Queen Mary attended the event of Rare Disease Day 2024

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

On February 29, 2024, Queen Mary of Denmark attended an event held at Industriens Hus in Copenhagen on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. Rare Disease Day is observed every year on 28 February (or 29 in leap years), the rarest day of the year. Organisations in Denmark have participated in Rare Disease Day since 2008.

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Since 2005, Queen Mary has been patron of Rare Diseases Denmark (Sjældne Diagnoser), a national alliance of more than 55 associations supporting the interests of people affected by rare diseases and disabilities. It was founded in 1985 under the name KMS – The Danish Association for Rare Diseases.

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

Queen Mary attended an event on the occasion of World Rare Diseases Day 2024. The Queen wore a gray cashmere cape

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  1. Anonymous29/2/24 18:59

    Soooo lovely HRH, the Queen!!!!!

  2. Anonymous29/2/24 19:30

    Jolie tenue

  3. Anonymous29/2/24 19:51

    Heartwarming photos of Mary and the boy who presented the flowers. I’m not a fan of the return of grey shoes to fashion - but Mary looks beautiful in her ensemble, above all because of her kind gestures. (Imagine if the amount of kindness people showed was the primary qualification for fame … how different would media, social media and life be?!). - AnneLise

  4. Anonymous29/2/24 20:15

    I actually like this gray ensemble. A solid colour look with contrasting nuances and textures. Just remove the tassels from the shawl. Amy

  5. Anonymous29/2/24 20:18

    Ups, on another site she's wearing a dark purple blouse. Gray and dark purple, nice colour combination. Amy

  6. J'ai tout de suite remarqué les magnifiques bottes à talons fins de Mary mais pour s'associer avec le reste de sa tenue, il me semble que la couleur Bordeaux aurait mieux convenu !

  7. Anonymous29/2/24 21:29

    She such a lovely person, firstly. Love her outfit and the blouse under her wrap is stunning colour on her. She just has this beautiful glow about her.

    1. Anonymous1/3/24 04:48

      I agree, Queen Mary looks 35 and exudes good health and great warmth. A stunning outfit on her! MR

  8. Anonymous29/2/24 23:45


  9. Anonymous1/3/24 00:43

    I understand why all danes loves Mary!

    1. The best decision King Frederik has ever made in his life was to go to the other side of the world and participate in a sailing event in Sydney.

    2. Anonymous1/3/24 21:37

      Actually, his best decision was picking the right bar over there. Truth.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous2/3/24 02:43

      You could say that King Frederick married up instead of the other way around. They are made for each other! FITZHUGH

    4. How right you are FITZHUGH
      King Frederik married up. 😁

  10. Anonymous1/3/24 02:28

    QM looks beautiful, her outfit is beautiful, and I love her interaction with the little boy who presented her with the flowers. She is a joy to see. What a treasure Denmark has!


  11. Anonymous1/3/24 03:15

    I like this outfit. Queen Mary looks lovely in it. I only wish the skirt was straight or pleated as opposed to being A-line.


  12. I love her outfit, it suits her marvelously, incl the superb grey boots (worn indoors). Only the blue nails are no longer matching today ...

  13. Anonymous1/3/24 09:32

    My favorite royal ♥️

  14. Ladyofthemanor1/3/24 10:30

    Beautiful gray ensemble and I love the soft look of the shawl and wider skirt. Lovely!

  15. Anonymous1/3/24 13:14

    I’m loving QM hair.The color is so flattering! The straight style as opposed to the beach curls is also more flattering.
    The purple and grey is a beautiful combination.

  16. Anonymous1/3/24 14:44

    Queen Mary is so engaging and lovely. She has always been my favorite Royal! FITZHUGH

  17. A little to much grey here even if she looks lovely. Would have preferred purple boots.

  18. Anonymous1/3/24 17:06

    Mary looks so much younger, without all the heavy makeup she was wearing for an occasion a few days ago. Suza

  19. P. the original1/3/24 19:17

    Absolutely spectacular in her new role, beautiful outfits ( I saw the other post featuring a splendid blue paintsuit+ python shoes and I was literally captured by her super trendy midnight blue nail polish on her short nails), awesome and vivid matching colours all around, luscious hair, wow!
    She's even elevating her faultless fashion style to a much higher level.
    What a Queen Mary makes!

  20. P. the original1/3/24 19:19

    And...of course, her most worthy visit is what really matters.
    She moves so graciously , perfect posture, wonderful smile, lovely.

  21. Anonymous2/3/24 07:09

    Lovely 1st picture. So good that in Denmark the queen receives a flower bouquet offered by a child. I love that tradition.

  22. Anonymous2/3/24 23:31

    Great look for Q Mary. She is in her element. Always time for the children. Good for her. css

  23. Aw goodness, what a splendid visit. It pulls at the heart strings! Little one in the first few photos, beautiful. Queen Mary looks wonderful in this ensemble. I love the burgundy blouse underneath, the brooch is a lovely touch. The boots look fabulous.

    1. P. the original3/3/24 10:15

      Yes, entirely agreed.
      Maybe it's just me but I noticed and improvement( from very good to excellent, if it could ever be possibile in the case of Q.Mary) in her posture and overall demanour...
      She has always had a super way of moving , smiling, gestures and so on.
      This time her posture Is perfectly upright, she leans forwards with her back in a perfectly straight position, straight legs, perfect feet position , great to see!.
      There must be a lot of daily workout behind all that, I like It!
      Then the boots, yes ...to die for!
      Fabulous shade( medium gray) and materials, smart, absolutely gorgeous !
      The burgundy blouse works so well in the overall colour scheme.
      I bet Mary -as well most of the other royal ladies - can rely on a daily accurate skin care routine.
      It helps a lot fixing make up products on your face( plus the final couple of pumps of a fixing hyaluronic mist after all the make up is applied to the face to preserve hydration).
      You know, Ava, I myself love testing new products on my body and face...
      I' m applying two different serums for my face skin care at the moment( hyaluronic and collagen one's plus a specific serum for the eyes area) and they really work, wow!
      Sounds incredibile, but they can really make the difference.
      I'm testing an ayurvedic hair treatment too and it helps a lot.
      I just would like to know how these royal ladies take care of their face and body, I mean the products they use..
      .It would be so interesting ...
      No gimmicks, no surgery, sometimes one just needs to know which are the best products to apply.

    2. Anonymous3/3/24 13:39

      I do think they have surgery, botox and fillers. Some more than others of course. I remember Mary having some very deep eye wrinkles before the twins were born and also some profound vertical lines at the mouth area. And then suddenly these things magically disappear as they get older.

    3. Anonymous3/3/24 13:53

      Mary took a course at Starmakers in Sydney so she has probably been very aware and conscious about appearance, body language, posture, posing in front of cameras etc. since early on.

    4. P. the original3/3/24 17:20

      @ Anonymous today at 13.39
      There's always something to learn about non- surgical procedures for face makeovers, isn't it?
      Although I do not personally need to undergo such needles/ radiofrequency procedures, I find it helpful to know more about radiofrequency treatments and the like.
      As to your comment at 13:53...
      The course in Sydney you mentioned may have been just a starting point.
      She surely needs to do much more to get such a perfect posture like the one featured on these pics.
      There's a lot more to do on a daily basis, workout being just a part of the whole training process.
      I am sure that Q.Mary has to work hard every day on her body shape and posture as I know by my personal experience.
      Here's an attachment for you:



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