Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited the Emergency Community House

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a black shirt jacket and a purple silk blouse. Women in Distress organization

On March 22, 2024, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg visited the Emergency Community House (MaCoU) in Luxembourg City, a shelter for women in situations of acute social distress, following, in particular, cases of intra-family violence. The nonprofit organization Women in Distress (Femmes en distresse asbl) was created in June 1979 by a working group of the Movement for the Liberation of Women.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a black shirt jacket and a purple silk blouse. Women in Distress organization

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a black shirt jacket and a purple silk blouse. Women in Distress organization

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a black shirt jacket and a purple silk blouse. Women in Distress organization

The nonprofit organization Women in Distress provides counseling, advice, and refuge accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence. Yesterday, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa celebrated her 68th birthday. On the occasion of the 68th birthday of the Grand Duchess, The Grand Ducal Court shared a series of new photos from the private photo album of the Grand Ducal Family.

The Grand Ducal Court shared a series of new photos from the private photo album

The Grand Ducal Court shared a series of new photos from the private photo album

The Grand Ducal Court shared a series of new photos from the private photo album

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  1. Anonymous23/3/24 17:40

    Lovely photos of GD Maria Teresa to commemorate her birthday. She looks very good in that blue evening gown.
    - Anon 9:13

  2. Magnifiques tous les deux sur ces photos qui auraient tendance à les rajeunir !

  3. Anonymous23/3/24 19:21

    She looks younger and younger every time we see her !

    1. Her skin looks excellent for her age.

    2. Anonymous24/3/24 12:35

      The best facelift ever, I am not saying this to be mean but, please have a look at the following site where you will see early picture of GD Maria Theresa with wrinkles under her eyes and neck and judge for yourself. 'Bejeweled Treasures of Luxembourg’s Grand Duchesses' -

    3. Anonymous24/3/24 17:28

      Mjt, that’s not mean, you’ve said it kindly, stated fact. There is no denying that most of the women we watch here have had at least some if not a great deal of invasive cosmetic/plastic surgery/dental interventions. Some have had much more than others and almost completely changed their faces. The pressure on them must be immense with public events, tv, press photos. (Grace)

  4. Anonymous23/3/24 20:00

    Those photos have been retouched, particularly the hands. Nonetheless, I do like the cuddly photo of the ducal couple.
    🌞 Virginia

  5. The blue evening gown is just gorgeous but all the photos are delightful. I like the tux style jacket with the purple trim.

  6. Ava Pittman23/3/24 21:56

    The affectionate photo is gorgeous.
    The blue gown is a great outline
    Suits her beautifully

  7. Anonymous24/3/24 13:58

    These pictures are chosen from their personal photo album. They are very beautiful pictures but not all new. Friendly of the Grand Duchess to show these
    to us.

  8. Anonymous24/3/24 21:27

    Dear Grace, I have nothing against dental interventions if they look natural. I admire women like Princess Caroline, the former Dutch queen and her sisters,
    the sisters of King Gustav etc. who have decided to age naturally and wish some of them were given more respect. I find the younger-than-ever circus of GD Maria Teresa ridiculous and think it is a pity that Queen Silvia did too much to her face, which is particularly visible from the side.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous25/3/24 05:48

      Hi Virginia, indeed a crazy circus. Fairly frequently on this site I see people comment that X (where X can be one of several) is “such a natural beauty”, but clearly X has had multiple surgeries and changed a great deal, with early photos showing a normally lovely humanly-imperfect girl, … and I do very much wonder where the pressure to perfect comes from. (Grace)

  9. Anonymous24/3/24 22:48

    Great look for GDss MT. The blue gown is stunning. A very happy 68th Birthday for MT. It seems she is getting younger while others are getting older age wise that is. She does not look her age. css


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