Queen Maxima attended the launch of MIND Us' new support tool

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

On March 26, Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attended the launch of MIND Us' online support tool aiming at adults to teach them how they can support young people with emerging mental complaints by offering a listening ear and asking the right questions . The event took place at Skatepark. Queen Maxima is honorary president of The MIND Us Foundation.

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore a gray jacket by Natan. Celedonio spider brooch. Natan gray wide leg trousers

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous26/3/24 19:43

    First photo says it all. She spent very little time, if anything other than shaking her head (yet another day with ratty hair), and more attention to the wardrobe and jewelry. Sad, she has such little respect for the position she married into in life. Joannie

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 15:04

      You know you are insulting a queen by saying she has little respect for the position she married into. I think she has much respect for the Royal family of the Netherlands. She loves her husband and her children. She is loved by her mother in law and her family in law and she loves them all. It is not because someone is not dressing stiff like in the old days that she has no respect. It is not because someone's hair has not been treated very well in the past that she has no respect. She is showing here that one can look very attractive in old clothes that are hanging in your dressing room and artistic jewelry. She even changed something to her hair. It is a bit shorter and a bit darker than usual, maybe she is working on a new hairstyle. It can take some time before the effort will be visible. But better do it slowly than using again dangerous products that are bad for everyone's hair and that are slowly but surely replaced by natural and biological treatments which do no harm. In The Netherlands most people prefer a queen that is friendly with the common people and their children, who is concerned when she is visiting institutions with mentally sick people or handicapped, who is not afraid to serve coffee and cake together with her husband, in a home for elderly, who is concerned and ready to help where she can.

    2. Anonymous28/3/24 00:40

      That is a very modern hairstyle, not the stiff and lacquered one of Queen Elizabeth. Queen Maxima looks very much like a modern monarch.. Sarah

    3. Anonymous31/3/24 14:04

      How can you compare Queen Maxima's hairstyle with Queen Elizabeth's ? Queen Maxima does not look like a modern monarch, she IS a modern monarch. If you wish to compare her hairstyle with a lady of the generation of the late Queen Elizabeth, you could have chosen Princess Beatrice Maxima's mother in law she had always a stiff lacquered hairstyle when she was queen. You could have chosen the late Queen Fabiola she also had a stiff lacquered hairstyle. There are modern monarchs who have short hair but not stiff and lacquered (Princess Charlene, GD Maria Teresa, even Queen Sonja who is older has a lovely short hairstyle). It is an obsession that Queens and Princesses should have long hair. I think it comes from the very old fairy tales in which queen's and princesses always had long hair.

  2. Anonymous26/3/24 19:52

    This is a flattering outfit on Maxima but the spider brooches are an emphatic no for me.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 00:51

      I love spiders, but these are a bit..in your face?

    2. Anonymous27/3/24 11:33

      Agree about the spider brooches…yikes!

  3. Belle silhouette de Maxima : je n'aime pas du tout ses broches mais je ne garderai que ses boucles d'oreilles ; élégante sa veste structurée ceinturée sur un élégant pantalon !

  4. Anonymous26/3/24 20:08

    She looks great. But the spiders.........

  5. Nice outfit, Maxima looks good in all respects, except the 2 animals climbing on her top. In addition to the size, they do fit with the earrings.

  6. Anonymous26/3/24 20:26

    Those spider brooches are hideous.

  7. Ah, Queen Maxima is giving her favourite spider brooches an outing.
    We have seen them before, about 5 times now.
    They are from the Argentinian jeweler/designer known as Celedonio.
    He does some very creative, beautiful and sometimes zany creations.
    Right up Queen Max’s street.

  8. Anonymous26/3/24 21:07

    Maxima looks great today, especially the fitted top with those spiders. It's brave to wear brooches like these, they look really scary. So Maxima :-)
    Her hair looks a bit darker than usual, it suits her well.
    Damsel Dragonfly

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 11:33

      She looks terrific in any way indeed

  9. Her trousers are at least 22 years old! She wore them in 2002, around the time of her marriage.

    1. But did you read about the coat Princess Anne wore for her visit a couple of days ago to Lockerbie in Scotland.
      It appears she first wore the coatr on December 25 in 1990 for the Royal Christmas Service at Sandringham Church.
      So it’s been a guest in her wardrobe for over 30 years.

    2. Anonymous27/3/24 13:45

      @deadeggs, some old clothes should stay in the closet imo.

    3. Anonymous27/3/24 17:14

      Maxima's contemporary jackets have spiders. Anne's 30+yo coats have moths. ;)
      - Anon 9:13

    4. Anonymous28/3/24 23:51

      Your point is?

    5. Anonymous28/3/24 23:53

      Your point is…..?

  10. Anonymous26/3/24 21:30

    Between the futuristic pointy shoulders (thanks to Natan) and the creepy-crawlie accessories, I love that Maxima is shaking up royal fashion with some risks, lol. Perfect outfit for a meeting with young people, who must have appreciated her zany sense of fun. :)
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 12:51

      One could ask the following question "Who was first or who copied who with the pointy shoulders : Alexander McQueen or Natan ?"

    2. Anonymous27/3/24 17:10

      @Anon 12:51 Maybe it was neither, though Maxima's jacket is by Natan.
      Maybe it was Jean Paul Gaultier or Thierry Mugler who did it first.
      - Anon 9:13

  11. Anonymous26/3/24 21:52

    Toujours aussi ravissante

  12. Virginia Dogwood27/3/24 00:28

    Queen Maxima looks amazing, and I think she has lost some weight, maybe that's why she has pulled out older clothes. I like the belt and fitted waist. I love the spiders - so very whimsical, but I might have gone with only one since they are a bit overwhelming. Overall - great look!!

  13. Anonymous27/3/24 01:37

    I love those spiders, so beautiful and fun! 🕷🕷 Does her hair look a bit darker than before?

  14. Anonymous27/3/24 03:08

    wow my comment was not posted, freedom of speech reigns supreme. Its all in who you are on this blog. Maxima's hair: terrible Outfit, nice color.

  15. Anonymous27/3/24 06:49

    The jacket has a beautifull cut and matches great with the trousers.
    Hair : shorter and more in the direction of her natural colour: much better!
    All in all: classy outfit!

  16. I am not fond of the pointy shoulders or the spiders but on a positive note her hair looks reasonable today.

  17. Anonymous27/3/24 07:53

    I’m the only one here who loves those elegant spiders 😆 Looks like M really has lost some weight

  18. Those spiders look creepy and bold at the same time. Waiting for the next episods from "Wednesday". Kudos to her if her trousers are 22 years old like @Zita said! I like her whole outfit.

  19. Ladyofthemanor27/3/24 08:53

    Without the very pointy shoulders this would be awn excellent outfit

  20. Anonymous27/3/24 09:07

    Maxima has let out a few of her critter pins! How fun! I knew the moment I saw them that they would get a negative reaction from the conservative group here. I love seeing them again.

    1. In an interview with a Buenos Aires journalist, the creator of Queen Max’s spider brooches, Celedonio Lohidoy, had this to say….. ….
      ”Máxima is very educated, a lady, she deserves the title of queen, because she was always hyper-positioned and kind. She is encouraged, she is not afraid, she does not have to go around proving anything. I really like a woman who is self-confident”.
      The journalist is Maria Paula Zacharias and I think the interview may have been in Spanish.

    2. Anonymous27/3/24 11:35

      What has being conservative have to do with not liking the spider brooches? Many people from all beliefs don’t like spiders!

    3. Anonymous27/3/24 11:40

      As someone with a bit of arachnophobia (like many people) I can do without the spider brooches! But Maxims’s hair looks a tiny bit better than usual and over all she looks great.

    4. P. the original27/3/24 13:38

      @ Deadeggs
      Regardless Q. Maxima's brooch shape ,I think that Mr Lohidoy nailed it in the head.
      That's my same feeling about Q.Maxima.
      And that's why I esteem her so much.
      I can relate to her in many respects, particularly as far as her personality is concerned.
      Marvellous Maxima!

  21. Anonymous27/3/24 12:13

    My post yesterday, never appeared, even though I left my name. Freedom of speech is everyone's right, as is their opinion. It is my opinion that Maxima's lack of appearing at official functions with that stringy look hair is a bad image for the public, and shows a distinct lack of respect for the job she married into. She can make it look nice, even beautiful at times, when she wants to. She is intelligent, beautiful, so when she has the title of Queen, does the head of hair look like a bed-head? It is my opinion, no nasty comments. Joannie

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 15:34

      Maybe your post never appeared because it didn't add anything to the conversation. The continuous comments about Maxima's hair are tiresome. She doesn't do it deliberately, it is just the hair she has. There is a comment up-thread (maybe yours) saying her looks terrible, while complaining about original comment not being posted. It has gotten to the point where people say her hair is bad when she is having a good hair day. It has become a habit. Her hair is good for her on this visit. We need to be realistic. We don't treat men this way. Imagine attacking all the men who don't have a full head of thick hair. Some people show very little compassion.

    2. Anonymous27/3/24 15:53

      A lot of Ladies out there have trouble with their hair/ hair loss.for various reasons.Extension can make it worse. There are a lot of reasons for " ratty" hair other than not carrying or being lazy. You don't want nasty comments. How about extending the same courtesy to another human being. Whatever Title. Regine

    3. Anonymous27/3/24 20:06

      The poster did not say the Queen was lazy, nor was it nasty. It is the posters right to say what she/he feels, just like everyone else on this blog, you two might not like it, but it is the posters opinion.

  22. Anonymous27/3/24 14:41

    The hair is lokking better here, not good, but much better. Possibly because the darker colour is more natural.

  23. Anonymous27/3/24 15:07

    I like the brooches as I think they look great with the slightly zany pointy shoulders. Its a relatively simple outfit and great to see it being worn after a fair few years. I also like the hair colour too. Now it could be restyled….. km

  24. No matter what she wears, or how bad her hair looks, her many admirers in this blog only see her smile, and forgive her many lapses. But she could do much better.

  25. Gorgeous! The spiders are amazing!!! Maxima wins again!

  26. Anonymous28/3/24 00:06

    Maxima looks nice. The spiders are out again. css

  27. The outfit looks fabulous, the color, and design of this ensemble, fits well and looks good.
    The spider brooches, are an acquired taste. Though its not my thing, I do applaud the Queen for trying something different, I can remember her wearing them before. She is not mundane or boring. That is one of the things I like about her the most, expect the unexpected. She is always so engaging and interesting in her surrounds. What a great Queen and asset she is to King and country. Well done Ma'am, well done.

    1. P. the original28/3/24 11:37

      Beautifully said, @Ava.
      I agree with every word you said.
      I noticed that Q.Maxima is transitioning to an ash blonde shade and I see that much work has been done on her hair.
      I bet some bond restoring products were applied but it will take a bit longer to treat split ends.
      Moreover, considering that this ensemble dates back to quite a long time ago, I would say that she still is in a wonderful shape.
      Yes, well done indeed, dear Q.Maxima!
      And her smile and exquisite manners are the best accessoires as always.
      She's a true lady.

  28. Anonymous28/3/24 06:22

    Maxima looks nice I like her hair and outfit;not sure about the spiders,pretty creepy;what message is she trying to convey. (Tara)

    1. Dear Tara, I think the simple message Queen Max is trying to convey is "let's smile and have some fun".

  29. Great look all round. Fun jacket, beautifully tailored. Adore the spiders. I'm a big fan of bug and critter jewels. My favorite ear cuff is a spider :^)

    Love the new hair colour and trim. Flattering indeed. Such a beautiful woman


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