Princess Caroline attended a concert on Saint Patrick's Day

Princess Caroline wore a blue and green tweed jacket, coat by Chanel at Princess Grace Irish Library

On the occasion of Saint Patrick's Day, Princess Caroline of Hanover attended a concert at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco. The Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco hosted its traditional harp music concert. Saint Patrick's Day is Ireland's National Day and is celebrated on March 17 around the world by the country's diaspora.

Princess Caroline wore a blue and green tweed jacket, coat by Chanel at Princess Grace Irish Library

The Princess Grace Irish Library was inaugurated on 20th November 1984, by Prince Rainier as a tribute to his late wife Princess Grace and the attachment She felt for Ireland, where her grandfather was born. The Princess Grace Irish Library is a non-profit institution, under the aegis of the Fondation Princesse Grace in Monaco.

Princess Caroline wore a blue and green tweed jacket, coat by Chanel at Princess Grace Irish Library

Princess Caroline wore Chanel La Petite Veste Noire tweed jacket in blue and green
Chanel Tweed Jacket
  1. Anonymous16/3/24 14:04

    Not to bad...

  2. Anonymous16/3/24 14:39

    Perfect for a visit to the library!

  3. Caroline a beaucoup d'élégance dans cette veste au petit col relevé que je lui envie !

  4. Anonymous16/3/24 15:52

    Lovely, as is the woman in the Mondriaan dress

  5. Anonymous16/3/24 16:03

    Fade. Sans éclat plus on avance dans le temps

  6. Anonymous16/3/24 16:19

    There is a difference between the coat Princess Caroline is wearing and the coat on the last 3 pictures. The sleeves are attached in another way on Caroline's coat. The fabric looks a little bit different too but that is maybe due to the lightening on the photo.

  7. Anonymous16/3/24 16:57

    So simple and elegant and I love the tweed coat. Its nice to see Caroline honoring her mother as well as her own Irish heritage.


  8. Anonymous16/3/24 17:25

    Her face looks weird...

    1. Anonymous16/3/24 18:34

      Who are you who comment things that might be thought but should not be written publicly because they come across as unthoughtful and mean? Please comment here in a constructive and kind way, and use a name. Let’s not leave the comment fieldd here a minefield of mean and frankly irrelevant one liners - AnneLise

    2. Anonymous17/3/24 08:20

      To AnneLise : My comment is not intended to offend, it's just an observation. Others say she looks tired, even pointing out that she smokes.

    3. Anonymous17/3/24 11:26

      What happened to you @AnneLise? You used to be very kind and thoughtful but now you are demanding what other people can write. Let's be kind - as you say - also to the others. (Elina)

    4. Anonymous20/3/24 16:03

      What is said of Princess Caroline is also said from other queens or princesses. So don't attach special attention to her because you just are obtaining the opposite. It is a fact that women of a certain age who had no face lift or botox injections or corrections on the eyelids are considered as old and weird, because the younger generation of our Western culture has no respect for the elderly anymore. In other cultures people has more respect for older women and men.

  9. Anonymous16/3/24 17:46

    This Chanel jacket is georgeos but she really looks tired?!

    1. Anonymous16/3/24 19:41

      I suspect no Botox nor facelift, but Princess Caroline smokes, which does not help.

    2. à Anonyme 16/03/24 19:41
      Au départ de votre commentaire, vous soupçonnez puis après, vous êtes affirmative ? Pouvez-vous nous en dire plus ?

    3. à mjt
      Pardon, je me suis mal exprimée ; vous ne soupçonnez pas en début de phrase mais après vous affirmez ?

  10. The outfit is fine and Princess Caroline's hair looks less unkempt than it sometimes does. She looks tired, though.

  11. Anonymous17/3/24 08:20

    Dear AnneLise, I totally agree with you. The constant bashing of Princess Caroline, always on the same mean grounds, is shameful.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous18/3/24 10:24

      @Virginia: one is not used anymore to (older) women in the public eye who have not had facelifts or other extensive invasive plastic surgery treatments. One is not aware that all the present queens and crown prinesses above the age of 40 have been under the knife in one way or another. All except our girl Caroline, who then gets slaughtered for ‘looking tired’, ‘looking weird’, ‘looking old’.

    2. Anonymous20/3/24 15:51

      I don't think Queen Mathilde "has been under the knife" for plastic surgery. She has wrinkles yes, She has her upper eyelids that are hanging just above her lashes. So what, her make-up when it is done by a professional is adapted to her eyes and face and wrinkles.

  12. Princess Caroline looks smart.
    Nice and well chosen combo for the event.
    These Chanel coats and jackets come in at a price around €2.000.
    But there appears to be an active second hand market for vintage Chanel at, at least half the price.
    When Karl Lagerfeld took over as Chanel’s creative director in the early 1980’s, he said - “Tweed was and in some ways, still is an emblem of sophistication and class”.

  13. Anonymous17/3/24 12:09

    To me she has the same problems with her hair like Queen Maxima. Not unkempt but not very well treated.

  14. Anonymous17/3/24 20:00

    Simple and nice. Oh yes Chanel! css

  15. Anonymous18/3/24 18:17

    Caroline had this coat for quite some time. Proof how a quality outfit can last and not get out of style. She is such a classy person, not just a royal.



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