Royal Court issues schedule for throne succession after abdication of Queen Margrethe

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary will become King and Queen of Denmark

Queen Margrethe will officially abdicate on Sunday 14 January. Queen Margrethe will formally abdicate by signing a declaration in front of her country’s Council of State. The abdication will take place at Christiansborg Palace. Crown Prince Frederik will be proclaimed His Majesty King Frederik X from the balcony of Christiansborg Palace. Crown Princess Mary will become Her Majesty Queen Mary, while the couple's eldest son, Prince Christian, will assume the title of Crown Prince of Denmark.

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary will become King and Queen of Denmark

Then, there will be the transfer of the royal flags from Christian IX's Palace to Frederik VIII's Palace at Amalienborg, where King Frederik and Queen Mary reside. There will be no formal coronation service for the new monarch. Margrethe will still keep her royal title and will be known as Her Majesty Queen Margrethe.

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary will become King and Queen of Denmark

After the throne succession on 14 January 2024, decisions will be made over several months about which of the Crown Prince Couple’s and Queen Margrethe’s patronages will be continued and the allocation thereof. Until then, all of the patronages and honorary duties which prior to now have been attended to by Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary and Queen Margrethe will cease.

  1. Anonymous5/1/24 16:51

    WOW my favorite princess Mary is coming to be Queen ♥️

    1. Anonymous5/1/24 21:17

      Maybe she will become your favorite Queen as well. :)

  2. P. the original5/1/24 17:32

    The formal Declaratoon of Her abdication will look and sound moving to me.
    Thank you for Your splendid service, Madam.

    1. Happy New Year dear P. the original.
      Any news about Princess Mary's family?
      I hope that at least her father can make it.
      It would also be nice to see her brother and sisters there.
      Can you imagine what it must be like for a dad to see his little daughter becoming a Queen?
      Becoming a Princess - yes, but a Queen - WOW

    2. P. the original6/1/24 18:45

      Thank you, dear Deadeggs!
      Yeah, I guess her father and Australian family must be on the moon and righteously proud of their Aussie jewel.
      Unfortunately, I can't t find any article related to Mr Donaldson's reaction to her daughter's enthronement.
      Hope her father and the rest of her family in Australia will be a able to attend.
      The thrilling news must have had a tremendous emotional impact on them.
      So unexpected.
      Mary has been doing a wonderful job throughout her training period as a CP and this transition is the right aknowledgement of her full dedication and loyalty to the Danish Monarchy.

    3. P. the original6/1/24 22:15

      * over the moon

  3. Anonymous5/1/24 18:03

    Sounds very civil and logical. That's a really nice photo of Queen Margrethe.

    You know it seems it use to be that the word abdication was always thought of in the negative. Usually the person was abdicating because of scandal, or being forced to do it because of mental incapacity, or as the result of a coup or loosing a war, etc. But with the general lifespan of humans increasing it's becoming more of a "natural" part of the process so to speak. Overall I think it's a good thing (if still a bit sad). I don't care what job/career you have or how much you may, or may not, have enjoyed it after a long time at it you get to the point when you just need to stop and hand things over to someone else. Enjoy less responsibility and just be "free." Well done, your majesty. Well done.

    1. Anonymous5/1/24 19:52

      @Anon 18:03 I agree with you completely.
      These are modern times requiring more practical ways of thinking. As you correctly say, human beings are living longer lives, and abdication need not have negative connotations, especially when considered as retirement. Q.Margarethe definitely deserves and has earned this honour.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. I think it´s a smart move. Not only will Margrethe be able to enjoy some sort of retirement after serving for over 50 years, she will also be spared to deal with her declining health in public, while on duty. It´s a matter of dignity to not be under public scrutiny as you get weaker at old age. Also, an abdication allows the duties of the crown to be handed down in an orderly fashion, it can be planned and organised this way and will not be connected to the eventual death of the queen. It is a happier succession sort of speak and Fredrik can settle into his role as king without at the same time mourning a parent, like Margrethe had to when she became queen.
      I hope Margrethe has many more years to live, both to enjoy retirement, to assist Fredrik in his transistion process, and to continue being a highly valued, unifying figure and moral authority for her country.

    3. True. and the biggest scandal of all- 'the king marrying the woman he loves - an American divorcee'

    4. Anonymous6/1/24 10:42

      missy. Are you quite alright, dear?

    5. Anonymous6/1/24 16:38

      I suppose Missy writes about Edward VIII, the late Queen Elizabeth's uncle. This took place about 100 years ago I suppose ? Strange it is still considered as a big scandal in the 21st century.

    6. Dear Missy. Please telephone the "popular" press about this.
      It would certainly be "breaking news - breaking news".

    7. Anonymous8/1/24 21:26

      Missy does sound like she's clutching her pearls, doesn't she?

  4. Anonymous5/1/24 18:46

    That crowns are magnificent. The gold form is so old and regal.

    1. Anonymous5/1/24 19:09

      so they get crowns but dont call it a coronation, same thing

    2. No. The crowns are not playing any role in the changing of the monarch ceremonies. They are on display in the treasure chamber of Schloss Rosenborg.

    3. Anonymous6/1/24 16:45

      I don't think they get these crowns for use. They will probably be displayed during the ceremony and after that disappear in a safe place or in a "coffre-fort" in the bank. I never saw Queen Margrethe wearing one of these.

    4. Anonymous7/1/24 16:14

      In scandinavia the Crown and the regalia are only for display not for wearing anymore. Look at old photos of transition. The last coronation in Sweden was King Oscar II in 1873. In Denmark King Christian VIII 1840. Since 1849 they don't anoint anymore either in Denmark. They are proclaimed by the prime minister. And the last coronation in Norway was King Haakon in 1906. King Olav and King Harald chose to be anointed/blessed in church, but it was quite a debate in 1992 if this wasn't an outdated custome, but the King wanted to do this. Will Haakon chose the same? Probably it's no become a tradition.

  5. I am going to miss Queen Margrethe, God bless you Madam. So proud of CP Mary, she will do well.

    1. à Ava Pittman 05/01/2024 19:08
      A moi également et j'espère la voir lors de ses visites en France dans son château de Caix (département du Lot) quand elle aura l'occasion de faire son marché début septembre au moment des premiers cèpes !

  6. Anonymous5/1/24 19:48

    The Q Margrethen II era ends. The Fredrik X era will begin. The Q M , will be missed by many. I like to wish the new Royal Couple the very best and much success in their new role for Denmark. css

  7. Anonymous5/1/24 20:26

    My best best wishes to this very lovely, warm-hearted, close-to-people and down-to-earth KONGEHUSET!!! What a moving love story and dream fairytale of of Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary!!!

    1. Anonymous6/1/24 08:44

      What a lovely comment I agree with you.

    2. Anonymous9/1/24 10:29

      Do you believe in the love story and dream fairytale?

  8. Anonymous6/1/24 04:35

    She served well. Good on her to have slimmed down the monarchy during her reign to spare her son's reign from doing that, and it becoming a scandal. I hope we will still get to see her from time to time with her sister. However, I am excited to see Frederick's reign and what his era will entail.

    Very Glad that it will be taking place on a Sunday - which means most of us will be in attendance, albeit elsewhere in the world.


  9. Anonymous6/1/24 17:01

    The ladies look lovely. The dark on top, lighter on the bottom combination looks nice on Mary. It is a positive that the transfer of power is happening without a death and mourning. Everyone can enjoy the new phase. Christine


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