Queen Margrethe received Flemming Kjølstrup at Christiansborg Palace

Queen Margrethe will officially abdicate on January 14, meaning that her son, Crown Prince Frederik, will become King of Denmark

January 8 was the date of Queen Margrethe's final audience and last official task. Laundry worker Flemming Kjølstrup Jensen from Central Vaskeriet Bispebjerg was the last Dane to be in official audience with the Queen. Queen Margrethe has reigned since January 14, 1972. Queen Margrethe will officially abdicate on January 14, 2024, meaning that her son, Crown Prince Frederik, will become King of Denmark on the same day.

Queen Margrethe will officially abdicate on January 14, meaning that her son, Crown Prince Frederik, will become King of Denmark

Since 1972, the Queen has received between 50-150 Danes at each audience, so throughout the period of Queen Margrethe’s reign, there have been far more than 50,000 conversations with Danish persons. Official audience has taken place at Christiansborg Palace approximately every other Monday throughout the year.

Queen Margrethe will officially abdicate on January 14, meaning that her son, Crown Prince Frederik, will become King of Denmark

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  1. P. the original9/1/24 19:15

    It makes me a bit sad to see this Great Queen performing her last official tasks.
    I would just hug her, if only I could.
    This is not a farewell, Madam.
    You are Denmark and this is a fact nobody can' t deny.
    Words fail me.

  2. I love the color of this outfit. The scarf is a lovely addition. She looks well. Going to miss her x

  3. Cette étole va bien à Margrethe en complétant élégamment son ensemble veste/jupe !

  4. Anonymous9/1/24 21:58

    In a few days she is still Queen, but not The Queen. I believe she was great for Denmark. css

  5. Anonymous10/1/24 01:08

    Oh, Daisy--you are breaking my heart by leaving! But, you are a wise lady and have spent your life dedicated to you country, your people, and your duty. QM looks lovely for her final official appearance--elegant and regal purple suit and shawl. I will her miss her.


  6. Anonymous10/1/24 02:18

    Queen Margretha is a highly intelligent woman;I applaud her for her style. She will still be in the background to assist both Mary and Frederick.I do like her outfit;and her hair looks good;the clasp in her hair looks good(Tara)

  7. Anonymous10/1/24 04:47

    I am not Danish, but even Americans can recognize greatness and will miss her Majesty. I wish her well and I wish the Danish people will continue into the future with His Majesty Frederik X and his Queen Mary. God Bless Denmark.

  8. I wonder if she will completely retire or still work for the crown like Princess Beatrice of the Netherlands does.


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