Crown Princess Victoria received Cindy McCain at the Royal Palace

Crown Princess Victoria wore a Lesley boucle blazer with gold buttons by Andiata. Executive Director, Cindy Hensley McCain

On March 26, Swedish Crown Princess Victoria held a meeting with World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director, Cindy Hensley McCain. The meeting took place at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. The World Food Programme is an international organization within the United Nations that provides food assistance worldwide. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and the leading provider of school meals.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a Lesley boucle blazer with gold buttons by Andiata. Executive Director, Cindy Hensley McCain

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Lesley Boucle Blazer with gold buttons
Andiata Lesley Boucle Blazer

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  1. Anonymous27/3/24 13:39

    Couldn't it be better without this collar?

    1. Anonymous27/3/24 16:20

      The collar is quite flattering.

    2. Ladyofthemanor27/3/24 18:51


    3. Anonymous28/3/24 15:56

      I prefer it too without the collar. She could have done her like the model. I think I already saw her on another occasion with her hair done like this.
      She looked very beautiful.

  2. Anonymous27/3/24 14:38

    The short jacket is great as such and would look fab with a skirt, like the model is wearing it. But it looks no good with trousers. - Ellie

  3. Victoria a belle allure dans ce tailleur/pantalon dont je verrais bien le blazer à fond rouge compléter mon dressing ; est-ce qu'elle est chaussée de bottines ou d'escarpins à talons fins ?

  4. Anonymous27/3/24 16:08

    I see CPV has removed one set of pockets from the jacket but unfortunately it looks unbalanced to me. The blouse doesn’t really compliment the look either. I think she has far more attractive trouser suits than this one. (V.M.)

    1. She hasn't removed any pockets, the white stripes of the lower pockets are seen under her arms. The jacket is elegant but I also prefere it with a skirt. I do not like that the collar of her blouse is visible, better with a plain top.

    2. You can see the 2nd set of pockets in pix on other sites

  5. Anonymous27/3/24 18:06

    This finnish Andiata jacket is just georgeos

  6. Anonymous27/3/24 18:08

    This Andiata jackets is very elegant but big NO with that blouse under

  7. Anonymous27/3/24 20:18

    Victoria has a ponytail!

    1. I saw that elsewhere! It looked nice in a pony tail. Much smoother than I can get mine!

  8. Virginia Dogwood27/3/24 20:48

    I do love the jacket and it goes well with the pants and dress boots, IMO. But agree with others, it would have been better without the blouse, or perhaps with a white sleeveless turtleneck to match with the white piping.

  9. Virginia Dogwood27/3/24 20:52

    I Just realized Cindy McCain is the widow of the late U. S. Senator John McCain. So good to see her continuing in worthy projects, and as always, Mrs. McCain looks neatly groomed and classically dressed.

  10. Anonymous28/3/24 00:00

    Nice look again today. css

  11. This is a lovely stylish look, but I like jackets a bit longer than this. Regardless of my tastes I feel she looks very chic. The collar is very attractive.

    1. Anonymous29/3/24 11:21

      If you make a "Chanel look" jacket longer the effect of the Chanel look is gone. If you look at the pictures of the model, the hemline of the jacket is under her natural waistline. To me it is excellent. There are shorter Chanel look-a-like jackets in the boutiques. If you try on one which is shorter it look boxy, but not this one.

  12. Victoria’s jacket looks too boxy. Too short maybe? The length on the model is better. And she shoul sip wearing a collared shirt underneath. And I think a skirt would’ve looked better than the slacks.


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