Spain's Queen Letizia attended the 2024 World Cancer Day event

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

On February 1, 2024, Queen Latizia attended an event of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) at Espacio La Salle Eneldo in Madrid that was held in connection with the celebration of the "World Cancer Day 2024". Queen Latizia is honorary president of the AECC. World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment.

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore a grey pointed check wool skirt by Massimo Dutti, and a black v-neck silk shirt by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore Massimo Dutti Pointed Check Wool Skirt in Grey
Massimo Dutti Pointed Check Wool Skirt

Queen Letizia wore Sandro V-Neck Silk Shirt in Black
Sandro V-Neck Silk Shirt

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  1. Anonymous1/2/24 15:59

    Mi è sempre piaciuta questa gonna! Da un po' la regina indossa scarpe con tacco basso e fa bene.

  2. Anonymous1/2/24 16:35

    Nailing the perfect balance between corporate chick and style!

  3. Cette jupe va très bien à Letizia même si je vois trop de pans assymétriques autant devant que derrière ; élégant chemisier à col en V que je pourrais porter avec un pantalon !

  4. Anonymous1/2/24 16:46

    ¡Que falda mas fea!

  5. Anonymous1/2/24 18:18

    No one used to rock a pair of stilettos quite QL!Now it’s kitten heels!It comes to us all.Comfort trumps heels!Bea

  6. Even with the uneven hem, I like this skirt and with the black blouse it's both elegant and business like. Queen Letizia looks great

  7. Would have loved the skirt if it hadn't been uneven hemline.

    1. If the skirt had been fully "classic" it would be boring, old-fashioned etc or then include other design charasteristics.

    2. That's you opinion. Mine is the opposite ;)

  8. Anonymous1/2/24 22:09

    hankerchief hem, a definite no in this fabric and color/pattern.

  9. The V neck silk black blouse looks good with this skirt. I don't normally like these type of hemlines, but this looks okay. I remember her wearing this before. She looks very stylish and elegant.

  10. Anonymous1/2/24 23:56

    Nice combo, just don't like the hem. css

  11. Anonymous2/2/24 00:32

    I don’t care for the hem of Letizia’s skirt, but otherwise she looks lovely.
    -Royal Watcher

  12. Anonymous2/2/24 01:09

    Love everything I'm seeing here except that hankerchief hem. Really glad to see QLet wearing kitten heels more often (I know she has had foot problems & maybe this is good solution).


  13. Anonymous2/2/24 08:01

    This type of hem is completely out of fashion. Maybe Queen Letizia wished to recycle one of her old skirts.
    The lady dressed in white (see picture N° 7) should have worn a little jacket or a non transparent top.

    1. The lady in white is Yolanda Diaz, Spain's Minister of Work. I agree with you, she should have worn a jacket or another top.

    2. This hem might be out of fashion, as you say - but is that so important? Why not wear it, if one likes it?

    3. Anonymous2/2/24 13:24

      @ Coralie. No it is not important. But since we are on a fashion site I think it can be said. Maybe something to think about, never buy fashion fantasies that are doomed to disappear quickly.

  14. "Me too" never have been a fan of uneven hems, no matter who the person is.
    The black silk blouse? I'll have one of those please and a second one in a different colour.

  15. Anonymous2/2/24 09:07

    Queen Letizia looks marvelous in the black silk shirt with v-neck panel detailing, paired with a silhouette-enhancing grey houndstooth skirt and a black leather waist belt with a gold buckle, finishing everything up with black leather pumps. No fuss..

  16. Gonna orrenda, camicia anonima e brutte scarpe. Non una giornata esemplare

    1. Para horrenda tu grosería. Se puede dar una opinión sin ser tan antipática.

    2. Anonymous8/2/24 11:13

      Completamente d'accordo, Elena

  17. à Veerle 02/02/24 10:13
    Merci pour cette précision qui viendra compléter à l’occasion le petit fichier Word que j’ai créé suite aux questions que je me pose sur l’identité d’une personne vue sur le site !

  18. Anonymous2/2/24 22:04

    Not a fan of the skirt, honestly, but I very much adore Letizia's blouse and hair today. This cut, combined with a pattern, doesn't work for me. The lady in white looks terrific, more stylish than Letizia in my opinion (only quibble: you can see her undergarment underneath the sheer panel). It's a very elegant and feminine dress. Damsel Dragonfly

    1. No estoy de acuerdo. La ministra va vestida como una novia añeja y las medias blancas tampoco ayudan. Eso sin contar con la ropa interior visible. Así que no, no es más elegante que la Reina.

    2. Anonymous5/2/24 03:21

      I completely agree. With the uneven hem-no pattern. With pattern-no uneven hem. And the colour of blouse isn’t working with the skirt pattern. The lady in white looks certainly more stylish.



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