Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a military training at Skjold camp

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway started her first military service in the Armed Forces. Last Thursday, the Princess started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms. She will serve there for the next 12 months. Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, she embarked on an intensive recruitment period.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

On the first day of the training, with the press present, the Princess attended a lesson where she learned about the different parts of a weapon, and how to disassemble and reassemble it.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

Princess Ingrid Alexandra started a millitary training in the Engineering Battalion at Skjold camp in Indre Troms

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  1. She looks good even in a uniform - like Leonor recently!

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 20:07

      leonor holds her hair back in a bun like a true military professional woman.

    2. Anonymous19/1/24 00:13

      @Anonymous 20:07, the way the princess is wearing her hair must be permissible in the Norwegian military; the soldier standing next to the princess in the 4th picture is wearing her hair the same way.
      -Royal Watcher

    3. Anonymous19/1/24 00:54

      Well, isn’t Leonor just the most precious perfect military girlie with her hair bun? One should probably take into consideration the difference in temperature and climate between two countries before one compares them and its military. It is currently between -10 to -20 degrees where Ingrid Alexandra is. Do you think that her winter military hat would protect her ears if she was to wear your desired perfect bun?

    4. Anonymous19/1/24 06:25

      Every soldier must follow the rules of the military defense in his/her country. They cannot choose themselves. In the 4th picture the female soldier who stands next to Ingrid Alexandra has long hair too. Apparently there is no need for the moment to do their hair in a bun, maybe it will be necessary in other circumstances.
      Strange, I never saw a picture on this blog of Leonor in camouflage outfit exercising the general skills every soldier has to learn. We only see her in gala uniform at ceremonies.

    5. Anonymous19/1/24 08:03

      20:07 guab a true professional woman..this is just to stupid. You have no clue what military customs are in other countries. As you see on these photos they are allowed to have ponytales since there is another girl with the same hairstyle.

    6. Anonymous19/1/24 11:21

      Anon 06:25...strange you never saw... because you do not know Spanish or/and see pictures in the press...there are lots....

    7. There were a lot of pictures of Leonor, Princess of Asturias, in field/camouflage uniform, some of which might have been also posted on this very blog. For example:

    8. Anonymous20/1/24 11:14

      @ Anon. 11:21 & 15:07
      I understand very little Spanish yes. But on the internet these magazines are translated in English, so no problem.
      My comment was I did not saw these pictures on THIS blog.
      Thx DSC for sending the pictures from the magazine "Hola". I found only 1 picture that was on this blog about the training.

  2. Not really she moved up last thursday, but started her training yesterday. She didn't give interview, but asked by the battalion commander if she regretted the choice to join the engineer battalion.
    - I have no regrets, replied the princess. Here she stay in a six-person room, and shares a room with both boys and girls. She will be adressed(don't know if this is the right word)as recrut Alexandra, so no princess fuss here ;)

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 18:11

      Not sure anyone here is concerned whether it was Thursday or today, and if they refere to her as princess or not, which I assume was not the case when she went to school either.
      Fashionwise the spanish uniforms are better looking, hope that she will be able to attend some celebratory events during the upcoming year in a military uniform.

    2. Anonymous19/1/24 08:04

      LOL. Seriously you must have a big problem 18:11

    3. Really better looking. OMG girl. Take a chill pill 😅🤣

    4. Anonymous20/1/24 12:21

      Louise, yes still better looking even with the picture you provided. Thank you though 😊

    5. Anonymous22/1/24 06:47

      A camouflage uniform is a camouflage uniform no matter what country they are from. Can this spanish lover take a rest. As Forrest Gump said -stupid is as stupid does. P

  3. Anonymous18/1/24 13:34

    Very courageous of all these young princesses (and princes) in the military services. I would not be in their place nor in the place of their parents with the possibility of a war in Europe and all the conflicts that are taking place in the World.

    1. Anonymous18/1/24 16:44

      Don’t worry about war in Europe. That’s a loooooong distance away from Western Europe.

    2. Anonymous18/1/24 16:45

      The war is faaaaaaar away from Western Europe.

    3. Anonymous18/1/24 18:55

      As i am near, could you please stop these "jokes"? It's hurting, you know.

    4. Not sure it is so far away for modern weapons !

    5. Anonymous18/1/24 19:17

      From someone living in the western Europe the war is not that far away...

    6. Anonymous18/1/24 19:17

      War in modern world is .30 minutes away from anywhere. Norway is a NATO country and Russia is a stone’s throw away. The princess looks great in her uniform and the training will do her well in later years.

    7. Anonymous18/1/24 23:53

      If war is near isn't it best to be trained? Best to be prepared. Ca

    8. Anonymous19/1/24 06:30

      You are right. Sweden is preparing for war, Germany is preparing, we all are not at ease in Western Europe.

    9. Anonymous19/1/24 08:17

      Long way? Norway and Finland are 2 of 6 NATO countires that shares borders with Russia. Isn't time to question our own education?
      It would take a land- based missile about 30 minutes to fly between Russia and the United States ergo western Europe is bombed to oblivion before we are aware of the danger.

    10. Anonymous19/1/24 11:13

      Dont worry... If war arrives by their countries, these princesses will be safe in their bunkers... Much more possible that we ll have to face real dangers.

    11. Anonymous22/1/24 06:49

      11:13 right because Harry didn't fight in Afghanistan and Andrew in the falklands war.

  4. Anonymous18/1/24 14:25

    È di una rara bellezza, qualsiasi cosa indossi.

  5. Anonymous18/1/24 14:27

    Gorgeous always.

  6. Anonymous18/1/24 17:02

    One day she’ll be the Armed Services Commander & Chief,so it’s good for the young heirs to be to see how it feels to have boots on the ground. I applaud Pss IA! Bea

  7. La princesse est bien belle même en portant un treillis !

  8. Anonymous18/1/24 19:39

    I am impressed, she will really do this for a year! Wow! And she looks so cool in those clothes. The Norwegian and the Danish royals seem to be so down to earth! C

    1. Anonymous19/1/24 06:38

      CP Elisabeth of Belgium did the same. She had the same training as all the other soldiers (male and female) of her year in the Royal Military Academy and no privileges what so ever because she is a princess.

    2. Anonymous19/1/24 20:42

      100% Agreed with you on the Norwegian, Danish :-)

  9. She looks great, how wonderful to see her participating and getting on with the job.

  10. Anonymous18/1/24 23:02

    She will be Head of State and also Commander in Chief of the Military in the future, so yes, she does the right thing by getting a Military education. This training makes her stronger. Congrats to her. css

  11. Anonymous18/1/24 23:33

    She is beautiful with that lovely smile. Well done to her and all the best luck 🍀

  12. Anonymous19/1/24 20:43

    Wishing all the best to this lovely young lady!

  13. Je n'arrive pas à accepter les commentaires qui disent que la guerre est loin de l’Europe occidentale ; c'est à croire que beaucoup de personnes ne suivent pas l'actualité en ne se sentant pas concernées ; ce n'est pas quand nous serons au pied du mur qu'il faudrait essayer de réagir ?!


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