Princess Stephanie attended the opening of an exhibition at POST

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

The opening of the exhibition "IV Seasons" took place at the headquarters of POST in the presence of Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg, Claude Wiseler, President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies and Lydie Polfer, Mayor of the Ville de Luxembourg.

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

The life and career of the Luxembourgian artist Armand Strainchamps is commemorated through the exhibition “IV Seasons” organized at the headquarters of POST Luxembourg. The exhibition invites the public to pay tribute to the late artist Armand Strainchamps (1955 - 2023), who distinguished himself in several fields such as engraving, sculpture, and painting and it may be visited free of charge from Monday to Saturday.

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

Princess Stephanie wore a rainbow chevron print silk blouse by Valentino Garavani, and green pants

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  1. Très printanière cette tunique multicolore portée avec ce pantalon vert tendre qui lui sied à ravir ; j'adore sa couleur de cheveux blond cendré/miel !

  2. Anonymous23/3/24 14:26

    Bless her, but my eyes hurt ! ;-)

    1. Anonymous24/3/24 01:10

      Mine as well. I don't know which is more distressing; the limp lifeless hair or the garish printed blouse . I am beginning to think that the HGD is hopeless.

      If kindness, dignity, an impeccable pedigree and cultural refinement were the only qualities that mattered for a Royal Consort in 2024 Stephanie would be golden. She would be the leader of the pack of Royal women in her generation.

      But in the global media of today appearances count. No one wants or expects the HGD to be a fashion plate and Luxembourg is hardly a European fashion hub. But this lovely young woman obviously doesn't care about her appearance.

      And for the wife of a future Head of State, this is unfortunate to say the least.

      I hope Grand Duke Henri will remain on the throne for as long as possible.-Jacqueline

    2. Anonymous24/3/24 02:54

      Perfectly stated, Jacquelyn — I will always adore Stephanie, but she ignores her full potential and it is a shame.

    3. Mine too Maguy.
      The top looks cheap but it probably isn't.

    4. @ Jacqueline, your criticism is widely exagerated. We get evidence every day that royal ladies can nowadays have a less conventional style.

    5. Anonymous24/3/24 15:33

      @Mary T...I have actually muted my criticism of the HGD who I happen to admire very much. She is intelligent. She is brave. She is refined. She was the most spectacular Royal bride of the last 25 years and has birthed two of the prettiest Royal babies I have ever seen.

      But my criticism stands. She often looks frumpy and careless with her appearance. Her standard working wardrobe of an oversized blouse paired with baggy slacks is something middle aged women in my city wear on turnaround bus trips to gamble at the casino. We know she can look fantastic because she has done it before.

      And there is no excuse to allow her beautiful hair to appear limp and unstyled.

      "Unconventional " does not equal careless and frumpy.

    6. Anonymous26/3/24 12:20

      Stéphanie is certainly a good mum to her two lovely boys, but she doesn't have any taste concerning good and chic outfits. And she doesn't seem to care. Compare her to Charlène de Monaco whose sense for style, fashion is excellent or to queens Mathilde, Maxima, Mary of Denmark. What a difference.

  3. Anonymous23/3/24 14:57

    I like the spring colors of her outfit. The crowd seems to be half casual, half business apparel, so she fits right in. Christine

  4. Anonymous23/3/24 15:03

    Well, hmm, I think the green pants are nice.

  5. Anonymous23/3/24 15:17

    I like that Stephanie is wearing bright colors, but the pattern on her top is a bit much to me.
    -Royal Watcher

  6. Green is a good color for Stephanie, nice pictures.

  7. Anonymous23/3/24 18:47

    Don’t care for the outfit but it sure is colorful and Stephanie looks happy and relaxed.

  8. Anonymous23/3/24 19:54

    Sorry Stephanie, I love your happy smile, but the stripybtop is ghastly.
    🌞 Virginia

  9. Ava Pittman23/3/24 21:58

    The colour and design of the blouse I dislike
    It’s not attractive to the eye
    Bright colours are great but the overall look here is just too much.

  10. Anonymous24/3/24 01:11

    This is a lovely outfit on Princess Stephanie. And I like todays hairstyle too.

    1. Anonymous24/3/24 15:07

      What "hairstyle"? Can you describe it for the rest of us?

  11. Anonymous24/3/24 02:50

    Wah 😢 I adore Stephanie, but please, get this girl a stylist! — Jane


    1. If you go into Princess Stephanie’s living room you will see, on the coffee table, books on art, artists, languages, general cultural subjects and forthcoming exhibitions.
      Nowhere will you see a magazine by Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire etc.
      AND if you take a look at the coffee table in Camilla’s living room, you will see books on Country Life, horses, hounds, fox hunting, race meetings etc.
      What is the expression ? ............
      “you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear “.

    2. Anonymous24/3/24 17:33

      My personal passions are pretty much the same as those of HGD Stephanie; Literature. Languages. Poetry. History.Classical music. I have little to zero interest in technology and pop culture.

      Because of that, I relate to Stephanie more than any of the other young Royal women of her generation.

      There is a glaring exception ...I take it as a point of pride to always appear appropriately stylish and well groomed wherever I go. And if I had a position in the public eye I would consider it a huge responsibility to do so.

      I suppose my point is that a person can be scholarly and promote the arts and STILL be stylish. These qualities do not have to cancel one another out.

      I am thinking specifically of Princess Caroline of Hanover and former First Lady Jackie Kennedy.-Jacqueline

    3. Anonymous26/3/24 11:28

      Jacqueline; I have the same interests but I assume I'm like Stephanie, getting dressed is a job, it has to be done. Do I try to look neatly everyday? Yes. Is it stylish every day? Most definitely not. I just don't care that much, clothing has to be practical for me. I would wear Stephanie's outfit without a doubt, even if I knew it does look wide from the back and it could look better if it were fitted. But I wouldn't have it altered, I just don't care that much. So I feel like Stephanie is the most 'normal' royal there is, someone I can relate to.

      On the other hand I must agree with you: if I had a job in the public eye like Stephanie, I would hire a stylist that can also do some basic hair and make-up to make me look great everyday day. I am also wondering a bit why she doesn't, it's not like she can't afford it. Maybe she hasn't found the right person yet.
      Damsel Dragonfly

    4. @Damsel Dragonfly : I like what you say.
      For some of us, including certain royal ladies, dressing and especially dressing up is a job.
      For me it’s a bit like housekeeping. I make every effort to avoid it.
      But as you and @Jacqueline have said, someone important in the public eye needs to make a (little) effort and why not hire a stylist and or hairdresser.

    5. Anonymous28/3/24 10:41

      @ deadeggs
      Did you went in Princess Stéphanie's living room ?
      You don't need to buy all the magazines on any subject these days. Everything is on the internet. Maybe there are some magazines, and certainly books about art, history, languages which are not or not entirely on the internet. Forthcoming exhibitions of all sorts of subjects and all over Europe can be found on the internet. Every fashion (haute couture) magazine has a website. In Queen Camilla's case the same : a lot of websites about gardening, country life, and all the other subjects that might be of interest to her, a lot is on the internet. I assume a modern royal lady can google something and pick-out a website and read what is written.

    6. @Anon10:41 (no nickname).
      Thank you for the information.
      But, you know, for me, the big interest is soap operas. Can’t get enough of them.
      It’s almost like looking through the curtains of other people’s lives.
      Can’t get enough of them.
      Do you know what I mean?

  12. I, personally, do not think HGD Stephanie looks good in this outfit and it is the first time I've seen her hair so limp. Looking at photos 1 and 6 I wondered if she was pregnant, as the top acts as a good camouflage. Her smile and genuine engagement is a winner!

  13. @Azalea : You will know if Princess Stephanie is pregnant.
    She glows.
    She is at her best when she is an expentant mum.

  14. My only quibble concerning HGD Stephanie's blouse is the tailoring. The stripes of the shoulders should be, in my opinion, matched to the stripes of the yoke. Otherwise, in this relaxed setting, I think her outfit is good.

  15. Anonymous24/3/24 21:24

    No no no. So boring outfit.

  16. Anonymous24/3/24 22:55

    Nice pant and color. The blouse on the other hand is a NO. css

  17. Anonymous25/3/24 10:13

    H&M would do a better job with the pattern transitions to the sleeves...


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