President Biden and First Lady welcomed Jordan’s King and Queen

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan are currently making a working visit to Washington. King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Crown Prince Al Hussein were received by US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the White House.

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

King Abdullah II of Jordan went on a tour of the United States, Canada, France, and Germany to mobilize international support for sustainable humanitarian aid in Gaza. Washington became the first stop of the tour.

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

Queen Rania wore a grey cashmere sweater by Christian Dior, First Lady Jill Biden wore a fuchsia jacket suit by Chanel

Queen Rania wore Christian Dior Cashmere Crew Neck Sweater in Gray
Christian Dior Cashmere Crew Neck Sweater

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  1. I am rather rarely impressed by the style of Mrs Biden, however here I might prefer her suit than the rather casual style of the queen, beit Dior pieces.

    1. Lovely colour. Love the Q skirt, the top on the other hand.

  2. Anonymous13/2/24 12:26

    I agree. The style and colour of Dr. Biden suits her very well, it was an excellent choice for the occasion, however, I am not sure about Queen Rania's outfit. MJT

  3. Anonymous13/2/24 12:47

    Jill Biden is the big winner. Not only the style of the suit, but also the colour. Rania is a beautiful women, but I think that too much Botox and fillers is not doing her good.

    1. Anonymous15/2/24 08:05

      I thought the same, to much.

  4. Anonymous13/2/24 12:53

    Hm abseits der Mode, wie soll man die Gesichtsausdrücke der Gäste interpretieren? So ernst sieht man die Königin doch eher selten bei Begrüßungen und den offiziellen Fotos, die eben keine Momentaufnahme darstellen.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 15:47

      Das sehe ich auch so, gibt es Spannungen? Abgesehen davon sieht Jil Biden fabelhaft aus!

    2. Anonymous13/2/24 18:53

      Das war ein Affront, aber schweigen wir über Politik

  5. Madame Biden a très belle allure dans cet ensemble de couleur rose fuchsia soutenue ; de son côté, la reine me déçoit un petit peu dans des couleurs qui ne sont pas à son avantage même si le haut est de Dior !

  6. Anonymous13/2/24 13:33

    I love Jill Biden's 2 pieces outfit in fuchsia pink. She looks younger than Queen Rania in her dark skirt and Dior top. It looks like QR lost her smile.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 17:11

      But can she smile? Her face is too stiff! She’s a beautiful woman but too much Botox and cosmetic tinkering.

    2. Rania can usually smile, quite nicely, look at other articles. But not at her best here.

  7. Anonymous13/2/24 13:51

    Rania's outfit is boring and dull. The skirt is too voluminous. I do not care for the sleeve length of Mrs Biden's jacket. Long sleeves would be more professional looking


  8. Anonymous13/2/24 13:52

    I don't know if Rania is nervous or what but she looks very stiff in these photos. My impression is she feels uncomfortable with Joe Biden after last week's gaffes. She may be afraid he may take a tumble. Her facial expressions also indicate she is tense. She needs to relax and look more natural. She looks like a mannequin. I love Jill Biden's suit especially the fuschia colour.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 16:28

      For several reasons I think that it is best for you to let all of that go! FITZHUGH

    2. Anonymous13/2/24 16:49

      Anonymous 13:52. I agree with your observations about the stiffness of QR. Not sure about her body language as these are still photos, but the stiffness of her facial expressions I believe is connected to excessive plastic surgery. As another poster observed above, her smile has been affected. Her entire facial affect has been damaged.

    3. Anonymous13/2/24 16:49

      If you can find it, look at the video. I've posted here about how the video is different from these photos. At one point Rania and the first lady are holding hands and sharing a little giggle but, I do see how these photos are leaving the impression of tension. Makes me wonder about all the photos we see and make a judgement on the mood of the person(s). A photo is only one or two seconds of time.

    4. Anonymous13/2/24 20:28

      Very tense, unusually awkward body language from Queen Rania. It almost seems as if the First Lady is holding her hand to reassure her, as well as in friendship?-Jacqueline

  9. Anonymous13/2/24 13:59

    Feel sorry for the First Lady being ignored by the Queen of Jordan.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 17:18

      Me too. This is not the first time QR is acting like that while visiting another head of state. I am not going to explain where and when, but I remember she showed no interest at all, not even when children offered her a bouquet of flowers.

    2. Anonymous13/2/24 18:48

      I donot know if we are of the same country, but I recognize what you write.
      I remember a visit where she showed no interest at all during her visits, nearly being rude.
      Maybe she just cannot handle these visits ; in her own country she looks more at ease.

  10. Jill's suit top a little tight and Q. Rania is not up to her usual HIGH standards, kinda meh. No winners here for me.

  11. I agree, the Queen looks tense. The situation in and around Jordan at the moment is worrying. Hence the visit of the king to the President of the USA.
    Nobody in the visiting party seems to be smiling.
    The choice of the fuchsia ensemble by Mrs Biden helps with a bright note to the visit.

  12. Anonymous13/2/24 16:44

    This is a good example of how photos don't always show the true vibe of the situation. I saw the video of this and the First Lady and the Queen were so cute together. They were holding hands and sharing a little giggle together like two girls on the school yard. (You can see a little glimpse of it in the second photo.) I thought it was very sweet. But in this set of photos the two look sort of tense. We get a good look at the clothes but it's sort of amazing to me how the video doesn't really match these still photos.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 20:31

      @Anon 16:44 , I am relieved to read this!- Jacqueline

    2. Anonymous13/2/24 21:00

      Funny how people are so willing and ready to believe the worst. The ignorant assumptions that Rania "can't" show any expression due to Botox or cosmetic procedures baffles the mind. She and her family were just featured here on this blog on February 8, and she is smiling in photo no. 5. Before making uninformed comments, why not take a couple of minutes to see if your opinions are accurate? A quick Google search will explain how serious this meeting was. King Abdullah is on the first leg of a tour to gain support for a cease fire. I don't see much to smile about.

  13. Anonymous13/2/24 16:48

    Rania n'est pas en accord avec cette visite.

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 19:53

      Peut-être elle est déçue que les États-Unis ne se soient pas montrés plus compréhensifs et plus énergiques en faveur de la paix pour les Palestiniens, comme elle l'a fait.
      - Anon 9:13

  14. Anonymous13/2/24 17:27

    Pic 6 funny hats!

    1. Anonymous13/2/24 18:55

      Oh dear

    2. Anonymous13/2/24 19:08

      I'm sorry, where are you seeing hats?

    3. I think the "troll" is back. Just ignore her (or him).

    4. Anonymous14/2/24 10:49

      Anon. 13/2 17:27
      I see the hats too now. Queen Rania and her son sitting on the long chair and 2 lamps on a side table against the wall are shining just above their heads. I must admit I did not see it the 1st time when I looked at the picture. Very funny.

    5. Anonymous14/2/24 17:14

      @ Anon 14/2/24 10:48
      Thank goodness. (I see it now too.) Because I getting ready to ask, "What drugs are you on and did you bring enough for the whole class?"

    6. Anonymous18/2/24 14:09

      @Anon 14/2 17:14
      No drugs needed, but glasses. But I have to be careful, if I speak about glasses there are some people on this blog who say I am rude, etc...

  15. Mrs. Biden's suit in vivid Fushia is a stunning outfit, the shoes I love.

  16. Anonymous13/2/24 18:18

    Gosh, so much negative judgement based on just a few photographs of a few seconds out of a couple of hours. It is well known that these two parties are close friends, who have come together at this time to discuss serious business. I think that the formal and casual styles of the ladies, as well as their expressions of the moment, reflect this close and yet special connection. I like both lady's outfits. This is a working visit after all, not a state visit.
    - Anon 9:13

  17. Anonymous14/2/24 01:52

    I think Question Rania looks very chic. Subdued color palate but lovely classic pieces.
    Love the color of Dr. Jills suit but the sleeve length I don't like.

  18. Anonymous14/2/24 03:04

    Dr. Biden looks poised as usual and I very much like her fuschia suit. It is interesting to me that the Crown Prince accompanied his parents. Good training for him I would imagine.
    -Royal Watcher

  19. Anonymous14/2/24 03:16

    I love Dr. Biden's suit--the color is beautiful. Her shoes are fabulous--the heel strap is awesome. Queen Rania looks elegant--her skirt is very reminiscent of Dior's New Look and she has the perfect figure for it. Her sweater is lovely but I can see why some posters feel her look is a bit casual--I think it the style of the sweater. I think had she chosen a traditional jewel neck sweater and added a strand of pearls we would all be swooning over her elegance. However, this was essentially a business meeting President Biden and King Abdullah and I think both ladies are appropriately dressed. As for the comments about Rania's demeanor--I saw film footage of the arrival of the Jordanian royals and Rania was all smiles. She and Dr. Biden greeted each other with affection and they were holding hands off and on during the photo session. There was no tension with anyone. I think these still photos just caught Rania in the seconds she was not smiling.


  20. Rania no acertó con este conjunto. Es oscuro y nada bonito. Creo que como palestina que es no debía hacerle mucha gracia estar ahí, sabiendo que el americano está ayudando a Israel en esta guerra no defiendo a Hamas.

    1. Anonymous14/2/24 11:00

      @Carla. I agree. I thought that too, but I didn't dare to talk about this problem. Each time when one is talking about the different very bad situations the world is confronted with, there are people here who do not like this at all and prefer not to face reality. I know this is a fashion site in the first place, but sometimes one cannot close eyes and ears and ignore the expressions on the faces of the people who are involved.

  21. Anonymous14/2/24 17:18

    Please find video if you can. You will see Rania's behavior/demeanor was not like it appears in these photos.


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