Queen Mathilde visited the Mik’Ados project in Villers-la-Ville

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

On February 8, 2024, Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the Mik’Ados project of the organization AniMagique in Villers-la-Ville. The project aims to give young people a voice within the municipality. Young people from Villers-la-Ville and the surrounding area regularly come together through Mik'Ados for concrete actions on subjects that concern them, such as (cyber) bullying, their professional future or local politics.

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Mik'Ados received financial support and professional guidance from The Queen Mathilde Fund in 2023 in the context of the project named 'I SEE, IDEA, I DO'. The project call 'I SEE, IDEA, I DO' specifically provides support and professional guidance to young people who are looking for solutions to local challenges and thus aims to encourage young people's entrepreneurship.

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

Queen Mathilde wore a yellow wool jacket by Natan. Natan Arrow yellow trousers, and a blue-gray silk blouse

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  1. Les couleurs moutarde et turquoise se combinent à merveille ; comme d'habitude, la reine Mathilde sait très bien choisir ses boucles d'oreilles par rapport au style et à la couleur de ses tenues !

    1. Anonymous8/2/24 16:24

      I must agree: this mustard and turquoise colours work well for her. I'm in doubt about the jacket: in some pictures it looks fantastic, in others it's not a great look. But let's give it a go :-) Damsel Dragonfly

    2. Anonymous8/2/24 19:17

      Pour vous j'ai trouvé le nom des boucles d'oreilles portées par la Reine Mathilde aujourd'hui et celles de mardi passé. Le créateur des deux paires s'appelle "Gas Bijoux".
      1. Les boucles d'oreilles qu'elle porte aujourd'hui sont des pierres qui changent de couleur sous l'influence de la lumière;
      2. Les boucles d'oreilles de mardi sont dans les couleurs acier et or.

    3. à Anonyme 08/02/2024 19:17 MATHILDE
      Merci d'avoir pensé à moi ainsi qu’aux autres blogueuses ; cela va me permettre d'étoffer mon petit fichier Bijoux sur le fichier WORD que j'ai créé. Peut-être que j'aurais la surprise de connaître votre pseudo !

  2. Anonymous8/2/24 17:00

    Lovely smile, set against a sea of a total head to toe mustard coloured outfit. Not a good look. The Queen is lovely none the less. Edwina

  3. Anonymous8/2/24 17:39

    Queen Mathilde is so regal and gracious, making her pull of any type of outfit.

  4. Anonymous8/2/24 17:57

    The third royal lady this week who wears spring colors. After CP Victoria in pink, Princess Sofia in light turquoise now Queen Mathilde in yellow and turquoise. They are looking forward to Spring. I think the fabric of the jacket is different from the fabric of the trousers but the color is almost the same. Love her earrings. The lady in the back who is carrying Queen Mathilde's flower bouquet is her new lady in waiting since the 1st of January. She is also a Belgian aristocrat, but I'll have to look up her name. I like the last picture where the queen is sitting with a cup of coffee on her knees like a common lady who needs a break during work.

    1. Ladyofthemanor8/2/24 21:03

      I would not call mustard yellow a spring colour. Personally I do not think it looks good in any season.

    2. Anonymous9/2/24 07:51

      You call it mustard yellow, someone else calls it dark yellow, curry, etc... Since the difference between the seasons (meteorological) is not very big anymore, any color can be worn in any season. Fashion is influenced by climate changes, changes in the financial and economical climate, when everything is becoming more and more expensive common people do not have the money anymore to buy a complete set of darker colors for Winter and a complete set of lighter colors for Spring/Summer. During Winter one wears more and more a warm parka over a dress that can be worn during Spring too.

    3. Anonymous9/2/24 07:54

      The name of Queen Mathilde's new lady in waiting is Véronique de Limburg-Stirum.

  5. Anonymous8/2/24 18:59

    An absolute "no" to the colour of this suit. Yellow does not become her, although normally she is so excellently dressed

  6. The Queen looks so happy when she's with children.

  7. I´m surprised by how well this colour combination works. I also like the cut and fit of Mathilde´s outfit. But I think this is best saved for spring, just like Victoria´s pink suit and Sofia´s lightblue one.

  8. Anonymous8/2/24 20:19

    A little too much mustard color for my taste, like her earrings top and hairdo. css

  9. I believe her jacket and pants are the same outfit from the infamous McDonald's vibe. But instead of just hanging on her shoulders, she wore it fully this time. I prefer this styling better and the two colors compliment well.

  10. I'm surprised that I quite like this unusual colour combo of teal and mustard yellow. Queen Mathilde always looks good but there's a bit too much mustard for my liking. perhaps if the colours were reversed--teal suit and yellow sweater?

  11. Anonymous9/2/24 01:37

    Must admit I'm really surprised to admit I like this outfit on Queen Mathilde--the color combo is very good. The blue is beautiful on her and it makes the mustard color take a back seat. The trousers fit well and the jacket is meant to be loose and open. I would like to see a bit less of bulk in the jacket. Mathilde looks great here.


  12. Im happy this mustard color looks so good on the Queen, she looks great, combined with the blue blouse and gorgeous earrings. The blue bag and shoes looks really good. Very elegant.

  13. Anonymous9/2/24 07:39

    Very joyfull outfit!

  14. Anonymous10/2/24 15:01

    Gorgeous! Love the colours, style, all!

  15. Anonymous11/2/24 05:19

    Too much eye-shadow. And the colour combination is not flattering, looks cheap in my eyes.


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