Queen Mathilde visited the organization Handicap Visuel Formation Emploi

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

On January 12, 2024, Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the non-profit organization 'Handicap Visuel Formation Emploi' (HVFE) in Montignies-sur-Sambre. The HVFE (Visual Learning Disability Employment Association) is a non-profit association founded in 1987.

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

The HVFE has the mission of promoting those activities that support the integration of blind and visually impaired people into society, mainly through the proper use of IT tools and new adapted communication technologies. The association offers computer courses to blind and visually impaired people that are intended for these people.

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

Caroline Biss stretch high waist straight leg pants. Queen Mathilde wore a short oversized stretch jacket by Caroline Biss

Queen Mathilde wore Caroline Biss short oversized stretch jacket and city look stretch pants high waist straight leg
Caroline Biss short jacket and pants

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  1. Anonymous12/1/24 17:33

    Nice outfit, we may have seen it before. Today, the name Caroline Biss caught my eye. I tried to research on the web, is Biss the family name Celeste deHauwere descended from, is that what the non-english web pages state? Christine

    1. @ Christine 17:33. Hope the following is part of the information you are looking for.
      In 1963, Celeste De Hauwere founded a general clothing workshop/factory in Lebbeke Belgium which helped provide employment for the local female population.
      In the 1980’s, De Hauwere noticed that a total look was the future of fashion, she created her own brand: Caroline, a name that changed shortly afterwards to Caroline Biss.
      The company has had a low-key profile on the international fashion scene.
      I read (not confirmed) that the company is the manufacturer, but not the designer, of the Olympic uniforms for the Belgium Olympic team in Paris this year.

  2. What a beautiful visit by the Queen. I love this pantsuit. The models, Navy blouse is my preference, very smart. Regardless the Queen looks fabulous.

  3. Great cause to support but I can't ever be impressed by a patterned trouser suit. Whether it's Mathilde, Victoria or Maxima, it's too much and does no favours for the wearer.

    1. virginia Dogwood12/1/24 23:49

      I agree about patterned trouser suits. Doesn't flatter ladies at all. The pants and blouse would have looked great with a coordinating solid blazer. Also she appears to wear pants and skirts pulled up too high at the waist. Looks like she has a shorter torso.

    2. Anonymous13/1/24 07:24

      She is short waisted. It is not an allusion. As you can see, she has very long legs. To give the appearance of a more balanced body, she could avoid tucking in her tops and wear longer jackets.

  4. Anonymous13/1/24 01:14

    Nice suit. She is a great supporter of charities. Love to see it. css

  5. Anonymous13/1/24 07:40

    I like Queen Mathilde's new pant suit. It is something different than the classic pant suit everybody wears. I like also her new Winter shoes. With the jumper underneath it creates a great sporty look.
    Queen Mathilde is high waisted we all know that by now. But she is not handicapped like some of the comments describe her look. When she wishes to wear a short jacket she must tuck her top in the pants, skirt, etc... otherwise it is too long to wear with the jacket. Pants are wider and have a higher waist according to the fashion rules of the last 2 years.
    For me she looks lovely in this Belgian brand (not cheap at all). At least she tries something new now and then. We cannot say about Queen Mathilde that she looks boring.

  6. What I found is in full agreement with the comment of deadeggs about Caroline Biss, ie 2022 : 31 eigen winkels (shops) & 1 webshop, 18 in België, 11 in Nederland en 2 in Luxemburg, 250 internationally based. I like very much their fashion, buy there only during sames ... They have interesting innovative designs. Not surprising Mathilde goes for them.
    I usually DISAGREE with excessively strict comments here, which no longer represent the views of a majority of women. They no longer accept such strict rules, although we can understand that they make sense. Freedom is replacing "flattering".

    1. I apologise : "sames" should read "sales"

  7. Anonymous13/1/24 12:42

    I found out the following :
    The pant suit presented by the model has dark blue in its pattern (therefor the navy blouse probably). The one Queen Mathilde is wearing has brown in its pattern. She also carried a new Caroline Herrera bag in cognac (we can see a little bit of it on pictures N° 1 & 3). It is more or less the same bag owned by Queen Letizia.

  8. Ladyofthemanor13/1/24 14:08

    Personally I prefer a more tailored pantsuit. A jacket like this feels more casual and would look great with jeans or a solid pant. A checkered suite is too much and these pants don´t even seem to fit well.

    1. Anonymous13/1/24 18:12

      You are completely wrong. This brand is known for its perfect tailoring. The pants fit very well. You are simply not in for new styles and prefer to stick to old fashion. Queen Mathilde is still a young queen and she can wear young styles. She is dressed in a young business style perfect to do all the visits to schools, institutions, hospitals, etc. I am sure she listens sometimes to her daughters who are also well dressed in new up to date styles.

  9. Superbe dans la combinaison de la veste et du pantalon mais une touche Bordeaux de son haut apporterait un meilleur look ; ses cheveux auraient-ils bénéficié d'un raccourci ? Si c'est le cas, cela lui va à merveille !

  10. Anonymous13/1/24 23:29

    Love this trouser suit and it looks wonderful on QMat. She looks great here--the suitis very flattering and well-fitted.


  11. Anonymous14/1/24 17:58

    The trouser suit the Queen is wearing is casual, yet totally appropriate for the occasion. Edwina

  12. Anonymous17/1/24 22:40

    Caroline Biss is high street fashion. Not couture.


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