Frederik became new King of Denmark as Queen Margrethe abdicated

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Today is a historic day for the Danish royal family as Crown Prince Frederik succeeded his mother Queen Margrethe, as monarch. Queen Margrethe of Denmark stepped down as Queen of Denmark and entrusted the throne to her son Crown Prince Frederik.

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Prince Frederik, Princess Mary, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine rode in a motor car from Frederik VIII’s Palace to Christiansborg Palace.

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Margrethe, the Crown Prince and Prince Christian participated together with the Government and the Council of State secretary in the Council of State meeting.

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

The succession of the throne took place during the Council of State meeting at the moment when Queen Margrethe signed a declaration of her abdication. Subsequently, King Frederik stepped out on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace, after which the Prime Minister proclaimed King’s accession to the throne. Crown Princess Mary became Queen, and Prince Christian succeeded his father as Crown Prince of Denmark.

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

Before official declaration, King Frederik and Queen Mary hosted a reception for specially invited guests. The King and Queen rode in a carriage, escorted by the Guard Hussar Regiment’s mounted squadron, from Christiansborg Palace to Frederik VIII’s Palace.

Queen Mary's outfit was designed by Soeren Le Schmidt and sewn by Birgit Hallstein. Prince Christian and Princess Isabella

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  1. I watched it live on YouTube. Very nice. I love Mary's winter white outfit. I don't speak Spanish, so I have no idea what was spoken, but I have I can surmise what was stated
    Too bad Mary's father could not make the journey for this once in a lifetime occasion

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 15:38

      This may comedyserie as a surprise, but Danish people do usually not speak Spanish

    2. Anonymous14/1/24 16:47

      Spanish?? In Denmark?? Danish!!!

  2. Anonymous14/1/24 14:59

    The photo of Q.Margarethe leaving the room where the documents of abdication were signed with her back to the camera is especially poignant. I will miss her for sure, but I will greatly look forward to seeing her enjoying her time now doing so many other things that she excels at, such as her keen and talented sense of design and creativity. I'm sure that we haven't seen the last of her at all, and we will also see her occasionally take on the odd event here and there.

    I'm also happy for the new King Frederik X and Queen Mary. I'm happy that this transition and ascension was made during happy times when all parties are alive and well. I also appreciate the very low key ceremony and simple forms of dress involved today. Best wishes to all of them and their family.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. What a lovely, very nice comment, I agree!!!!!

    2. Anonymous14/1/24 16:32

      Yes Anon 9:13 you are right, that was the most emotional moment when Queen was leaving the room with the back to the camera .

    3. Anonymous14/1/24 16:59

      It was very emotional. I think she just managed to turn around before starting to cry. I wish her all the best and hope that she still has a lot of years to come. She was a great queen.

    4. Ladyofthemanor14/1/24 17:01

      Last thing she said was "gud bevare konungen" (god save the king) Very emotional indeed

    5. Anonymous14/1/24 18:35

      Agree !!

    6. Lovely comment, I agree!

    7. Anonymous15/1/24 04:46

      I will also add my concurrence with your comments. This ceremony felt so simple and heartfelt. What really matters.


    8. Anonymous15/1/24 08:08

      Ich mรถchte mich anschlieรŸen!

    9. Anonymous16/1/24 00:15

      Fabulous comment Anon 9:13! you summarise perfectly, can't agree more with you, and other readers too :-)

    10. P. the original16/1/24 18:52

      Thank you, @ - Anon.9:13.
      Beautifully articulated.
      I absolutely agree with you.
      You know, what has been touching me most throughout all the glitz and glamour of the ceremonies is Queen Margrethe.
      Yes, Her every single move and word.
      This Queen will always be one of a kind.
      The two most poignant moments to me so far are:
      - the Queen leaving the room with her back to the camera;
      - people gathered in front of Her Palace on the eve of Her abdication singing a tune full of love and affection to their Great Queen
      And She was there, yes, listening to them behind those lit windows.
      As much as I love the newly appointed King and Queen, my first thought at very beginning of all that was and still is :
      " Please, Madam, stay".

  3. Ladyofthemanor14/1/24 15:00

    A truly historic moment and heartwarming to see the large crowds cheering for Queen Margarethe and the new King Fredric X.
    Fashion wise Queen Mary looked stunning in a beautiful white dress and the shawl detail was just right. She has pieces from the ruby parure in her hair, ears and on the belt. Wonderful as she has made good use of the rubies over the years. Now there will be new official photos of the couple and I hope Queen Mary will wear the pearl pier tiara. It will look stunning on her.

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 17:02

      perl poirรฉ

    2. Queen Mary will not wear the pearl poirรฉ tiara, it is private property
      of H.M. Queen Margrethe. But Queen Mary could inherit or it could be given to The Crown.

    3. Anonymous15/1/24 00:31

      No.. The Pearl poire tiara belongs to the danish royal trust and will be pass down to monarch to monarch. It is not own by queen margrethe. So technically since its king fred now then mary as queen can use it.

  4. Anonymous14/1/24 15:15

    The prime minister looks lovely. The color and model is excellent

  5. Anonymous14/1/24 15:28

    They look great! They were recieved as rock stars at the balcony. Wow!!!!

  6. Just like that, no pageantry! no dignitary guests!
    Red, White and Blue. Isabella's red coat looks more beautiful, her hair held up she's gorgeous.

  7. Anonymous14/1/24 16:53

    Watched it from beginning to end, it was a moving and simple ceremony and celebration, the King’s eyes welling with tears was really meaningful, there was no overdone pomp which made it feel very inclusive. Denmark’s royals and the entire country have much to be proud of, that’s how you do a peaceful and happy occasion. Maibe

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 22:42

      I agree! It was efficient and short, but so meaningful and emotional for them too. Frederik looked really happy. It was wonderful to watch! Damsel Dragonfly

  8. Queen Mary looked beautiful and it was sweet how she deferred to King Frederik and let him enjoy the crowd alone for a moment. The kids were cute too. Happy Retirement to Queen Margrethe!!

  9. Anonymous14/1/24 17:45

    What a lovely family and a special occasion!
    I am usually a big fan of Mary’s styles and outfits.
    However, this time I am not so fond of her outfit with the material around the neckline. And her hairstyle could have been better, more drawn backwards, perhaps.

    1. Anonymous16/1/24 10:05

      Sorry but I loved Marys outfit and hairstyle.
      /AA ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช

  10. Anonymous14/1/24 17:47

    Especially beautiful and touching was Her Majesty Queen Margrethes last words before she left the room after signing her abdication. She said: “God save the King!”

  11. Don’t know why but I shed some tears.
    May King Frederik and Queen Mary have a long and happy reign.
    May Queen Margarethe enjoy her retirement years.
    God save the King.
    p.s. Many thanks to Helen for the extensive photo coverage.

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 00:43

      Agreed on all points. I also was thinking of what this must have been like for Crown Prince Christian to watch and be involved in. He looked at his grandmother with such love.
      -Royal Watcher

  12. Anonymous14/1/24 18:36

    Agree !!

  13. Anonymous14/1/24 18:56

    I’m American so I don’t understand the differences between the large coronation of King Charles versus the coronation for King today in Denmark. The Brits do the pomp so well and I loved seeing the photos from that occasion, however, I have to say that the more simple event today is appealing. All about family alongside history.

    As for the fashion, the new Queen looked wonderful in winter white, although I’m not an huge fan of the scarf/fabric around the neckline. I appreciate the red, white and blue theme and love the red coat dress. Wishing the whole family the very best in the years to come!

    1. Dear Anon 18:56
      The Brits are the champions with pomp and circumstance and I hope they keep it that way.
      But each monarchy has its way of dealing with royal history.
      Today, I think we saw a Scandinavian version.
      Let’s not make international standard rules for a coronation;
      God save the King.

    2. Although i loved the coronation here in the UK, and was lucky enough to be in London to watch it, I agree that there is something very appealing about this understand handover from one monarch to another.

      Also the accession Council taking place with Queen Margrethe there to participate, as opposed to it happening while the new Monarch is grieving the loss of a parent (as was the case for Queen Margrethe herself as well as for King Charles) seems a much less stressful way of doing things.

      Love Queen Mary's outfit. perfect for the occasion

    3. I totally agree about today’s coronation. The pomp of King Charles and Queen Camilla was very much over the top in my opinion. I like it much simplier like today in Denmark.

    4. Anonymous14/1/24 21:49

      This was not a coronation. Only UK has coronation in Europe. In Denmark the new King or Queen are proclaimed by the prime minister.

    5. Anonymous14/1/24 21:52

      When Denmark became a democracy in 1849 the large expensive coronation were dropped.

    6. Anonymous15/1/24 07:39

      In Europe only the UK has still a coronation. In all the other countries which are still kingdoms or princedoms there are more or less simple ceremonies in the parliament of these countries.
      In the Netherlands the golden carriage comes out of the stables and the king/queen is dressed in gala outfit but the regalia (crown, etc...) are just exposed in the room.

    7. Anonymous15/1/24 10:12

      Deadeggs the 3 Scandinavian countries do this in 3 different ways, but no one has coronation anymore. Norway do a consecration ceremony in Nidaros Cathedral. In Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf, took the then-required regal assurance during a meeting of the cabinet and, afterwards, was enthroned in a simple ceremony at the throne room of the Royal Palace in Stockholm.

    8. Anonymous15/1/24 19:56

      One of the reasons the UK still have a large coronation is the $$$$ it brings in and encourages tourism. As you know the money generated from the Royal family such as castles, ceremonies, etc. count for much of the revenue in London and surrounding cities! FITZHUGH

  14. Anonymous14/1/24 19:07

    Isabella is the spitting Image of her grandmother margrete when young.

    1. Anonymous14/1/24 22:37

      Yes…a very pretty young lady she is!

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 23:59

      So true indeed! striking look with her grandmother!

  15. Queen Mary’s coronation dress is by the Danish designer Soeren le Schmidt.
    He has worked for a lot of the royal ladies

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 00:57

      The dress was designed by Sรธren Le Schmidt, as mentioned, but sewn by Birgit Hallstein, who also made Queen Mary’s wedding dress (which was designed by Uffe Frank). I noticed that the new Queen wore her mother in laws portrait and pieces from the ruby set. And Queen Margrethe wore the small horse shoe broche that her father gave her, when she became heir to the throne. It was very touching to see her with this small token of history.

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 02:09

      Thanks much apprciated

    3. Anonymous15/1/24 16:21

      @Anon 00:57 Thank you for those details. Very touching to know the significance behind them.
      - Anon 9:13

  16. Anonymous14/1/24 21:28

    I love the simplicity of this event. Truly well done. Everyone looked beautiful - Louise

  17. Anonymous14/1/24 22:09

    Just love this family and I pray they are all blessed in years to come, including Joachim, Marie and their children. They are leading the way of the roles of royals and nobles. YES, God save the King!

  18. Mary looks absolutely beautiful, elegant and regal. Every inch a queen! The photo of the two of them kissing is very touching!

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 14:29

      it just does not look like a proper kiss. It's more her lips meeting his moustache missing the target.

  19. Anonymous14/1/24 22:39

    Queen Mary looks beautiful;the dress is so stylish,her makeup looks so good ,she is a beauty. Isabella looks lovely her hair is good and the dress style and colour is good.I like Josephines coat.The Prince's look good in their suits.God Save the King and Queen;may they rein long over the people of Denmark;both are dear in the hearts of Australia.Queen Margretha will always have that special sparkle(Tara)

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 19:29

      Agree. I think Josephine’s coat is one Mary worry in 2013. What a great Mom’s closet to shop.

  20. Anonymous14/1/24 23:09

    Jan 14 2024 will be etched in history. Today a great Queen handed over the reins to the Crown Prince and he became King Fredrik X of Denmark. Watching the Queen with tears in her eyes was a very sad moment for me. Q Mary and Isabella representing the Danish Flag. Very elegant and regal outfits. The King looked great in his Uniform. I hope every head of state in the free world watched this and hope learn from this moment in time. As far as the eye could see people saying happy Retirement to a great lady and welcome, to a new RF. css

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 06:59

      Netherlands did it too, they’ve been doing it for a while now. Then Belgium and Spain followed (but those kings kind of didn’t have a choice.


  21. Anonymous15/1/24 01:00

    Q Mary winter white is perfect for a cold day. Her majesty M, seems to me she wore this same suit for P Christian 18th birthday balcony appearance, if so very touching rewear, good color so she doesn’t draw the attention to herself but to the new king and crown prince. Love P Isabella coat, red was perfect for the occasion a national color.

  22. Anonymous15/1/24 02:07

    Firstly, so proud of our Ausdie girl. Secondly love Queen Mary's dress wish some knock offs are being created & thirdly how lovely for Mary to wear white & Isabella wear red. The Danish colours so appropriate for the occasion. Mary

  23. Anonymous15/1/24 07:43

    I love Mary's arm around Josephine. It shows what a genuinely close family they are.

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 14:44

      Absolutly good relations in the family, maybe Josephine needs too calm down also! She seems to be overactive!

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 16:29

      And Isabella's hands on Vincent's shoulders.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous16/1/24 00:01

      Lovely family! Hope the King and Queen still have time to enjoy their family time.

  24. Ann Miller dances again.

  25. Anonymous15/1/24 15:56

    Dear 18:56 from America. King Christian was proclaimed king of Denmark by the prime minister, i.e. by the people of Denmark. King Charles was crowned and anointed, a religious ceremony. You might want to look all this up and will no doubt find more and better details. All other monarchies in Europe no longer have coronations.
    ๐ŸŒž Virginia

    1. Anonymous15/1/24 16:30

      Virginia, that should be King Frederick. Christian is now crown prince.

    2. Anonymous15/1/24 16:32

      If you are referring to yesterday's events, it is Frederik who is King, not Christian. Christian is the Crown Prince.
      - Anon 9:13

  26. Anonymous15/1/24 16:42

    Many debaters before me complained about the pomp of the British coronation in comparison with Danemark, but no one criticizes the luxurious, opulent events in the Middle East - in the states around the Persian Gulf (for example, the wedding in Brunei on this blog). WHY? Why the double standard? Why modesty, simplicity, cheep is required from Europeans, but no one mentions it in the case of Arab states. (By the way look at the conditions in which cheap workers from poorer parts of the world live therem - just think of Qatar, where the World Cup was held)
    I think the coronation in the United Kingdom was not pompous, but respected the old traditions. It is important to remember the roots and history. (Although I seem to be defending British traditions, I am not British or from an Anglo-Saxon country).
    Denmark has different traditions and that's okay, world needs variety.

    All looks fabulous, for me princess Benedicte is winner.

    1. Anonymous16/1/24 00:13

      Everything with regards to the Brits royals are pompous and over the top, they love to show off and be the centre of the show with many celebrations dressing up during the year, not to mention this exceptional coronation. The coronation in UK is great, i'm glad i'm not a taxpayer in the UK....
      The Scandinavian royals are friendlier, inspire more an approachable feeling to people. I love this event in Denmark, such a beautiful moment and convivial atmosphere. You can feel the emotion of Queen Margrethe when her grand-son handled her walking stick and when she turned her back after showing her place to her son. You can see the emotion in the King's eyes, and his family gathering together to celebrate the event with the people at the balcony. Well done and long live to the King & Queen of Denmark. Happy retirement to Queen Margrethe, a very grand monarch.

  27. Anonymous16/1/24 00:19

    Very moving event, simple, convivial and just beautiful ! All the very best to the Danish royals. Hope a happy retirement to Queen Margrethe.

  28. Anonymous16/1/24 10:21

    Thank you, of course I meant the newly proclaimed King Frederik X. The next king will of course be Christian, and then hopefully another Frederik.
    ๐ŸŒž Virginia

    1. Or when/if Christian becomes king and marries, his first child could be a daughter and there could be another Queen Margrethe (Queen Margrethe 111)

  29. Anonymous16/1/24 17:38

    Dear Deadeggs, You are DEAD right, I forgot all about the new succession laws, otherwise we would not have had Queen Margrethe. Brilliant.
    ๐ŸŒž Virginia

    1. No problem Virginia.
      Nobody's perfect, you know ๐Ÿ˜


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