New photos of Princess Stephanie have been released to mark her 40th birthday

Princess Stephanie wore a pale olive Alcove intarsia jumper by Joseph, and Myliane sleeveless crepe jacket by Anne Fontaine

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg will celebrate her 40th birthday on Sunday 18 February 2024. The Grand Ducal Court has released new photos ahead of Princess Stephanie’s 40th birthday. Born on 18 February 1984 in Ronse, Countess Stephanie de Lannoy is the youngest of the eight children of the late Count Philippe and Countess Alix de Lannoy.

Princess Stephanie wore a pale olive Alcove intarsia jumper by Joseph, and Myliane sleeveless crepe jacket by Anne Fontaine

On 20 October 2012, Stephanie married Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg City. Since then, she bears the title of Her Royal Highness the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume have two sons, Prince Charles and Prince François.

Princess Stephanie wore a pale olive Alcove intarsia jumper by Joseph, and Myliane sleeveless crepe jacket by Anne Fontaine

Crown Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg wore JOSEPH Alcove Intarsia High Neck Jumper Pale Olive Ivory
JOSEPH Alcove Intarsia High Neck Jumper

Crown Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg wore Anne Fontaine Myliane Sleeveless Crepe Jacket
Anne Fontaine Myliane Sleeveless Crepe Jacket

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  1. Anonymous17/2/24 11:53

    Awwh the first picture is just too cute 🥰

  2. C'est la première photo que je trouve magnifique quand je vois Stéphanie tenant dans ses bras son adorable petit garçon François qui ressemble beaucoup à son papa ; les couleurs douces des vêtements ont été bien choisies pour être à l'unisson !

  3. Anonymous17/2/24 12:50

    Wishing a blissfully happy birthday to one of my very favorite royal ladies! ❤️ — Jane

    1. Anonymous17/2/24 17:56

      I totally AGREE!!!! Happy BIRTHDAY

  4. Anonymous17/2/24 13:27

    I prefer her in the white and beige sweater. The jacket could be beautiful with normal sleeves instead of the cape sleeves.

  5. Anonymous17/2/24 13:46

    What a lovely picture to mark her 40th birthday! She is such a natural beauty and we can see the happiness of motherhood to her. All the very best wishes!
    Remind me however of another celebration, everything but a natural nice picture !

    1. Anonymous19/2/24 12:37

      Catherine was properly dressed for a portrait photo shoot, not like Stephanie in a house jumper

    2. Anonymous19/2/24 22:48

      @Anonymous19/2/24 12:37
      All we see of Stephanie's picture is her radiant smile and happiness in a simple way to mark her milestone. No fuss, no over-dressed, no heavy photoshop. Lovely picture of her and her little boy, this is where the focus is, not the way she dresses.

    3. Anonymous20/2/24 19:01

      @ Anon. 19/2 12:37
      Catherine did not had a little child in her arms. Stephanie did. The picture was a spontaneous one not studied and photo chopped. As one says the best photo shots are the natural and spontaneous ones.
      I think Stephanie will look back later at this picture and feel very happy that her birthday picture has been taken when she had little François in her arms, rather than being dressed in a formal outfit with no children around.

  6. Anonymous17/2/24 13:49

    Fabulous đź‘Ť Stephanie is simply stunning. Happy birthday wishes to her.

  7. Beautiful little Prince Francois... and his beautiful Mama!

  8. Anonymous17/2/24 14:42

    She is such a lovely lady and her sweet babies give her (and Guillaume) so much happiness. Happy birthday!

  9. She is lovely and looks so much happier since she has had children. She is absolutely glowing.

    1. Anonymous18/2/24 08:41

      Yes that is right. She looks very happy and relaxed since she has become a mom. The photo with little Francois is lovely.

    2. Born to be a mum.
      Happy Birthday to Princess Stephanie.

    3. Anonymous19/2/24 22:49

      Agree with you all :-) She seems to be a lovely person.

  10. Anonymous17/2/24 17:39

    I love the picture of Stephanie holding Francois. So sweet.
    -Royal Watcher

  11. Anonymous17/2/24 19:20

    Beauitful photos of Princess Stephanie. I love the first one with precious little Francois--Stephanie's joy is jumping off the screen. In terms of fashion, she looks good in both outfits but I like her in the sweater best. Wishing her a wonderfully Happy Birthday with many, many more!!!


  12. Anonymous18/2/24 01:55

    Beautiful photos! |Melanie|

  13. Anonymous18/2/24 03:58

    All the photos are successful. But the first one is absolutely beautiful. I hope to see one with Stephanie and both of her divine little princes!- Jacqueline

  14. Aw Pss Stephanie, she looks stunning in all the photos, radiant.

  15. Anonymous18/2/24 08:12

    The first photo is just too sweet ~ Louise

  16. Anonymous18/2/24 20:56

    Great sweater. The pic with the little sweetheart is so cute. A very happy 40st Birthday to the HGD of Luxembourg. css

  17. Anonymous20/2/24 15:07

    Sweet Stephanie.She looks lovely and happy.

  18. Anonymous20/2/24 21:01

    Aaww precious moment with her little boy, the joy and happiness of both mother and son are well captured. A lovely chosen picture to mark her 40th birthday đź’• Fiona.


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