Queen Camilla held an anniversary reception for the charity MDD

Queen Camilla wore a navy blue dress at the reception of Medical Detection Dogs. The Queen is patron of the charity

On February 20, Queen Camilla held an anniversary reception at Clarence House to mark the 15th anniversary of the charity, Medical Detection Dogs (MDD). Bio Detection Dogs are trained to detect diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s, COVID-19, malaria and bacterial infections on samples in the charity’s training room. Queen Camilla became Patron of MDD in 2014.

Queen Camilla wore a navy blue dress at the reception of Medical Detection Dogs. The Queen is patron of the charity

Queen Camilla wore a navy blue dress at the reception of Medical Detection Dogs. The Queen is patron of the charity

During the reception, the Queen spoke with clients who have Medical Alert Assistance Dogs, which are trained by MDD to alert them if a life-threatening medical event is about to happen. The Queen also spoke with the charity's supporters and trustees, and watched a demonstration of dogs at work.

Queen Camilla wore a navy blue dress at the reception of Medical Detection Dogs. The Queen is patron of the charity

Queen Camilla wore a navy blue dress at the reception of Medical Detection Dogs. The Queen is patron of the charity

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  1. Ce style de robe lui va à merveille surtout qu'il laisse apparaître un chemisier légèrement déboutonné !

  2. Anonymous21/2/24 11:34

    I like the 3 last pictures with the dogs. Beautiful detection dogs.

  3. Anonymous21/2/24 16:15

    Queen Camilla looks very prim and proper, not sure whether this dress is ideal for her. I wish she would find a couturier with the magic touch, with that extra bounce so that we could appreciate her sartorial presence more. I always refer to Princess Benedikte of Denmark and Queen Sonja of Norway, somehow they always look very elegant without too much effort or fuss and are excellent examples.
    🌞 Virginia

  4. Anonymous21/2/24 18:00

    Camilla has a good heart!

  5. Anonymous21/2/24 19:30

    Wonderful smile.

  6. Anonymous21/2/24 20:54

    I really like this dress. She looks lovely. Front and Center the Dogs. They will do a good job. css

  7. Anonymous22/2/24 02:20

    QC is in her element! Dogs and horses--Camilla loves these kind of engagements and so would I. She looks terrific too--love her dress. Very simple and a stremlined style, very well-fitted, and perfect for Camilla. Her styles now are elegant with sophisticated touches like the white fabric at the end of the sleeves--especially from the side view. Hair and make-up are marvelous too. I especially love the last photo.



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