The Duchess of Sussex attended the opening of SXSW 2024 Conference

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

On International Women's Day, March 8, the Duchess of Sussex attended the opening day of the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference at the Austin Convention Center. The Duchess took part in a panel titled "Breaking Barriers, Shaping Narratives: How Women Lead On and Off the Screen," alongside Katie Couric, Brooke Shields, Nancy Wang Yuen, and Errin Haines.

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

For the event, the Duchess wore a sea-salt silk set from Giuliva Heritage with a subtle pinstripe pattern. SXSW Festival, including the conference, is an annual event that celebrates the convergence of technology, film, music, education, and culture.

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

Meghan Markle wore a striped silk Husband shirt and a striped silk Lena skirt by Giuliva Heritage. Katie Couric and Brooke Shields

Meghan Markle wore Giuliva Heritage Husband Shirt in Striped Silk and Lena Skirt in Striped Silk
Giuliva Heritage Husband Shirt and Lena Skirt

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Oh, je suis un peu déçue par ce look particulièrement au niveau de la jupe qui est trop large et longue ; elle nous a habituées à des tenues convenant mieux à sa morphologie !

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 19:01

      seems like floor sweeping outfits are in vogue

  2. Anonymous9/3/24 12:42

    Didn't she complain that she could wear only beige while living with the royal family?
    Ana Katarina

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 13:06

      Vous vous ennuyez dans votre vie pour reposer cette même question à chaque apparition de Meghan. N’a t-elle pas le droit de changer d’avis quand elle veut ?Seuls les imbéciles n’en changent pas

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 13:38

      Yes, she did... ;)

    3. Anonymous9/3/24 13:56

      I wish her well, but she has said some crazy things along the way. This beige comment gets funnier every time! (Grace)

    4. Anonymous9/3/24 14:06

      Anon.13.06, and the conclusion is?

    5. Anonymous9/3/24 18:11

      Your Point being!!!

    6. No Anon 13:06, its recognition that she was playing us. She painted a picture of being constrained in many ways, including in her choice of clothing colors, working to play on our sympathies, but in reality, she's proven that she actually likes to wear beige - it a dominate color choice for her.

    7. Saying that you don't want to wear the same color all the time is not the same as saying you never want to wear that color. Which you should know.

    8. Anonymous10/3/24 09:55

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Anonymous10/3/24 10:06

      To 10/3 09.55 how very rude to say somebody has no "maturity". Would you tell that right into the face?

    10. Anonymous10/3/24 14:23

      Anonymous 9:55. Please exercise the maturity to which you refer, and leave the personal criticism of other commenters out of your comments. (Grace)

    11. Anonymous10/3/24 21:47

      @Carina I would absolutely say it to someone's face. I think a lot of people would. It is far less toxic than the things that are usually said on Meghan posts that are allowed to remain. And keep in mind this is a tame Meghan post. They are usually more toxic. See below:

      Post: "Please come back to the UK, we all miss you, Meghan!"
      Reply: "No, we don't..."
      Reply: "Said no british [sic] person ever."

      None of this is on topic, which is fashion. It could be out of a Mean Girls script. I won't go into detail on the usual "jokes" at Meghan's expense followed by 😂. I miss the days when this blog stuck to fashion and other comments were deleted.

    12. Anonymous11/3/24 07:33

      So, very anonymous 21.47, it was your comment, which was removed? Carina and Grace were so right. Asa

  3. Anonymous9/3/24 12:49

    I love how the outfit doesn’t in the least look like a silk bed sheet that’s been slept in.It sits in the most flattering way.The choice is perfect for such an event.Very businesslike. The whole look hair & outfit, is tidy and professional,in keeping with the other speakers. Good job!

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 13:39

      You are joking?

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 14:38


    3. Anonymous9/3/24 17:42

      Dann sind wir ja alle beruhigt!

    4. Anonymous9/3/24 21:49


    5. Anonymous12/3/24 01:07

      My thoughts exactly. She really hit the mark this time!

  4. Anonymous9/3/24 13:07

    The mustard, pink and grey suits of three of the women look good on stage for this event. I don’t find the silk outfit structured enough for the stage, although if it weren’t so pricy ( EUR900 for the shirt and EUR900 for the skirt), it might make a comfortable outfit to wear casually. As for the event itself, I don’t understand Meghan’s qualification to speak on women’s leadership issues (would someone describe her history in leadership roles if it’s known/exists?), and I always feel it’s a weird modern problem that famous people get the platform to speak on a subject they really only have opinions about and not experience in, while millions of less known far more qualified people will not get that chance to share their expertise … but I do understand that for a conference organiser it’s a huge win to get in a well known person. - AnneLise

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 14:10

      Totally agree. Annelies

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 14:42

      I believe Archwell donated to the event,which subsequently allowed her a seat on stage.I don’t know the history of the other ladies.But you’re right,so many experienced unheard voices out there,that this would have been an amazing platform for them.

    3. Anonymous9/3/24 16:22

      I agree with you, AnneLise, fashionwise and the leadership issue.

    4. Anonymous9/3/24 18:29

      Any suggestions as to who out of the "millions of less known but far more qualified people out there" should have spoken instead? MM took part in a panel titled "How women lead on and off the screen". Please enlighten me, who should have attended and spoken in her place? I'm serious. As an afterthought, would this person only give a lecture or also being able to attract media attention and shine a light on a worthy cause? This might be what this is all about, but what do I know? Please share your expertise.

    5. Anonymous9/3/24 19:07

      You could always google the other ladies too -- journalists, tv-presenters, actresses and a professor of sociology. I think that's a good combination of women to discuss the topic in question. I suspect it was about any kind of business leadership per se. I often find it quite odd that many of the women commenting here (I presume most of us identify as female) express such hatred and resentment towards Meghan, who has promoted feminist issues her whole life and continues to do so still. She fights for all of us women but you want to fight against her. Why?

    6. Anonymous9/3/24 19:41

      I agree completely with Paula. I also agree with most others that this outfit is a bit too casual for this event. Hair, make-up and accessories look great, I love her hair like this. Damsel Dragonfly

    7. Anonymous9/3/24 20:04

      In my opinion the best way to enhance women’s involvement in society as equal is by doing, so: go working in any profession you like or are qualified for, and not by conferences and giving speeches.

    8. Dear AnneLise
      Sorry but for hand made fashion products made in Italy, I don’t find the shirt and skirt expensive.
      And it has the possibility for doing a mix and match rewear.

    9. Anonymous10/3/24 16:59

      You are so right Deadeggs, it is not that expensive, when you see and feel the quality. I have just bought the Carla shirt (half price in a german online shop), it's wonderful (but not easy to clean unfortunatly...). anna e.

    10. Anonymous12/3/24 08:26

      Was ist an dem Hemd Hand gemacht?

      Die Knopflöcher sind mit der Maschine genäht und die Knöpfe auch.
      Der Kragen schließt schlecht wie bei den meisten industriellen Produkten.

      Ich komme aus der Fertigung. Die Lohn-Minute des Landes, in dem das Kleidungsstück genäht wird, ist ausschlaggebend und der Gewebepreis.
      Es ist alles total überteuert. Das Geld fließt nicht in die Produktion der Kleidung, sondern in die Tasche der Marken-Besitzer.

      Etwas anderes ist, wenn das Kleidungsstück direkt auf den Leib geschneidert wird.
      Aber mit der Hand näht da auch niemand mehr.

  5. Ladyofthemanor9/3/24 13:21

    I don´t like the skirt. It is too long and hangs strangely at the hip. A pair of wide silk trousers would have been much better

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 14:07

      Agree to you, Ladyofthemanor! anna e.

    2. Anonymous10/3/24 09:03

      Personally - to me it's very likeable - on trend.
      She knocked it out of the park.

  6. Anonymous9/3/24 14:32

    Waiting for the hate online she experienced and talked about is gonna start here too. Meghan looks great. No photo of Harry who was there too?

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 17:45

      He sat in the frontrow ( see bbc news online, also her speaking strangley)

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 19:09

      Sadly, it seems to have started here already... :-/

    3. Anonymous11/3/24 02:32

      A recent US appearance by Meghan and Harry. Much appreciated by the family who has experienced tragedy. Meghan stays with subdued yet elegant color and lines in her clothing. It is her style.

    4. Anonymous11/3/24 12:09

      Agree. I read that article on CNN and my thought was someone is gonna be able to turn this private meeting into something negative. Just wait until this blog publish it.

  7. Anonymous9/3/24 15:41

    Such a beautiful, flowing, and feminine shape and moves well on Meghan. The color is lovely on her and still professional. In answer to the poster who had a question about Meghan’s involvement in women’s issues, she has been involved since she was a child. She wore to a major manufacturer about sexist advertising due to an ad she saw when she was around 12 years old. They actually listened and changed the ad. This was written about extensively when she was first engaged to Harry. She has been involved in the struggle to destigmatize menstruation in certain countries around the world. There are many other examples. Just google—and be careful of the many hate sites that have been set up to attack her.

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 17:48

      O dear, and some speeches make her that important ( and no, that's no hatespeech, opinions are not only allowed, but very important)?

  8. Anonymous9/3/24 16:08

    Please come back to the UK, we all miss you, Meghan!

    1. Per quale motivo manca così tanto nel Regno Unito?

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 17:48

      No, we don't...

    3. Anonymous9/3/24 20:31

      For heavens sake U.K. is a country for those who blindly obey the authorities and for people who spout opinions rudely. Since Diana's death, the level has gone to the bottom drawer.

    4. Anonymous9/3/24 21:52

      Please don’t! The Royal Family has enough to deal with at the moment without a manipulative and divisive person in the mix

    5. Anonymous10/3/24 00:25

      Totally agree with you, Anon 21:52. While I wish she was not here in US. It would be worse if she were there especially right now.

    6. Anonymous10/3/24 00:39

      Said no british person ever.

    7. Anonymous10/3/24 01:03

      Anon 20:31.
      I always thought Diana took it to the bottom drawer with her manipulation of the press.

    8. Anonymous10/3/24 09:15

      The British press (a. s. European tabloids) belongs to Murdoch and, as is well known, he is very connected to the royal family and especially to Prince William.

    9. Anonymous11/3/24 21:11

      😂 good joke, it works!

  9. Anonymous9/3/24 16:13

    Katie Couric is unrecognizable. What happened? diq

  10. Anonymous9/3/24 16:15

    Meghan has intrinsic elegance. Her bone structure is beautiful and her silhouette is quite delicate. I have always liked the subdued colors (yes, she’s worn red and yellow on occasion) and simple lines that she wears that do not interfere with focus on her features.

    1. Anonymous9/3/24 16:59

      Her plastic surgeon will be delighted to hear that. Give credit where it’s due,he/she has done an amazing job.

    2. Anonymous9/3/24 17:49

      Now, features?

    3. Anonymous9/3/24 19:12

      Hey, you hating anonymouses here -- or are you one and the same person -- why do you hate her? Please tell us! Has she done something evil to you personally??

    4. The trolls are back in town, as expected.

    5. Anonymous10/3/24 08:07

      Paula, lot's of your comments here, must be very important...

    6. Anonymous10/3/24 08:08

      Why "trolls" ( by the way, in Island we have many of them), when sharing opinions?

    7. Anonymous10/3/24 09:29

      Agree -
      Anon 16:15
      Meghan is a real natural beauty who studied successfully. As an actress in suits she was as well very successful and she is a real selfmade millionaire.
      She a very big exception in world of the rich nobility.
      That's why all the begrudgingly people are so jeallous to death.

    8. Anonymous10/3/24 10:10

      Anon 09.29, you are familiar with her bankaccount? Very impressiv indeed. The rest of your comment, well...

  11. Anonymous9/3/24 16:37

    I do not really care for the outfits any of the women on stage are wearing. The trend for overly long pants is not my preference. Meghan’s outfit specifically looks too big and rather rumpled.
    -Royal Watcher

  12. Quite messy, again. I wish she'd find a better stylist. Or maybe she has a good style, but just doesn't take the good advice she pays for.

  13. Anonymous10/3/24 00:42

    Megan's recognition in fashion is long overdue. It has to be difficult to make expensive garments look like ill fitted pajamas, and yet she does it every single time!

  14. I don't like Meghan's outfit at all. The skirt is not good at all. Described as a bedsheet somewhere else, I feel is a apt description of it. Very creased, and way too long and wide, it envelopes her figure. The shirt is not so bad. The cost of this outfit is extremely pricy. The color beige is bland, when she spoke of wearing this color before, to stay neutral and not clash with other royal members, seem's strange now, she wears alo't of this color. Her earrings are nice.

    1. Anonymous12/3/24 06:54

      The troll farm has a new member. Why retreat into the past about color choices 5 years on. Your keen sense of fashion was always a pleasure to read. Now it's ruined by the pettiness of second hand outrage for a family that clings to a class system to keep others in their 'place'.

    2. Anonymous12/3/24 13:33

      Nah, anonymous, Ava has earned her place here. She makes good commentary and is allowed her own opinions. The trolls I worry about tend to write comments mostly on Meghan posts, but Ava is not one of the “Anonymouses”. (Grace)

  15. Anonymous10/3/24 04:20

    From a fashion perspective Meghan does not look her best. The outfit is too big for her petite frame and it needs a good pressing. The first few months of her marriage to Harry, were her best years fashion wise.

  16. Anonymous10/3/24 07:20

    As a non British I am always surprised how many comments, positive and negative, I can read here when Meghan is involved.
    1. The comments about the color beige she wears is stupid. Yesterday I was doing my shopping and in all the boutiques I took a quick look. What did I see ? All sorts of beige, darker beige, lighter beige, off-white, white, and combinations among these colors. You like it or you don't, but Meghan is only following trends. Is that a crime ? No
    2. I can read much jealousy in the comments. Just because it is her that is speaking there.
    3. Somebody talked about plastic surgery ? To me she looks exactly the same since the first pictures I saw from her and Harry or maybe a little bit older (and wiser). On the contrary the royal ladies who had visible plastic surgery are countless.
    4. Why so much hate. Isn't there already enough hate in the world today ?

    1. Anonymous10/3/24 08:06

      I totally agree with your points Anon 07:20.

    2. Anonymous10/3/24 08:23

      Dear Anonymous, from reading here over many years, way before Meghan, I think it’s quite a varied group of nationalities here in the comments, mostly not British like you. It’s fair to say that since Meghan joined Harry, the interest in global royal watching seems to have increased - and although there are so many “anonymouses” posting, it seems we have many more Americans here (welcome). It’s also a reasonable observation that the posts that get the most comments are on Meghan. Many of the regular commenters state their fashion observations as for any other royal - whether they like an outfit or not - but what seems to be different is the number of defenders who call the fashion comments “hate” or “jealousy”. Some are definitely tinged with the regret around Meghan’s criticism of her time in the UK, from where the beige comments come, which I find pretty funny. She did make a fuss around it and subsequently does seem to favour beige - while shops are always full of diverse colours, especially when her budget gives an enormous range of options. Regarding her speaking, her speeches tend to be empty of substance or ideas for concrete change; I don’t think it’s jealousy that has people asking why her, but frustration around a person who has become very rich through marrying into a family she subsequently harshly criticised, but now uses that money to buy a seat at a big event, flies in by private jet, wears beige and then doesn’t answer any of the pre-arranged questions.

    3. Anonymous10/3/24 08:48

      I don’t agree with all your points but I love that you ask why the hate. We should always be careful to be fair. Thank you. With respect to the beige comment, I’m afraid Meghan did make a big point around it as a criticism of the royal family and with her subsequently wearing quite a lot of it, it’s natural for people to find it amusing or bewildering now. Many comments here about her dress sense or the fashion pieces she wears are not hateful, and are just observations, made similarly for other royal women featured here. There does however seem to be a lot of Meghan defence on Meghan posts that becomes personal and mean and I too dislike it. Let’s be kind - AnneLise

    4. Anonymous10/3/24 09:31

      100% Agree

    5. Thank you @anon 10/3/24 07:20 and thank you for @Paula too. It's funny how people don't want Meghan here and don't want to read about her - but then she always gets the most comments! So many hate her but in the same time they are addicted to her, isn't it a litte bit weird?
      Pale colours are a nightmare to me, but Meghan looks perfect in that colour. Her hair looks beautiful too.

    6. In a digital newspaper (Saturday 09 March ???) they had this to say ……
      "At this point, Meghan has made her uniform clear.
      The Duchess of Sussex has a penchant for neutral tones and elegant cuts, be it a camel Sentaler cape or vanilla Proenza Schouler frock.
      She stayed consistent on Friday afternoon at South by Southwest in Austin, TX (and on International Women's Day, no less), where she appeared on a panel in head-to-toe grey and beige stripes.

    7. Anonymous10/3/24 10:17

      Agree to 08.23, well said!

    8. Anonymous10/3/24 13:30

      @ Anonymous 08:23
      You forget that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan earned money of their own. They worked since they left the U.K. I suppose Meghan had money she earned herself before she met Harry. Didn't they pay back all the money that has been spent on Frogmore cottage to give them a home of their own ? Which they cannot even visit anymore because they are not welcome there.
      The last paragraph of your comment tells exactly what I meant in mine : lots of jealousy, lots of envy, lots of hate.
      Feelings I don't have. In other royal families in Europe there was a king one day. When he returned from honeymoon a great part of the furniture, a great part of the family jewelry, valuable objects all gone and sold later through Sotheby's, Christie's, etc... Was there hate like I see now with Harry and Meghan ? Probably there was, but the civilians didn't get any richer or poorer, so everybody said it was a scandal. Those who were responsible for doing so never worked which cannot be said from Harry and Meghan. They just wanted their freedom, which is only human.

    9. Anonymous10/3/24 16:23

      To 13.30: what are you talking about (and where is the proof of all this ... rubbish?)?
      And fashionwise, because that's this site about?

    10. Anonymous10/3/24 18:28

      I completely agree with you Anonymous10/3/24 08:23.


    11. Anonymous10/3/24 18:38

      Agree to 07.20, yes, yes, yes
      /AA 🇸🇪

    12. Anonymous11/3/24 07:55

      07.20 👍agree on every word you wrote and to 08:23 using the anonymous point being a anonymous herself and writing this trying to tell us this is not hate or nastiness -Regarding her speaking, her speeches tend to be empty of substance or ideas for concrete change. 👎 PS I'm not British or American, but are able to see that Meghan just has to breathe and hate fills the comments. So we can hide behind whatever we want, but your are see through on this subject. Sandra.

    13. Anonymous11/3/24 11:54

      Sandra, so completely wrong, any opinion on fashion?

    14. Anonymous11/3/24 13:40

      16:23 Chris
      No rubbish at all. Maybe you are too young to know things about other royals. I am just comparing Harry and Meghan with other royal couples I have known in the past. Fashionwise I already gave my opinion that wearing beige is not a crime. People have the right to change their mind after a couple of years or after a long time. Exemple : Today I think I prefer blue. Maybe in 3 years I would not like to wear blue anymore, so what ? Did it hurt somebody ? Not at all.

  17. Anonymous10/3/24 08:24

    Right or wrong, at least she has a personality with own opinions and the gut to speak up on topics closed to her heart, not trying to fit into the mould to be seen as perfect at all cost. Of course she annoys the Brit Firm who is trying to hide all their dirty sheets and shut down what makes them look bad. She continues a bit like what Diana did, but well it’s more real of human being in my opinion. At least it’s authentic, not fake. At least it’s not boring trying to hard to be perfect.

    1. Anonymous10/3/24 10:16

      Calm down, Mandy, it is about fashion here

    2. Anonymous10/3/24 13:32

      I agree with Mandy. Why always that little sentence "calm down". We are calm, we just are not afraid to say what is really going on.

    3. Anonymous10/3/24 16:24

      Seems "we" are the opposite of calm, talk about fashion

    4. Anonymous10/3/24 17:35

      You are not calm, @13:32. Every single post in this website has criticism, and yet it's only with Meghan that you people get all up in arms to defend. How about you accept people have different opinions than you? And thank God for that.

    5. Anonymous10/3/24 19:09

      Anon 13.32, neither are we yet many of you don’t seem to like it

    6. Anonymous11/3/24 21:09

      @Anon 17:35. I think you don’t count well. There are more harsh comments towards Meghan than other royals. A few like us - “we” - are trying to see other side of this woman. Far from defending her as an admirable person, but it’s not all bad in her raising voice, concerns that bother many because the truth is never pleasant to be admitted by the Firm. Don’t worry, “we” are all calm, no heated argument here. Lets us in this blog keep calm and move on as they said 😉

  18. Anonymous10/3/24 09:34

    1800 euros for a nightqown 😬?

    1. Anonymous11/3/24 21:14

      Yea … agree with you, mad price isn’t it for this ugly gown !

  19. Anonymous10/3/24 15:42

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous10/3/24 16:26

      When will you learn the difference between fashion critic and (real) hate? Begin your journey with reading sone fashioncritics from Karl Lagerfeld...

    2. Anonymous10/3/24 18:40

      You normally find people don’t like it when a person lies and deceives,bringing pain and heartbreak, it sorts clouds your opinion of them.Hope that helps answer your wtf question.

    3. Anonymous11/3/24 07:36

      When will you learn that when it comes to Meghan she could be dressed perfectly and still the hate would flow. That you hide behind fashion criticism it's just funny.

    4. Anonymous11/3/24 07:37

      Agree to you anon 16.26, fashion critics can be quite harsh, and Karl L. was the master!

    5. Anonymous11/3/24 10:48

      7.26, and when will y o u learn?

    6. Anonymous11/3/24 11:59

      I have learned to treat all the royals after the same standard. I also learned common decency at home, but thank you for asking.

    7. Anonymous11/3/24 21:00

      Euuuh sorry, how can you speak about ‘decency’ when you start your comment with ‘wtf’ ??

    8. Anonymous11/3/24 21:05

      18:40, you're f* kidding me? If heartache and pain is a faux pas, why doesn't Charles get the same treatment? After all, he outed his parents publicly. Called his mother cold and his father a bully that mocked and called him a wimp. And what about Harry's heartache? Have you tried to think what if Harry's right? After all, he told us the same story Diana did, and got the same flack for it too. Just as him mom. And strangely enough, we also heard much of the same story from Sarah after her divorce. There is something rotten in Buckingham.

  20. Fashion wise, as usual, her outfits are very expensive, wrinkled, and way too large for her.

    1. @Kteach
      Got a positive point tucked away somewhere about her ensemble?

  21. Anonymous10/3/24 20:15

    She looks like a fish out of water in that colorless oversize super expensive wrinkled outfit as compared to the other panelists.

  22. Anonymous10/3/24 20:34

    Re: some ladies on the stage who are NOT Meghan. The woman in the mustard suit looks wonderful, also great color on Ms Couric

  23. Anonymous10/3/24 21:16

    As usual. Each of these ladies has "creases" from sitting, not "wrinkles" (all over the garments), suggesting they walked on stage with their clothes not pressed or steamed. This is another example of looking for something to find fault with.

  24. She never looks polished. It is either the hem is too long on a jkt or sleeves to long. Doesn't her dresser stand her in front of a mirror and make adjustments before it is ticked of on, for the occasion. The stylist needs to be shot. This is just a mess and the shoes are for shopping a barbeque. It is nice to be different but not through bad styling and ill fitting clothes.

    1. Anonymous12/3/24 06:05

      Wow, Sharni! I hardly think you need to promote violence because you don't like current styles or a person's particular taste. Shooting a stylist is going a bit too far, don't you think? Most of the women on the panel are wearing deliberately oversized garments due to current fashion trends. Don't wear them if you don't like them. Murdering a stylist won't make them go away. As for Megan's shoes, they are Valentino mules with a pointed toe. They are quite appropriate for her outfit, and not at all appropriate for a barbecue. Pity you didn't look them up before making that comment.

  25. Anonymous11/3/24 07:33

    A pitty the dresser never makes adjustments.;center,top&resize=980:*

  26. Anonymous11/3/24 07:39

    Put a sock in it even Daily Mail had to admit Meghan looks stunning.

    1. Anonymous11/3/24 12:14

      Put a sock in what? This an open blog where different people express different opinions. All are welcome - unless accompanied by nasty, mean or unfair language, and your “put a sock in it” is verging on unfair. (Grace)

  27. Anonymous11/3/24 11:47

    I've never heard of SXSW, so no comments on that. However, Meghan looks great in this silk ensemble. From the hair to the make-up and the skirt and blouse, all looks beautiful to me.



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