Queen Maxima visited the Military Rehabilitation Center Aardenburg

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

On Friday morning, March 22, Dutch Queen Maxima visited the Military Rehabilitation Center Aardenburg in Doorn. The center serves soldiers and civilians who are on recovery after an accident, surgery, illness or stroke.

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

The Queen received information from the commander of the rehabilitation center about the different treatment methods, about the care for soldiers aimed at their return to their units and about the nutritional concept that is part of the rehabilitation program.

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn, and with their rehabilitation doctors and physiotherapists. Injured soldiers with complex conditions receive specialist care in the rehabilitation center that is not or less available in Ukraine.

Queen Maxima spoke with Ukrainian soldiers who are recovering in Doorn. Queen Maxima wore a double breasted blazer by Zara

Queen Maxima wore Zara tailored double breasted blazer and full length trousers
Zara tailored double breasted blazer and full length trousers

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Couleur fuchsia subtilement portée sous cet ensemble blazer/pantalon de couleur Bordeaux. Pas du tout fan de ses bottes ou bottines mais que représentent ses boucles d'oreilles ?!

    1. They look like snails to me. Nice color, though.

  2. Anonymous22/3/24 18:16

    Nice suit; like the color, like the pant length. It's good the Ukrainian soldiers are getting medical attention. Christine

  3. Anonymous22/3/24 18:34

    Maxima, doing what she does best and looking great while doing it. I wish that the jacket was a little more fitted and shaped, but otherwise it's a fab outfit. Love the colours and the style.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. Anonymous22/3/24 18:47

    I like this suit but with shoes not the boots. Is her maximas hair a slightly darker colour than normal? Or is it just the light/ time of year. Km

  5. Anonymous22/3/24 19:02

    Hair is just awful. A queen should not look like this.

    1. Anonymous22/3/24 23:34

      It serves no purpose to have this said every time. There is so much more to Maxima than her hair.

    2. Anonymous23/3/24 02:42

      Agree, a woman who is Queen, should have more personal pride in keeping her hair well groomed.

    3. Anonymous23/3/24 03:53

      Thank you 23:34. (Grace)

    4. In HER style, hair is ok here. Soft, and even wind has hardly any effect on it.

    5. Anonymous23/3/24 13:11

      Who are you to decide what is appropriate for a queen or not?
      This is an informal visit and this is her informal style. She is more than capable of looking queenly when the occasion requires it!

  6. Anonymous22/3/24 21:10

    I'm impressed by how much kindness and interest Maxima shows towards people. I like the way she talks to the man and he smiles back.
    Love the suit.

    1. Ava Pittman23/3/24 22:12

      Agree with you
      She cares deeply
      That’s obvious

  7. Anonymous23/3/24 02:59

    Queen Maxima is marvelous! Her kindness, warmth, and genuine interaction here is so admirable. Not everyone could do what she is doing--and she is so natural too. Her choice of attire makes it easy for her to move, bend, etc so that she can interact better with the patients. She looks so good here because she is just being herself. Beautiful suit--fits so well and the colors are so good for her. Her minimal makeup is perfect--I wish she would choose this look more as it really suits her.


  8. Anonymous23/3/24 16:38

    I love Queen Maxima in this suit. Beautiful colors. I don't mind the boots. One can hardly see them under the pants. Good length and shape of her pants too.

  9. Anonymous23/3/24 19:58

    I sought for a word for how she looks and thought: “cheap”.
    When I scrolled down I saw: Zara….

    1. Anonymous25/3/24 17:18

      It is odd. When Queen Letizia wears Zara nobody says she looked "cheap". When CP Victoria and Queen Maxima wear Zara, all of a sudden it is not good quality, it is looking "cheap", it doesn't fit, etc...

  10. Anonymous24/3/24 00:08

    Love this color combo! It’s fresh and modern and energetic. All the same things that this Queen is IMO.

  11. Anonymous24/3/24 13:26

    Hair, a disaster as usual. I read another persons post and it stated how I feel that Maxima misses the mark. "In the global media of today appearances count." However, this woman obviously doesn't care about her appearance other than to shock with outlandish outfits, and not care about the crowing glory of a woman, her hair. Its just such a shame. No nasty comments, I will not respond to them as this is my personal opinion, not any one else's.


  12. Anonymous24/3/24 23:03

    Nice look today. css


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