. Her gown is stunning, love the color and style. Her choice of jewels, stunning. Perfect choices, I particularly love the Stomacher. Perfect placement.
    Queen Letizia looks beautiful, love this shade of blue.

  33. Anonymous19/4/24 22:51

    These Tiaras are serious bling. Love it and love it. All the RL looked stunning. Well, I looked at the Photos, was not invited. Hope they also had good food? css

    1. Anonymous20/4/24 15:12

      They sure did have good food: Crab cocktail with lobster dressing, tomato consomme, roasted asparagus, crusted rack of lamb, grilled aubergine, caramel tartlet, mocha to finish, and a selection of fine wines and champagne for toasting.
      - Anon 9:13


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