Queen Mary visited The Queen Mary Center at Copenhagen University

Queen Mary wore a Harrow blush pink silk blouse by The Fold. Celine wool trousers, Massimo Dutti coat, Dulong earrings

On the day when the Crown Princess Mary Center officially changed its name as the Queen Mary Center, Danish Queen Mary visited the center, which is located at the University of Copenhagen. The center opened in February 2022 on the occasion of then Crown Princess Mary's 50th birthday. It is an interdisciplinary knowledge center that finds new solutions to current societal challenges through partnerships between researchers and practitioners.

Queen Mary wore a Harrow blush pink silk blouse by The Fold. Celine wool trousers, Massimo Dutti coat, Dulong earrings

The center was established by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology and Law of the University of Copenhagen. During the visit, Queen Mary received information about the center's results and experiences after the first two years of life, as well as about the visions for the coming years.

Queen Mary wore a Harrow blush pink silk blouse by The Fold. Celine wool trousers, Massimo Dutti coat, Dulong earrings

Queen Mary wore a Harrow blush pink silk blouse by The Fold. Celine wool trousers, Massimo Dutti coat, Dulong earrings

Queen Mary wore The Fold Harrow Silk Blouse in Blush Pink
The Fold Harrow Silk Blouse

Queen Mary wore Celine Multicolour wool trousers
Celine Multicolour wool trousers

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  1. Anonymous21/3/24 10:06

    I love the blouse. ~ Louise

  2. Ravissante Mary dans le style printanier de sa blouse de couleur rose ; il me semble voir du quartz rose dans le pendant de ses boucles d'oreilles ; j'adore !

  3. I love the color of the shirt but will be glad when wide pants go out of fashion.
    Mary' s glasses look very trendy and her hair is still a nice length.

    1. Anonymous21/3/24 15:56

      In total agreement…those wide leg trousers, ugh! 😑

  4. The trousers are getting wider and wider. I'm short and can't wear them so wide but Mary looks fabulous. I love the whole outfit, grey and pink look so beautiful together.

    1. Anonymous21/3/24 12:31

      I'm short too and can not have wide pants myself, but for taller people, like Mary they look great. I like to whole outfit. -Siri

  5. Ladyofthemanor21/3/24 11:26

    I love this shirt and I seem to remember she also has one in white. I find this collarless blouse with the wide, marked edge super elegant.

  6. Yet another "nail on the head" vote for Queen Mary.

  7. Anonymous21/3/24 12:10

    Nice blouse!

  8. Anonymous21/3/24 12:55

    This is now going in the direction where the British royals have gone with their photoshopped photos. In two photos colours are dimmed to try and hide photoshopping on her neck and face, and everything is going fake. There are patches on her neck and face, where things have been clearly altered. Will this vanity lead to the impossibility to comment on photos, because they are not real in the first place? Such a shame. The blouse as such is lovely. - Ellie

    1. Anonymous21/3/24 15:46

      The royals, or whoever approves each photo to be released, has been doing this type of editing on Mary's photos, ever since she became Queen. Sad isn't it.

    2. Anonymous21/3/24 15:53

      @ Ellie. I don't care if these photo's are photoshopped. If it makes her happy why not. But she must not forget she will grow older too like everybody else. People who are happy with what they have received from nature are the lucky ones. People who are constantly busy with how they look have not much confidence.

    3. I love wider trousers which are so much more flattering than skinnies imo. However, these are a bit too wide even for me. Love the grey/pink combo which we've already seen last week with Queen Mathilde

  9. Anonymous21/3/24 13:38

    The blouse is a pretty color but not a fan of the wide pants.

  10. Anonymous21/3/24 14:24

    I remember one tv program where Fredrick said about Mary: ” She is an perfectionist !” You really can see what he ment.

  11. Anonymous21/3/24 14:35

    I love her asymmetrical coat! In that one photo of her getting out of the car, it even makes the wide legged trousers look acceptable. But only in that one photo.
    - Anon 9:13

  12. Anonymous21/3/24 15:08

    Lovely blouse - I like both its color and style.
    -Royal Watcher

  13. Anonymous21/3/24 15:15

    Looks amazing! Beautiful colors! Ac

  14. Anonymous21/3/24 15:37

    The pink blouse is lovely. Good color, good design. The trousers are not my taste, not because they are wide but because of the fabric.

  15. Anonymous21/3/24 16:28

    Pretty blouse, but do not care for the super wide pants.

  16. The dusty pink color of her lovely blouse blends in beautifully with the grey of her pants and coat. The wide pants look good, but I dislike pants such as this. Regardless she looks well-groomed and elegant. Her glasses really suit her face so well.

  17. Anonymous21/3/24 22:00

    Lovely blouse and coat. Not a fan of the pants. css

  18. Anonymous21/3/24 22:48

    I don't see the wide legged pants going anywhere for quite some time. I hope the commenters here can learn to like new styles. Like it or not, fashion will keep evolving. I love seeing a royal that is not afraid to play with fashion. Mary looks great.

    1. Anonymous22/3/24 07:42

      @Anonymous 21/3 22:48
      I agree. What I like so much about fashion these days is that there are all kinds of width, length as well for pants as for skirt and dresses.
      Depending on the woman who is wearing it almost everyone can find something that suits her. Tall women are looking good in wide pants and longer dresses, short women better stay away from very wide pants and better stick to straight or a little bit flared pants, slim fit and skinny pants look better on short women, they are still fashion and some brands sell them in the new collections. For skirts and dresses short women better wear them not longer than just under the knee.
      The styling is also an important part of fashion. There are rules to follow and if you do that you will always be dressed up to date.

  19. Anonymous22/3/24 02:26

    Love this pink and gray ensemble! Queen Mary looks beautiful in this soft shade of pink. Yes--I also find the trouser legs here too wide but at least Mary can pull them off. I also love the style of her blouse--very elegant.



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