Imperial Family of Japan attended first academic lecture of 2024

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

On January 11, 2024, Japan's Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako and other Imperial family members attended the first ceremony of Imperial New Year's Lectures 2024 (Kosho-Hajime-no-Gi), at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. In the first lecture, the Imperial family listened to experts from the fields of human, social and natural sciences.

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako at New Year's Lectures

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  1. Wouah, quelques touches de couleur mais il y a encore des progrès à faire dans le style des robes ; j'ai hésité pour remarquer la présence de la princesse Aiko qui porte un chapeau tambourin qui n'a pas l'avantage pour lui donner son âge !

  2. Anonymous11/1/24 12:50 usual

  3. Anonymous11/1/24 13:06

    They all look beautifully and immaculately dressed and groomed — and stupefied with boredom. — Jane

    1. Anonymous11/1/24 16:55

      Yup! :D That pretty much sums it up. LOL.

    2. Anonymous11/1/24 20:02

      You say it well Jane!

  4. Anonymous11/1/24 13:31

    I just wish they could change the male heir crap and that female members must renounce their title upon marriage. We live in the 21 century after all. This look a bit stiff?

    1. Anonymous11/1/24 16:53

      Its like they're hell bent on holding down the belief that women are too stupid, fragile, and emotional to lead no matter what. The rest of the world has evolved on the subject but not the Chrysanthemum Throne! No way!

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 07:52

      You live in the 21st century and still maintain monarchy? Why not abolish all together?

  5. Anonymous11/1/24 14:51

    Lovely color dress for Princess Aiko. All the chairs have very short legs, but the one the Crown Prince is sitting on seems shorter than the rest. They all look impeccable, silk is such a beautiful fabric.

    1. Anonymous11/1/24 19:26

      I agree with you that Princess Aiko's dress, which appears to me to be a very, very pale peach color, is lovely. She looks so pretty. It is a pleasure to see her, finally, in well-tailored adult clothes after so many years of unflattering attire.

  6. Anonymous11/1/24 15:51

    I hope this event is more interesting for the Imperial Family than it appears. Princess Kako has perfect posture. The Crown Prince seated in that chair reminds me of an adult sitting in a child-size chair at a preschool.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous11/1/24 21:41

      I believe the women are told/instructed not to sit back in the chair. It sort of "forces" good posture. I think the only one sitting in a "relaxed" state is the crown prince but, then again, he's a man. He's allowed.

  7. Anonymous11/1/24 16:17

    I am glad I am not member of Imperial family, lol

  8. Anonymous11/1/24 17:00

    It's like theater instead of a "real" audience with the Emperor and the royal court. It's kabuki. He gets to wear a modern - 2024 - suit but they are in 1954 dresses?

    1. Anonymous12/1/24 15:20

      I don't see modern 2024 men's suit on these pictures and I don't see modern 2024 lady dresses on these pictures either. This people got stuck in the 50-ees and early 60-ees in the matter of clothing. I wonder what they are doing on this blog. One must always say the same, nothing will change. They will stay forever and ever in their time capsule with their old clothes and shoes.

  9. Anonymous11/1/24 17:12

    I am sorry, so boring fashionwise. Always the same dresses and hats. I like traditions like the British royals have but at least they have all the time some fashionable, different clothing.

    1. I actually like it - it's like a uniform or a costume they're wearing, expensive, exquisitely tailored, always colour coordinated. It's a bit like watching a performance: this is us, perfectly normal people, performing the roles of Imperial family. Makes sense, I think. The individual person is not key here, their individual style preference or fashions sense is not of importance. They're set pieces, like the dolls of Emperor and Empress on Hina Matsuri.

  10. Country of traditionalism as usual.

  11. Anonymous11/1/24 23:04

    Almost every time same style. Some at least have different color. I do like Pss Aiko's gown. Empress Masako's gown is a bit too old-fashioned IMO. css

  12. The Royal ladies look well groomed and very elegant. My favourite is the dark Navy gown, this is different to the norm and looks fabulous. The back drop of her gown, highlights the beautiful brooch she is wearing.

  13. Anonymous12/1/24 09:37

    It is a horror, most of the women and girls in this family get depression, because their lifestyle is so restricted and they are pressured to give birth to boys, as though you can control that...

  14. Que cara de aburrimiento tienen todas. La ropa más de lo mismo.

  15. Anonymous14/1/24 18:08

    Princess Aiko's complexion is simply beautiful. Edwina


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