Queen Margrethe held a New Year's reception for Diplomatic Corps

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

On January 3, 2024, Queen Margrethe hosted two New Year receptions at Christian VII's Palace and Christiansborg Palace. Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary attended both of the receptions held at Christian VII's Palace and Christiansborg Palace. The second reception at Christiansborg Castle was held for Foreign Diplomatic Corps and their spouses.

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown

Crown Princess Mary, Queen Mary, wore a navy royal blue gown by Lasse Spangenberg. Queen Margrethe wore a wine red gown
  1. Ladyofthemanor3/1/24 13:03

    Love the magnificent fur coat! It all looks so dreadfully cold. Not a fan of CP Mary´s puffed sleeves.

    1. Agree. fabulous coat. The dress is a good colour but I don't like the high neck--it seems rather constricting. Again, the colour of CP Mary's dress is good but it seems on the tight side, both in the sleeves and the body.

    2. Anonymous4/1/24 07:48

      Don't say that to Lisa. Fur is baaaaad ;)

  2. Anonymous3/1/24 13:30

    Press release from Kongehuset:

    "On Sunday, 14 January 2024, HRH The Crown Prince assumes the Danish throne as HM King Frederik the 10th. At the same time, HRH The Crown Princess will be known as HM Queen Mary. The Royal Couple will henceforth bear the title The King and The Queen of Denmark.

    HRH Prince Christian becomes the heir to the throne and will henceforth be referred to as HRH Crown Prince Christian.

    After the succession to the throne, HM The Queen will continue to be Majesty and bear the title HM Queen Margrethe."

    As stated before,
    There is no such thing as 'Queen Consort' in Denmark; it's a British invention. Mary will be queen, pure and simple. And Mary can act as regent.


    1. Anonymous3/1/24 15:20

      Thank you to the Secretary to the Privy Council, Miss Anonymous Amy.

    2. Anonymous3/1/24 16:32

      I wasn’t aware of the Consort rules in Denmark so great news! Queen Mary has a wonderful ring to it! MR

    3. Anonymous3/1/24 19:33

      Of course she will not have the title queen consort. But in fact she is. She is addressed as queen as Maxima in the Netherlands. A male partner is always a prince like the husband of Margaretha who opposed to this title. Again according to the constitution Mary has not the rank of a queen imv

    4. Mary will be queen consort.. which simply means that they are not queen regnant but married to a king. they are never called queen consort.. just the same as no one refers to a queen regnant by that name either.

    5. Anonymous4/1/24 02:39

      Perfectly put noreen. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Mary of Teck, Alexandra of Denmark, etc etc were all queens consorts as well. The distinction with Camilla prior to the coronation was only a matter of avoiding confusion and giving the public some time to associate "The Queen" with someone else rather than Elizabeth.

      It's not an "invention" or some kind of demotion as people made it out to be.

  3. Anonymous3/1/24 14:05

    Like the color of Mary’s gown but not the style. It looks too snug and wrinkly.

    1. Anonymous3/1/24 16:32

      Agreed…the gown looks a mess with the fit and wrinkles.

    2. Anonymous3/1/24 19:34


  4. Anonymous3/1/24 14:07

    Mary and Frederik are looking so happy.

    1. Anonymous3/1/24 14:46

      If looking smug equals looking happy then guess they are happy?

  5. They all look so regal and beautiful!

  6. Anonymous3/1/24 18:52

    Wie kommt es, dass Ps Mary Königin wird, aber der verstorbene Ehemann von Königin M. Prinzgemahl war?

    1. Anonymous3/1/24 21:41

      Sexismus. Ein Mann (König) ist im höfischen Protokoll traditionell immer höher gestellt, egal ob er der Regent ist oder eben der Mann der Regentin. Deswegen war Prinz Philip auch nie König von England. Er wäre seiner Frau, der eigentlichen Regentin, protokollarisch überlegen gewesen.

    2. Danke für den interessanten Hinweis, Nika!

  7. Its wonderful to see a rewear of Mary's gown, beautiful color and fit. Love the beautiful diamond brooch. She looks very regal.

  8. Anonymous3/1/24 19:37

    I will miss queen Margaretha. Especially her playful, sometimes theratrical, clothing and her creativity

  9. Anonymous3/1/24 19:37

    I will miss queen Margaretha. Especially her playful, sometimes theratrical, clothing and her creativity

  10. Anonymous3/1/24 20:06

    The first thing I see is the Queen, wearing a beautiful fur coat. However, it is also very disturbing and disgusting that so many beautiful little creatures were bred, lived in squalid conditions, and then killed to make this full length coat. I am aware, she has probably had this coat for a many years, but it does not mean she has to continue to wear it. There are other options these days. Her choice to wear it reeks of distain for the the little creatures who had no choice in life, birth, or death. No nasty comments, I have my opinion, you have yours, it is called free speech and humanity. Patricia

    1. Anonymous3/1/24 20:56

      By the way - how did you like the Christmas turkey? Or prefer roast beef? S.

    2. Anonymous3/1/24 23:19

      I’ve noticed the same about the Danish queen, and the Swedish queen (haven’t noticed the Norwegian royals in any….), they keep on wearing their mink coats and other garments. The harm is already done but it doesn’t look politically right. I think, I might be wrong that the Swedish queen even have a coat with mink as lining…..well, well. Old coats and I don’t think there are any new in their collections. C

    3. Anonymous4/1/24 00:27

      The Queen is entitled to wear what she wants.
      You, however, are a wonderful human for your empathy for animals.

    4. Anonymous4/1/24 02:27

      You who do not follow the rules and leave your name, or nickname, just an initial s. 3/1/24 20:56 One has to wonder, why hide? I wont be snarky like you were towards me. If you want to know, I had neither a turkey or roast beef for Christmas. For all you know I did or did not celebrate the Christmas holiday, maybe, my beliefs or lack of them are really not your business. How did you celebrate? I hope you enjoyed time with a family who loves you. Celebratory greetings to you on your holiday and beliefs, and hope you find contentment in life and try not to intimidate or bully other strangers with words. It is really quite a very inappropriate trait to be mean spirited and not a more giving, loving person. TaTa - Patricia

    5. Anonymous4/1/24 07:53

      Patricia is vegan I guess? With no leather boots or handbags and her car has plastic seats...

    6. Anonymous4/1/24 12:28

      Do you see what you write Patricia? First you write -However, it is also very disturbing and disgusting that so many beautiful little creatures were bred, lived in squalid conditions, and then killed to make this full length coat. Her choice to wear it reeks of distain for the the little creatures who had no choice in life, birth, or death. Then you say -It is really quite a very inappropriate trait to be mean spirited and not a more giving, loving person. Reflect over your own words here -Anna

    7. Anonymous4/1/24 12:33

      Touchy, touchy Patricia!

    8. Anonymous4/1/24 17:30

      Patricia, I happen to agree with you.
      The ladies are in such lovely gowns, with interesting colour choices, then one’s eyes are assaulted, with the sight of a huge floor length fur coat. We all know the Queen has these, yet we do not know why she continues to wear them. Fur is not the warmest of outer wear. Growing up, it was fashionable and a status symbol in the Queen’s younger life. This is also country where they celebrate hunts and turn out to see who has killed the best animal. (We’ve all seen the photos) In this day and age, there are such more quality alternatives that are just as beautiful, and do a much better job of warding off the cold. Given the Queen’s flare for use of all types of fabrics in colorful hues, one has to wonder, with the wealth the royal family has, why she hasn’t moved on to outer garments of beautiful hued Alpaca fur, or pure Qiviut (the warmest yarn available), sustainably sourced.

      Patricia made it clear; her opinions were hers, yet several posts tried to castigate her for voicing her own thoughts. This is a public forum after all, relating to fashion, good and bad. Yet other people have done what the first poster did, try and bully her with rude comments. Being kind, respectful, nice to one another is a mature, simple task. She did not return rudeness towards any of you, and has taken the 'high road'. Happy New Year to all of you. Thank you Helen, for keeping this blog moving forward and a place to voice our own personal thoughts on fashion from each of the royal houses. Edwina

      PS: thank you to the poster who said it quite simply: “Anonymous 4/1/24 00:27 - The Queen is entitled to wear what she wants. You, however, are a wonderful human for your empathy for animals.

    9. Anonymous4/1/24 19:23

      What about the Windsors and the Wales who are going hunting pheasants , wild rabbits, wild gooses, etc....
      By the way in Denmark, Norway, Sweden there are probably people who are breeding minks a.o. because it has been the job of their ancestors and now it is their job too.
      I do not wear fur myself, but I did too in the past when we were still allowed to do it. I do not feel the need to wear it any more even when it is freezing below 0° C. There are enough thermo fabrics these days that can keep you warm.

    10. Anonymous5/1/24 10:29

      19:25 in 2019 the government
      decided to ban breeding from 2025 in Norway. They got some time to close their farms, so last year we only had 2 left. They announced closing of their farms last January and sold their animals to farms in Denmark.

  11. Anonymous3/1/24 20:30

    Wow what a grand lady the Queen is. I love the gown and a super color, but this coat is a stunner. Mary looks very nice, lovely color gown. Her smile is always nice. css

  12. Anonymous3/1/24 20:44

    Frederik looks very much in love!

  13. Merveilleuse couleur de la robe de Mary que j'aurais bien vue en velours !

  14. Anonymous4/1/24 01:52

    I love seeing HM in her beautiful deep red gown for this reception and she looks marvelous! I believe she wore it for the first time last year. Mary looks lovely in her blue repeat-- the color is lovely on her. I feel sure today's reception found many of the diplomats taking the chance to thank HM, to let her know they have appreciated her. I'm not really sure how to express myself but I feel the diplomats expressed sincere feelings of honor and respect for her.


  15. Anonymous4/1/24 09:36

    Dear Patricia, We all know by now that Queen Margrethe insists on wearing and rewearing her old fur coats and possibly even those of her mother. Do you expect her to burn them? Accusing the queen of acute disdain because of her attitude is preposterous. I suggest you air your views on a suitable platform.
    🌞 Vieginia

  16. Anonymous4/1/24 13:07

    Dear Patricia,
    your comments are offensive and yet you talk about humanity and compassion in the same breath. I had a hunch that you would respond to my one short sentence (how did you like the Christmas turkey) with a barrage of words to show me how "highly moral" you are above me. It is such word´s agresion - therefore only "s".
    People have raised animals for meat, milk, and leather for thousands of years. I "love" how some people pretend that turkey, roast beef, and other meat products grew on a tree. s.
    PS: Our tradition is to eat fish on Christmas Day, beef on the following day.

    1. Anonymous4/1/24 22:19

      Trying to bait another poster into a negative discussion is so mean. Grow up S. ss

  17. Anonymous4/1/24 19:00

    In regard to Patricia's comment, I have to agree that it is disturbing to see so much fur. That said, I also live in a place that has no need to wear heavy winter wear very often, if at all, and wearing real fur has been a no-no for a very long time. I do eat meat and wear leather. It is the thought of animals being raised for their pelts alone that bothers me. When we raise animals for food, the hide is a byproduct and should be used. I also understand if people don't want to consume or use animal products. To each his own. We all have a line we won't cross.

    It has become more and more unacceptable to wear fur in these times. Margrethe is from a very different time with some different ideas and we know she is set in her ways. Being an unapologetic chain smoker is a perfect example. "The Queen" was more progressive when it came to fur. In November 2019, she decided that she would no longer wear real fur. Good for her! For many people, the age of the fur is not a factor anymore. New or old, fur is fur. I am assuming Mary will not dive into the fur vault so the furs days are numbered. The quality of faux fur is impressive now and I hope that becomes the choice moving forward.

  18. @Anon 19:00
    Thanks for your comments and information.
    Happy New Year to you.


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