Princess Stephanie and her children attended the 46th Circus Festival

Princess Stephanie, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet, Marie Chevallier, Princess Charlene and Princess Gabriella

On January 19, 2024, Princess Stephanie, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet and Marie Chevallier attended the 46th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival in Monaco. The 46th edition of Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival and the 11th edition of New Generation began this Friday on January 19 in the presence of Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Louis and Marie Ducruet, and Camille Gottlieb.

Princess Stephanie, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet, Marie Chevallier, Princess Charlene and Princess Gabriella

This unique edition of the festival ends the commemorations of the Centenary of Prince Rainier III (1923-2023) who was the founder of the Festival, and marks 50 years of existence (1974-2024) of the festival.

Princess Stephanie, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet, Marie Chevallier, Princess Charlene and Princess Gabriella

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  1. What do these ”children” do for a living?
    I really would like to know.

    1. Anonymous20/1/24 22:52

      Louis works at the Monaco esports federation and Marie works in marketing at the Monte Carlo Casino.

    2. Anonymous21/1/24 00:48

      Try a Google search.

    3. Anonymous21/1/24 04:44

      Try Googling them. It is easy enough to find out. You sound snarky. If your concern is that they are given money to live a privileged life of leisure, you would be mistaken. Both Stephanie's and Caroline's children support themselves. As for Princess Alexandra, I do know that she had said in an interview during her years at NYU that she was interested in a career in art or fashion. I don't know any more than that, but her fashion has really stepped up in the past few years, so she may in fact have gone in that direction. As the only royal of the children (excluding Jacques and Gabrielle), her situation may be different.

    4. Anonymous21/1/24 07:33

      They do not have to work, the Grimaldi family is very, very rich.

    5. Your request for the information sounds urgent.
      I’d send a letter to Princess Stephanie and directly ask her the question. Get the information straight from the horse's mouth.
      She’s a lovely person and I’m sure she’d be happy to give you the information.
      Her address is ….
      Princess Stephanie, Countess of Polignac.
      Palace of Monaco. B.P. 518. MC 98015 Monaco Cedex.

    6. Anonymous21/1/24 13:19

      Princess Caroline and her daughter Alexandra are styled as HRH Princess's of Hanover. She is the only child of Princess Caroline who has a Royal title. I would think Alexandra receives money from her wealthy Father HRH Prince Ernst August of Hanover. Also Princess Caroline is very wealthy and maybe she has trust funds set up for her 4 children. Anyway I am sure they are comfortable! FITZHUGH

    7. Anonymous21/1/24 16:16

      To fitzhugh. Ernst August von Hannover is not HRH and is not a prince as Germany has abolished monarchy more than 100 years ago. If he is rich? Well, his son now is head of the Welfenhaus...

    8. Anonymous21/1/24 17:04

      Yeah, Ernst August is not that rich, he apparently has a lot of debts... Caroline is extremely wealthy though.

    9. Anonymous22/1/24 04:56

      Princess Caroline and Princess are definitely styled as HRH. If she did not get it from her husband where do you think she got it. Maybe she bought it online. Give me an actual break. Ernst may not be as wealthy as he was but he is not hurting. Check out the House of Monaco and you will see Caroline and Alexandra are styled HRH! FITZHUGH

    10. Anonymous25/1/24 07:33

      To fitzhugh. In Deutschland gibt es keine Monarchie mehr. Der frühere Titel ist nur noch Namensbestandteil. In Ländern mit Monarchien oder ähnlichen Konstitutionen ist es ein Höflichkeitstitel. Ausnahme UK, hier ist Ernst August von Hannover noch in der Thronfolge ( ganz hinten). Caro

    11. Anonymous25/1/24 12:18

      So caro, no royal titles in germany?

    12. Anonymous25/1/24 19:44

      @12.18, indeed, so ist es. Für manche in den Foren schwer zu verstehen, dass ein nicht mehr existierender Titel in Deutschland auch im Ausland keinen Bestand hat.

  2. Anonymous20/1/24 22:33

    I am struck again by how much Stephanie’s daughter, Camille, resembles her Grandmother, Princess Grace. She seems to be the only grandchild to resemble her. I also like Camille’s simple but stylish suit. And Stephanie usually looks so happy at these circus events—it is nice to see. Good to see Marie appearing regularly again after the birth of baby Victoire.

    1. Anonymous20/1/24 22:53

      I absolutely agree with you on the quite remarkable resemblance of Camille to her grandmother. I think that Princess Gabriella also looks like them. I like seeing Princess Stephanie with her family supporting these events

    2. Anonymous21/1/24 00:38

      Sorry what?? What is this crap!?! HRH PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OF HANOVER is the ONLY one of Princess Graces Grandchildren that looks like her!!

    3. Anonymous21/1/24 10:54

      Well… you see what you want to see. Objectivly there is no ressemblance at all.

    4. Anonymous21/1/24 11:07

      Anonymous 00:38, not ok here to call another’s gentle opinion “crap”. If you’d like to be snarky, try Instagram instead. If you want to join our gentle discussion kindly, stay here. - AnneLise

    5. Anonymous26/1/24 16:45

      @00:38 LOL! Alexandra looks NOTHING like Grace.

  3. Anonymous21/1/24 01:40

    And just think if she had her grandmother’s blue eyes. Resemblance would be striking!

  4. Camille and Stephanie both look lovely, pretty ensembles.

  5. Anonymous21/1/24 06:58

    Stephanie looks really lovely in the white suit. She is so beautiful, yet a bit fragile. Always nice to see her. Marie-Christine

  6. Cela fait vraiment plaisir de voir Stéphanie réjouie en compagnie de ses enfants ; elle est élégante dans ce costume blanc combiné avec le haut de couleur rouge qui se rappelle dans les motifs de son écharpe !

  7. Anonymous21/1/24 20:46

    If it is a circus with animals, it is not a thing anymore. Animals are not the toys to be used for the entertainment of people

  8. Anonymous21/1/24 22:35

    Nice look for everyone. css


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