Working visit of Crown Princess Victoria to Bangladesh, 2nd day

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is making a four-day visit to Bangladesh in her capacity as Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme. On the second day of her working visit to Bangladesh, Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project in the Khulna district in eastern Bangladesh.

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

Crown Princess Victoria makes field visits to witness firsthand the impact of inclusive digital development on poverty reduction in rural Bangladesh. She visits initiatives led by women and young entrepreneurs, who are aiming to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Crown Princess Victoria visited a women-led community climate change adaptation project

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  1. Anonymous19/3/24 18:15

    Given the protocols of this visit, I'd say that this outfit is very appropriate for Victoria. It allows her much freedom of movement in carrying out her duties, it looks very comfortable and I've a feeling she must be very happy to be wearing it and not have to bother with the constraints of formal wear. Best of all, she looks great.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Nicely said @Anon 9:13 ...... thanks.

  2. Anonymous19/3/24 18:57

    Perfect! Victoria is always a hit in clothes that look comfortable and at ease. That makes Victoria’s eyes to shine even more! Ac

  3. Anonymous19/3/24 19:29

    On the 1st picture where CP Victoria is holding a little goat there is something weird. Her right arm the one on which she wears her watch is not a normal arm. It is much thicker than the same arm on the other pictures. What is going on with pictures of royals these days ?
    Nice outfit, very appropriate.

    1. Oh, that is weird. Is it possible that there is a second person's arm helping to hold the kid?

    2. Anonymous19/3/24 23:34

      It’s a muscle. Her muscles are very defined.

    3. Anonymous20/3/24 07:32

      @ Anonymous 19/3 23:34
      If you compare picture N°1 with picture N°4 you see the difference clearly. On picture N° 1 it is not a normal arm, muscles or no muscles.

  4. Pour cette visite de travail, Victoria a eu l’air d’aimer cette tenue très décontractée dans laquelle a dû se sentir très à l'aise !

  5. Anonymous19/3/24 22:00

    Maybe very practical, but to me this pant looks like launch wear. css

  6. Anonymous19/3/24 22:16

    Pj day?

  7. Anonymous20/3/24 01:11

    Perfect outfit for the agenda today--comfortable, loose, with lots of freedom of movement. I think Victoria is having a wonderful time and these photos show it. She's looking happy, relaxed, and good in her dressed down attire.


  8. This ensemble looks good, very appropriate for Victoria and her agenda. She looks very engaging and relaxed. A wonderful visit.

  9. Anonymous20/3/24 13:02

    Wonderful picture with the little goat!


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