Queen Maxima is attending WEF's 54th Annual Meeting in Davos

Queen Maxima wore an orange wool stretch blazer suit by Joseph, and orange coral sweater. Joseph wide leg trousers

From the afternoon of Tuesday 16 January to Thursday 18 January, Queen Maxima is attending the 54th annual meeting of World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). The theme of this year’s meeting is Rebuilding Trust.

Queen Maxima wore an orange wool stretch blazer suit by Joseph, and orange coral sweater. Joseph wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima of The Netherlands will hold bilateral talks with government representatives from various countries, and representatives from the business community and international development organizations with the objective to discuss the progress in promoting digital financial services in the world.

Queen Maxima wore an orange wool stretch blazer suit by Joseph, and orange coral sweater. Joseph wide leg trousers

Queen Maxima wore Joseph Wool Stretch Jaden Jacket
Joseph Wool Stretch Jaden Jacket

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  1. Anonymous17/1/24 22:48

    That’s a hard color to wear, but the Queen looks good in her national color. I also think the suit is perfect for Davos.

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 21:32

      She’s too pale for that color, in my opinion.

    2. Anonymous19/1/24 06:46

      When she wears bronzer on her cheeks she receives comments on this blog that she uses it too much. The light is also very hard in that conference room. A picture of 2 days before when she was still in The Netherlands showed a sun kissed face.

  2. Anonymous17/1/24 23:01

    Everyone is traveling to Davos. Tousant of people flying in. This occurs once a year. So many people what a huge carbon Footprint? They all seem to be so concerned for the Climate, so am I. Then why do it? I like Maximas's orange suit. She loves strong colors. css

    1. You´re rightly pointing out one of the many hypocrisies of this event.

      Another one is the theme in itself. "Rebuilding trust" is not possible in the current political environment. At least they´re admitting that they´ve lost the people´s trust in politics.

    2. Anonymous18/1/24 12:39

      There are other important issues that has to be discussed besides climate. You have the subject of mental health. All the social situations in the world that have an important place on the agenda. Also the progress in promoting digital financial services in the world.
      During the pandemic these discussions could only take place on-line.
      Now they can see each other for real and have personal discussions with them.
      I've heard that Mr. Zelensky has been there too to give a speech.

  3. Pour cette réunion de travail, Maxima est élégante dans cet ensemble à la veste croisée ; elle a su choisir une large écharpe/étole de la même couleur !

  4. The double breasted jacket is stunning. This color looks terrific, the Queen wears it well.

  5. Ladyofthemanor18/1/24 10:10

    That is a lot of orange but the jacket is of great design. The Queen looks very good in this ensemble

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 22:10

      I agree. There’s a lot of orange and some contrast, perhaps in the scarf🧣 might improve it. However, Queen Maxima can certainly carry it off. She looks great

    2. Anonymous18/1/24 22:12

      I agree. There’s a lot of orange and some contrast, perhaps in the scarf🧣 might improve it. However, Queen Maxima can certainly carry it off. She looks great

  6. I like this look of Qn Maxima.

  7. Anonymous18/1/24 17:15

    Too much orange and back to bad hair.

  8. Anonymous18/1/24 17:16

    Too much orange, and use of a hair brush, or good hair cut would be nice. Edwina

  9. Anonymous18/1/24 21:35

    A minority ( a lot not chooses to represent a part of the world population) deciding over our future. It’s not because you’re rich you know best or have the best intentions. These meetings are scary.

  10. Anonymous19/1/24 06:49

    @ Anon. 17:15 & 17:16
    I like Queen Maxima in that orange suit. Orange is a fashion color this Winter.
    At least she has not straw hair, which is looking bad too.

  11. Anonymous20/1/24 21:54

    Not a good color and not a good hairstyle, pet her usual.
    Lady R


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