The Belgian Royal Couple are participating in the 54th Annual Meeting of WEF

Queen Mathilde wore an embroidered coat by Esmeralda Ammoun, and poppy gold small earrings by Christine Bekaert

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium are currently in Davos and participating in the annual meeting of World Economic Forum (WEF), held from January 15 to 19. This year, the annual meeting takes place under the theme 'Rebuilding Trust'. The Forum gathers the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society for the purpose of shaping global, regional and industry agendas.

Queen Mathilde wore an embroidered coat by Esmeralda Ammoun, and poppy gold small earrings by Christine Bekaert

In her capacity as Advocate for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Queen Mathilde had several bilateral discussions with representatives of various countries, international (development) organizations and private sector actors, in relation to implementing these development goals.

Queen Mathilde wore an embroidered coat by Esmeralda Ammoun, and poppy gold small earrings by Christine Bekaert

Queen Mathilde of Belgium also chaired a roundtable discussion with international experts, which was about 'Mental health/mental wealth', and met with some social entrepreneurs from the Schwab Foundation.

Queen Mathilde wore an embroidered coat by Esmeralda Ammoun, and poppy gold small earrings by Christine Bekaert

Queen Mathilde wore Esmeralda Ammoun embroidered coat
Esmeralda Ammoun embroidered coat

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  1. Anonymous17/1/24 01:30

    Lovely! QMat looks beautiful in this ensemble. Love how the solid black (maybe navy?) outfit underneath serves as a platform to allow the coat to shine.


  2. I really like this unusual coat. It looks great over the black sweater and trousers. Smart, elegant and business like. Spot on for Davos.

  3. Not thrilled with royals participating in the WEF. Smacks of elitism.

    1. Anonymous17/1/24 12:47

      You are not alone with these thoughts, Shannon. And fashionwise? e.

    2. Anonymous17/1/24 17:20

      OUI, sans le vouloir, ils ont l'air de cautionner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous17/1/24 05:23

    Quelle tristesse. Quand on connaît ce qui est sous-jacent à cette organisation sous ce vernis de valeurs. Et certainement rien de chrétien. Ai entendu la fille de Scwhab qui est active dans l organisation : affolant.

    1. Anonymous17/1/24 14:34

      I believe they get together to ensure the little people pay their salaries. It just comes down to that.

  5. Je vois que Mathilde a su ressortir de son dressing ce magnifique manteau brodé ; je remarque qu'elle sait souvent choisir avec goût ses boucles d'oreilles par rapport au style et motifs de ses tenues !

  6. Anonymous17/1/24 09:58

    Mathilde makes a good choice with Esmeralda Ammoun, I expect to see more of this in 2024, this is looking fun and young.
    Why is Charlene at home ( having a cold?).
    The people looking glum in this theatre of vanity. I believe there are party's and maybe some skiing behind the scene's, no pictures available, too bad! Would be nice to see some winter glamour in these surroundings.

    1. Anonymous17/1/24 13:31

      @ Anna. This is not the first coat Queen Mathilde wears that is made by Esmeralda Ammoun. The top and pants she is wearing underneath are by the same designer.

  7. Ladyofthemanor17/1/24 10:05

    Love this beautiful and unusual coat.

  8. Anonymous17/1/24 14:09

    Mathilde is one of the few royals who has short hair. I think it looks great especially for the mature woman over 50. I know there are no rules and older women can have long hair. But, shorter hairstyles are very elegant and easy to care for. If/when I cut my hair short I would love to have her hairstyle.

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 12:15

      I heard Queen Mathilde's hairdresser had a salon in Paris and then opened also one in Brussels, where she is client since maybe 5 years. Her former hairdresser was the one that styled all the Belgian royal ladies. When he retired the salon closed for good.

  9. Anonymous17/1/24 23:15

    Mathilde looks great. Davos again. Everyone with Name and prestige heading there this is not a must. Why? css

  10. This coat is different, I love it. Very elegant, the colors are beautiful.

  11. Anonymous18/1/24 08:08

    There are a lot of comments against this forum. A lot of jealousy too. What are they doing on this blog If they cannot stand royals and famous people.
    The subjects that are treated here are the same subjects that Queens like Maxima and Mathilde are defending since several years :
    Maxima : as Advocate general for the UNGSA (inclusive finance for development)
    Mathilde : as Special advocate for the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and will also chairs a round table discussion on the subject of mental health

  12. Anonymous18/1/24 17:40

    les membres de cette organisation, au dessus des états nations, se montrent avantageusement à coté des royaux, une façon de rassurer le monde...........bien sûr des philantropes, balcons extérieurs chauffés, ceintres en or, notre quotidien.


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