Queen Margrethe hosted the 2024 New Year's Dinner at Amalienborg

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

On January 1, 2024, Queen Margrethe of Denmark hosted the 2024 New Year’s Levee and Dinner at Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg. The event was held for the representatives of government, the speaker of the Danish Parliament, high-level officers and specially invited guests. Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Joachim, Princess Marie and Princess Benedikte accompanied the Queen at the dinner.

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein. Princess Marie wore a navy lace gown

Crown Princess Mary wore a burgundy velvet gown by Birgit Hallstein
Birgit Hallstein Gown

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  1. Anonymous1/1/24 22:20

    I think it is a sad occasion. This is the last time we'll see the Queen hosting this elaborate event. Next Year we'll see King Fredrik and Queen Mary hosting this event from now on. Fredrik has had lots of practice to learn from his mother I hope he paid attention.? I wish the new K&Q the best for the future. css

  2. Anonymous1/1/24 23:26

    Mary looks stunning as always certainly looking like the very near future queen. Marie elegant as always. Overall stunning gowns. Mary

  3. Anonymous2/1/24 00:01

    Mary seems very happy! Can't wait for the coronation to take place!

    1. Anonymous2/1/24 00:12

      There will not be a coronation.
      Only in the UK.
      Scandinavian, and others too, heads of state are not crowned.

    2. Anonymous2/1/24 00:29

      There will not be a coronation. Denmark skipped them in 1849 with the new constitution. The new king will be proclaimed instead.

    3. Anonymous2/1/24 07:01

      As the other say, in a modern monarchy, no one is chosen and crowned by god anymore except Great Britain which has not yet entered the 21st century. The others are elected by their people, therefore they swear an oath to their parliament. Anna.

    4. Anonymous2/1/24 11:15

      I particularly agree with you anonymous 2/1/2024 07:01

    5. Anonymous2/1/24 11:27

      a history about why European countries dont call them coronations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=682-zrStMr8

    6. Anonymous2/1/24 12:25

      In Netherlands, the king or the queen is also coronated.

    7. Anonymous2/1/24 13:46

      ''except Great Britain which has not yet entered the 21st century''

      we may be close to Europe but we took a different path in history and culture, nothing to do with 21st century. interesting how no one tells the royal family of Bhutan to dress modern, cause its a different culture from yours.

    8. Anonymous2/1/24 14:24

      To Anonymous 2/1/24 12.25: Although the investiture takes place in a church, it is not a religious ceremony; its significance is purely constitutional. Since the monarch is not crowned, during the ceremony the crown of the Netherlands is simply displayed, with the other regalia, on a special table known as the credence table. Siri

    9. What a pity that there won't be a coronation! I would have loved to watch it!

    10. Anonymous2/1/24 20:47

      I agree with anonymous 2/1/2024 07:01 too.
      Everything is very pompous with the Brits royals, spend tons of money for their ego.
      Hope to see some pics on the 14th of the new King and Queen of Denmark. Another page is turned, sad to see the fab Queen Margrethe steeping down, but she should have her own reason.

    11. To Anon 11:27
      Thanks for the link giving information about coronations.
      Much appreciated.
      Happy New Year

    12. Anonymous3/1/24 06:45

      Well 13:46 when you think you are chosen by god to be King or Queen...

  4. The Queen's coral dress is superb. CP Mary looks as lovely as ever in the perfect red velvet and Princess Benedikte is her usual elegant self. Princess Marie's dress is also elegant but I wish she had worn her hair in an updo rather than the more casual ponytail

    1. Anonymous2/1/24 00:13

      Totally agree with you about Marie's ponytail. I was just getting ready to write the exact same thing. She could have twisted it into a little messy bun and it would have looked better and more appropriate.

    2. Anonymous2/1/24 00:16

      And is it just me, or has Mary's Birgit Hallstein Gown been altered yet again? What would this be, like the third or fourth time? No one can say that she hasn't repurposed this gown. There was even a maternity version.

    3. Anonymous2/1/24 08:34

      I agree on all points, also Marie's hairstyle. She does looks gorgeous in this dress and tiara. This burgundy velvet dress is my favourite New Years Banquet dress on Mary. Regal, understated yet luxurious: tje perfect dress to show off all the fantastic jewelry and orders. Looking forward to Mary and Marie's fashion choices this year. I do hope we also get to see Marie and Joachim more often now. Damsel Dragonfly

    4. Princess Mary’s velvet gown has been tried and tested for a good 10 years now.
      A few adjustments have been made to the neckline on some occasions.
      She has worn it at least three times in the last five years.
      I seem to remember seeing, on one occasion, a throw over, long velvet coat of the same colour.
      I’ve read that Princess Mary has an ivory copy of the same gown.
      The colour and the minimum styling makes a perfect background for the decorations she has to wear for some occasion and/or jewellery.
      The Danish designer and dressmaker, Birgit Hallstein keeps a low profile with her work and private life.
      Would love to read some more on her ‘bio’ if a fellow blogger can guide or inform me.
      I wonder if the future Queen will choose something special for the big day when she is crowned along with her husband, King Frederik the 10th of Denmark.

  5. Anonymous2/1/24 01:24

    Mary loves him again!

    1. I wouldn't dare use that phrasing. We don't know these people sufficiently well to have a valid opinion.

    2. Anonymous2/1/24 10:10

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Anonymous2/1/24 14:41

      Anon 10:10, are you ok?

    4. You know @Anon 01:24 there are lots of fairytale books for young girls to read about princes and princesses.
      Nice little stories where everybody lives happily ever after.
      I’m sure you must know of them and read them.
      Barbara Cartland wrote a ton of them. Simple and easy to read.


    5. Sadly there are always certain people who love drama, hope some drama and read almost only gossips and that kind of papers. Why even to think do they love each other or "how is their relationship" because it is not our concern. I enjoy the happy and beautiful pictures and that "throwing up" emoji is the lowest thing I've ever seen here. But perhaps @anon at 10:10 is having a very bad New Year's hangover.

  6. Anonymous2/1/24 02:23

    CP Mary looks gorgeous!!! I have loved this particular gown everytime she has worn it--starting with the maternity version when she was pregnant with Isabella. HM's gown is lovely--the pinky coral shade is beautiful for her. I love that Princess Benedikte came--she sparkles as much as her lovely gown. Marie looks pretty but I wish she had worn her in a more formal style. I'm glad to see everyone joining HM since she is hosting her final New Year's courts.


  7. Oh my goodness, Pss Bene, looks sensational. What a glamorous look. She looks elegant and simply stunning. Love her choice of jewellery.
    Mary looks superb, in this repeat velvet gown. She wears this particular tiara beautifully.
    Pss Marie's gown is divine. I love her blue shoes. The ponytail I dislike.

    1. Anonymous3/1/24 04:11

      Mary has come a long way and worked hard.
      She is ready to be a Queen Consort of Denmark

  8. Anonymous2/1/24 03:00

    Queen Margrethe did not make her decision lightly;she is a wonderful Queen. Prince Frederik will need all the support he can get;Christian is too young to give wise counsel.The Queen will continue to give wise counsel.These people are not actors;there will be a lot of pressure on all of them until they settle into the role.I can see now why Mary came home to Tasmania shortly before Christmas.Frederik and Mary will need Joachim and Marie to support them;so much for a slimmed down Monarchy;in Denmarks case it couldn't get much slimmer. K

  9. Anonymous2/1/24 03:21

    Queen Margretha looks lovely;she is such a good Queen.Frederik will not find the job easy;he has been a King in waiting for a little while;he will have the wise counsel of Queen Margretha to help him.No wonder why Mary came to Tassie before Christmas.The Monarchy in Denmark has slimmed down;Frederik will need his brother Joachim also Marie to be a support.Christian is too young to be of wise counsel;no doubt his rich girlfriends parents will be over the moon. Mary will make a good Queen;but it is not an acting role ;it is hard work,so Josephine and Vincent are at an age were they need their mother. I wish the Danish Monarchy well.(Tara)

    1. Anonymous5/1/24 08:19

      Why all these speculations ? Give these royals the time and the rest to decide for themselves what must be done in the near and far away future. They have enough experience with being royals than you think. They also have the government of their country to give them advice if necessary. And of course Queen Margrethe is still there to give them advice and share her experience with her son. Europe is full with "young kings and queens" and they all are working very hard. They are the modern royals of a Europe like we know it today and CP Mary and Prince Frederik will soon be part of it.

  10. Ladyofthemanor2/1/24 03:44

    The queen is wearing a beautiful coral dress and I wish I could have a better look. CP Mary and P Marie look great in their respective rewears. The Velvet gown is perfect for a winter day. P Benedicte is very elegant

  11. Anonymous2/1/24 07:04

    Another fur coat Lisa ;) PS they all look absolutely smashing.

  12. Anonymous2/1/24 08:28

    Prinz Joachim und seine Prinzessin Marie immer und immer wieder für mich das Traumpaar! Ich mag seine Uniform sehr und Prinzessin Marie wirkt so leicht und unbeschwert, ich mag ihre Haare so und auch das Kleid, sie könnte sich behängen und aufschmücken, das bleibt bei ihr egal, weil sie so eine wunderbare Natürlichkeit ausstrahlt, das spiegelt sich auch in Familienbildern wieder, sie stellt sich egal in welcher Situation hin und erhellt und erfreut : ) -Dorothe-

  13. Anonymous2/1/24 08:37

    Pensavo più all'abdicazione in Norvegia, questa è inaspettata perché la regina è in splendida forma.
    Evidentemente per Federico è arrivato il momento di lavorare seriamente, la sua forza sarà Mary che ha fatto molto per la corona.
    Rossella 🎄

  14. Anonymous2/1/24 09:13

    Wonderful looks for this event. It must have been such an emotional dinner. - Louise

  15. Anonymous2/1/24 10:03

    Just my two cents about ponytails. Nobody notices the difference between a bun and a ponytail in the frontal view, where tiaras can be best seen. Marie's ponytail is a beautifully and carefully styled low ponytail, with a bit more volume on the top (for the tiara) and the ponytail itself displays waves similar to long hair. I just cannot see what is wrong with a ponytail worn like this, it is definitely not the casual sporty one. She looks lovely (as do all the other ladies). (GM)

    1. Totally agree, Marie's hairdo looks fresh, young, delicate and elegant in the same time and more than perfect for this occasion.

    2. Agree about the ponytail. I think it looks beautiful and very elegant. It is well executed and made to match the occasion. I certainly prefer this over a messy bun.

    3. Virginia Dogwood2/1/24 21:11

      Different opinions on Princess Marie's hairstyle. I think the pony tail, is quite refreshing and in styled in very good taste. She looks magnificent with her tiara. Love the midnight blue ballgown and the way she carries herself so regally when walking. The others wear their outfits well also, but Marie has such a sparkle about her.

  16. Toutes superbes pour cet évènement. Mary est parfaite dans ce velours Bordeaux mais je n'oublie pas la princesse Benedikte toujours élégante ; j'adore son petit sac à mains doré qui se combine à merveille avec le reste de son look et surtout ses bijoux. En ce qui concerne Marie, j'aime beaucoup le style de sa robe mais pas du tout cette sorte de queue de cheval qui fait trop décontracté ; un petit chignon bas aurait mieux convenu !

  17. Anonymous2/1/24 13:49

    They all look radiant and happy. The most beautiful tiara is the one CP Mary is wearing. The most beautiful necklace is the one worn by Princess Benedikte. The evening gowns are equally nice. (Not a single one looks more beautiful than another one).

  18. Anonymous2/1/24 15:04

    Love Marys velvet dress. I think it’s the third time she’s wearing it ♥️

  19. Anonymous2/1/24 15:12

    Being a Dane, living in Denmark, and reading this blog has been something of an eye-opener - and a source of cheap entertainment.

    It appears, according to Danish media, that Queen Margrethe made the decision to abdicate some time ago.
    It has certainly nothing to do with the asinine 'affair' stories appearing in the European 'gossip' press - you really have to be an imbecile to believe them.

    According to a press release from The Prime Minister's Office, Queen Margrethe will keep her title of queen and be titulated 'Her Majesty Queen Margrethe'.

    No coronation. Not a Danish tradition. After a Council of State meating at Christiansborg Palace (seat of the Danish Parliament), the Prime Minister will officially proclaim Crown Prince Frederik as Denmark's new monarch, and he will be King Frederik X of Denmark. That's it.

    There is no such thing as 'Queen Consort' in Denmark; it's a British invention. Mary will be queen, pure and simple. And Mary can act as regent.


    1. Thanks @Amy for the information. Interesting.
      Good to get it straight from the horse's mouth.
      I'm sure you'll be out there cheering for King Frederik the 10th and Queen Mary.

    2. Anonymous3/1/24 16:48

      Outstanding line up of first hand information.
      Miss Anonymous Amy should be appointed Super Head Secretary to the Privy Council hands down , provided she menages to find some time to lift her eyes from her fav gossipy Lecturas and other mags.

  20. Anonymous2/1/24 16:22

    The ladies all look elegant, though Princess Benedikte might have worn dark stockings, instead of the flesh coloured ones. Marie's low styled hair look fantastic, as the hair was groomed in such a manner as to allow to looks. As if it were an updo, and yet waves hanging down in the back. Edwina

  21. Anonymous2/1/24 18:52

    HM looks sensational in her coral/pink gown. Sad that this was her last NY gala!
    Mary is queen of the re-wear!Its a beautiful dress,and worthy of the many re-wears! I wonder what tiara she’ll wear this time next year,now that the royal vault’s contents are at her disposal?
    I agree with others,who commented on Marie’s hair. A ponytail seems a little relaxed for such an auspicious occasion. The dress is not one of her best.The navy lace is a little’old’ for her her.
    Benedict as usual looks elegant.Some woman are just born with that gene, that ability to know how to put themselves together,irrelevant of their budget.Pss B is certainly one of them!
    It’ll be interesting to see how the new King & Queen will cope with their new itineraries.Joachim & Marie seemed settled in the US.I doubt Pss B is keen to take on any more than she already does.Christian has only just begun to learn the ropes! But they’ll be up to the task,I’m sure! Bea

  22. Mary and Frederik both look perfect!

  23. Anonymous5/1/24 07:32

    A fellow Scandinavian thanks Amy 2/1/24 15:12 for the fine comments, giving us facts not gossips from foreign magazines.
    I'd like to add one specialty about QM. When she was born, she was not the heir. Denmark had male succession. Margrethe was about 13 years, when a succession vote was arranged - and female succession allowed. Margrethe has had an unique position, an elected monarch (not found elsewhere). I suppose it has given her a special connection with people.
    About coronations: In European monarchies only UK does arrange them. I have understood that it is because the British monarch is also the Head of the Church of England. In no other European monarchies does such connection exist. The monarch is a member of the church, but not the head of it.
    It's Britain's Henry VIII and his multiple divorces we have to thank for the coronations.

    1. Well two of them, he cut their heads off (Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard).
      Quite a nice type to have as head of The Church of England.

  24. P. the original5/1/24 11:11

    My very personal thought.

    I' ve learned to love and appreciate almost every aspect of life in Denmark over the years.
    The Danes , the non native residents and also tourists in general are used to associating Denmark with Queen Margrethe, sometimes kindly called Daisy.
    Every road, street , every single thing in Denmark calls her to mind, even just some road signs found everywhere and featuring a daisy as a tribute to her.
    She has been a very remarkable Queen throughout her reign and a very lovely, relatable lady.
    She is likely to been seen rather rarely after the abdication and her need for some rest and calm is totally understandable.
    I' ll miss her at every step I'll take in Copenhagen and elsewhere in Denmark.
    I'll Imagine myself guessing she is living her retired life somewhere behind one or more of those windows of her opulent historical marvellous castles.
    I' ll miss her when strolling in Nyhawn, waiting to see her majestic yacht to be harboured in there.
    Of course, now the King and the Queen will take the lead .
    They will be seen in full regalia .
    They will take on a great deal of responsabilities and they will cope with their stuffed taxing schedule of royal engagements to fulfil.
    This is life, this is the how royal turnover works sometimes.
    As a non- native Dane , I just want to say: thank you, Madam.

    1. P. the original. Beautifully articulated, well said.
      P.S Hope you are well. Hugs

    2. Bravo, P. the original.
      Nicely said.
      Long live the Denmark and long live the royal family.

    3. P. the original6/1/24 07:51

      Awww, thank you, Ava and Deadeggs!
      Long live Denmark and long live the Royal Family.
      The Danes are so deeply fond of their Royal Family.
      It must be kinda of a heartache to watch their Great Queen stepping aside.
      Anyway, I am sure that the new King and Queen' will live up to their people's expectations.

    4. P. the original6/1/24 07:55

      @ Ava
      Oh, I' m doing well, thank you!
      Hope the same for you.
      I am left just a few hours to have some rest and then...the show must go on.
      Hugs x

  25. Anonymous5/1/24 17:02

    Dear Margot, Regarding English monarchs, we do not owe coronations to Henry VIII, I wonder from where you got this information. The historical facts are very clear. King Edward was crowned on June 8th, in the year 800, and there were many more thereafter.
    🌞 Virginia


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