Czech President Petr Pavel and his wife's State Visit to Luxembourg, 2nd day

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova are making a state visit to Luxembourg. On the second day of the state visit, President Petr Pavel, First Lady Eva Pavlova, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited the Luxembourg II European School in Mamer. Founded in 2004, the school prioritises, for enrolment purposes, pupils of EU staff based nearby.

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and First Lady Eva Pavlova visited the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences of the University of Luxembourg in Belval. The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The University of Luxembourg is the only public university in Luxembourg.

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

Czech President Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Pavlova and Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa

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  1. Maria-Teresa a belle allure dans ce manteau dont la couleur tire vers le vert bronze ; elle le porte très bien sur un haut, un pantalon très fluides, le tout de couleur camel ; j'ai zoomé sur ses boucles d'oreilles mais je ne vois pas ce qu'elles représentent ?!

    1. Anonymous3/3/24 04:05

      Oui, elle est très chic, très bien habillée et jeune, on n'a pas l'impression qu'elle a soixante-sept ans.

    2. Anonymous3/3/24 10:51

      MT has had a full facelift and countless other procedures done to her face. No problem and very well done as well. But the praise for looking “jeune” is a bit off, therefore. Caroline of Monaco is the same age and has done absolutely nothing to her face, not even an eyelift. She looks older, indeed, and gets no praise. See what I mean?

  2. Anonymous2/3/24 11:50

    I like MT's coat and top ; a pity we cannot see better her trousers. From what I see they are too shiny for the occasion. Simple but effective suit for the first lady. I take the opportunity to point out she has as well dark roots with blond hair. (This has been commented about Maxima).

    1. Anonymous2/3/24 15:28

      So does GD Maria Teresa.

  3. Anonymous2/3/24 14:17

    HRH, the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, looks beautiful as ever!!!

  4. Anonymous2/3/24 14:53

    I like GD Maria-Teresa's outfit of today. The coat she is wearing is becoming so much better than the jacket she wore on the 1st day. The color of her top and pants, I call it "taupe", is a good choice too. Wearing something shiny during the day is not forbidden. These days wearing such fabric is not reserved only for evening wear.
    Dark roots with blond hair are better than doing to much treatments to hide them. Very bad for anyone's hair. My hairdresser says it himself even if he risks to loose money by saying so. He prefers that his clients have healthy hair.

    are lo

  5. Anonymous2/3/24 15:52

    Feeling MT had a bit of a mixed bag here. Love the top and the coat--they are great for her. Love the colors together and the top is pretty and flattering. The earrings are too much. I understand that with short hair statement earrings look marvelous but these are too much--too big, too long, much of everything. Finally, her trousers--they look too much like something for a cocktail party or a evening out--not daywear. But I really can't see too much of them except to see shiny, knife-pleated, and drapey or flowy. The Czech First Lady looks wonderful--beautiful, sophisticated trouser suit with a smart scarf adding an element of color that elevates her simple black suit.


  6. Anonymous2/3/24 23:18

    This looks like a fancy PJ. css

  7. Like the Grand Duchess's coat but the top underneath is untidy. Madame Pavlova looks great. President Pavel is an extremely handsome man

  8. Anonymous3/3/24 03:16

    GDMT is looking great at every turn this week. Hard to look chic in earth tones but she pulls it off with a gray cut coat, fabulous earrings and red lipstick!

  9. GT MT looks beautiful, this ensemble suits her well. She looks very elegant. Love the colors, stunning.

  10. Anonymous3/3/24 19:11

    The First Lady has an appropriate outfit for this occasion. MT, the coat is nice, the outfit underneath, horrid. Shiny pants are for an evening occasion, sloppy looking top is just never a good look. MT's earrings are way too big for her face, and occasion.

  11. Anonymous4/3/24 22:39

    Dear Elisabeth, You are wrong. Princess Caroline gets lots of praise for going natural regarding her hair, face etc. by many bloggers. Maria Teresa is obviously reworked all over, but her hands reveal her true age, have a good look.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous5/3/24 11:33

      Dear Virginia, I am referring to a post on this blog from a few months back where the ‘young’ looks of MT were held favourably against the ‘old’ looks of Caroline. And in this thread someone again writes (in French) admiringly about MT looking ‘jeune’ for her 68 years. But I am glad that you recognize the total rework on MT on all fronts, including teeth.


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