The Grand Ducal family held a reception for OMP at Berg Castle

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a mustard yellow blazer suit. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie wore a black dress

On December 14, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie held a reception at Berg Castle for the personnel of Luxembourgian Army and Grand Ducal Police, who are in charge in humanitarian aid and United Nations Peacekeeping operations (OMP).

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a mustard yellow blazer suit. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie wore a black dress

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a mustard yellow blazer suit. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie wore a black dress

Since 2002, at the end of every year, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess have been inviting senior personnel who are in charge in humanitarian aid and peacekeeping operations, and their families to Berg Castle in order to honour them. United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries torn by conflict create conditions for lasting peace.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a mustard yellow blazer suit. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie wore a black dress

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a mustard yellow blazer suit. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie wore a black dress

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  1. Ravissante Maria Teresa dans cette couleur moutarde mais pourquoi sa veste est t-elle aussi longue ? Plus courte sur les hanches, ce serait à l'avantage de sa silhouette ! J'ai toujours admiré ses cheveux courts délicatement méchés. Afin de pouvoir donner un avis plus précis sur la tenue de Stéphanie, j'aimerais voir si elle porte une robe ou un haut sur un pantalon de couleur noire ?

    1. Archard62. See photo 1 which shows that MT is wearing pants that match the jacket.

    2. à DIQ 15/12/23 16:43
      Bien sûr que je l'ai vue mais la veste un peu plus courte donnerait un meilleur look à Maria Teresa !

  2. GDMT looks very well put together here. Her suit looks well cut to her figure and the colour is lovely and seasonal-celebratory. The sheen of the fabric gives the right feeling for an event like this. Well done.
    - Anon 9:13

  3. I like GD Maria Teresa's outfit. I also like HGD Stéphanie's black velvet top or dress. It looks like velvet has been chosen by a lot of royal ladies this season.

  4. Marie-Thérèse, ces grands décolletés surtout en hiver ne sont pas jolis, un collier de perles, un collier en or seraient idéal.

  5. In my opinion, pantsuits do not suit Maria Theresa. I do not like it.

  6. This is a nice outfit for GD Maria Teresa. It's just the right side of golden as opposed to mustard. It's flattering and elegant.

  7. Each of the royals come across as very warm in these photos (as always) with their lovely smiles. The GDMT looks fabulous in that beautiful suit…great cut, fabric, color!

  8. The Grand Duchess is being faithful to her attachment to deep V necklines.
    Would love to see what Princess Stephanie is wearing.

  9. Not bad. MT could have done better. css

  10. GDMT looks fabulous, I love her ensemble, it fits well. Though the neckline needs some sort of necklace. The mustard suits her well. Pss Stephanie looks happy and engaging, not sure what she is wearing.

  11. A very low cut top is not appropriate for any occasion. GDMT seems to wear them most of the time. At least this outfit looks good (shape wise), not fond of the color.


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