Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel attended a lunch at Villa Akerlund

Crown Princess Victoria wore a blue Billie knit top and blue Anissa knit skirt form By Malina. Ambassador Erik Ramanathan

On February 12, 2024, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel attended a lunch held at the Villa Akerlund, the U.S. Ambassador's residence in Stockholm, Sweden. From 19 February to 22 February, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will visit California (San Francisco and surrounding area), USA. The visit will take place at the request of the Government.

Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Billie blue top and Anissa blue skirt
By Malina Billie Top and Anissa Skirt

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  1. This is pretty, a beautiful break from the pant suits

  2. Victoria a su associer un haut sur une jupe à larges plis ; élégants ses talons hauts de la même couleur !

  3. Ladyofthemanor12/2/24 18:48

    Nice outfit and the bracelet over the sleeve is interesting. Here is a good view of the different trouser lengths seen in Europe and the US. The man closest to P Victoria has the best one in my opinion. No socks showing but not too long either.

    1. Anonymous12/2/24 23:56

      Yes, but look how he is standing….strange for a male (really anyone) to stand like that!

  4. Anonymous12/2/24 19:19

    I just her By Malina-dresses!

  5. Anonymous12/2/24 19:21

    She looks lovely and nice color dress. css

  6. Anonymous12/2/24 20:36

    This dress is so nice! There is a softness about it. Like the hemline, the lenght and the sleeves (similar to what we saw during 1970-1980?). Both Victoria and Daniel are looking so good! Marie

  7. Anonymous12/2/24 20:55

    Simple but class! Glad she keeps away her pant suits this time :-)
    Hard working crown princess with a bright smile.

  8. Anonymous13/2/24 01:48

    Beautiful dress for Victoria! She looks fabulous here.


  9. Lovely outfit, I love the color Navy. The shoes are gorgeous.

  10. Anonymous13/2/24 06:41

    Very nice, I am tired of the pant suits the all are wearing!

  11. Princess Victoria’s ‘BY MALINA’ top and skirt, perfect for the occasion.
    Will be interesting to see Princess Victoria’s wardrobe for California.
    I hope Prince Daniel will leave his on duty, double breasted suit in Sweden and go for some trendy Californian “cool” gear.
    He looks smashing when he’s in his sporting gear.


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