The Dutch Royal Family held a photo session at Huis ten Bosch Palace

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

On December 22, 2023, The Dutch royal family held a photo session on the occasion of the 2023 Christmas holiday in the garden of Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands. The photos show King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane, and their dog Mambo. The Dutch royal family holds annual photo sessions, in winter and summer every year.

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane, and their dog Mambo

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane, and their dog Mambo

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane, and their dog Mambo

Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane, and their dog Mambo

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

Queen Maxima is wearing a Hemmerle earrings. Princess Ariane wore a green coat by MaxMara. Princess Amalia wore a red coat

Princess Ariane wore Weekend Max Mara Potente Classic Belted Wool Coat
Max Mara Potente Classic Belted Wool Coat
  1. Some lovely relaxed family photos here. I particularly like the one with the C. Princess and her father. He always looks so proud and happy with his ‘girls’. (V.M.)

    1. one of the best holiday photo session they ever did. nice coordination of colours

  2. Une nouvelle séance photo pour les vacances de Noël de la famille royale néerlandaise montrant une belle palette de couleurs sans oublier l'adorable toutou Mambo trop craquant quand il se fait câliner dans les bras de Willem-Alexander et Maxima !

  3. Wonderful photos! Everyone is dressed in a color that flatters, and together, the family seems to be coordinated color blocking so it’s cohesive. Thank you for posting the pulled back shots so we can see the family posing in front of the tree and beautiful palace. Plus who doesn’t love a cute family dog!!

  4. These are some of the best pictures I’ve seen of this family. Nice outdoor setting infront of beautiful pine tree lit for the Christmas season. Their coats are colorful and cozy and they give off a happy and warm connection with each other. Each girl has a distinct look, which is interesting to see. The dog is adorable, too.

    1. yes the best. and the winners to this years best Christmas/Holiday card goes to...
      Third place - Norway
      Second place - Netherlands
      First place - Monaco

  5. Such a lovely family and so sweet dog!

  6. Lovely photos! I was too late to comment on the Opening of Parliament: Catharina-Amalia has such confidence in her eyes, actually all three princesses do. Living in a glass house with a public focused on fashion isn't going to phase them. Christine

  7. What wonderful pictures! Love the colors and styles of the ladies’ coats. They seem like a close and loving family and their dog is adorable.

  8. Alas I saw a video of this event , giving quite a different impression than the nice pictures above.
    The princesses didnot like the event at all, and it showed. They obeyed the questions of the press but mocked them also.
    The best actress is mom, and dad is the most relaxed person ( in his shabby coat).

    This all due to the “ Prvacy code”.
    I am sorry to be so negative, but I loathe this type of “photo-opportunities “, and never a spontaneous picture of their everyday life nor of fullfilling an official duty ( of which they have none).
    The difference of how the other European monarchies handle the relation between press and youngsters is huge.

    1. Wait. I don't understand. Who has no official duty? And what is the "privacy code"?

    2. The princesses do not look very happy to me in the pictures. The one in the blue coat looks tired and on edge. I can imagine this might not be an enjoyable experience for them.
      -Royal Watcher

    3. Agree with Mabel.

    4. I agree. Especially with the "no official duty" ??

    5. I don't feel you're well informed: this was a photo opportunity and not a Q&A session. The family has announced before that only when the 3 daughters are in The Netherlands at the same time, there will be press/photo moments, so the twice a year photo/question sessions are over. Next to this, very often you tend to be rather negative about the Dutch royal family.

    6. Well, the video is online for anyone to judge. I don' t see any negativity, on the contrary, I see lots of smiles and honoust cooperation. The negativity is all in your mind!
      Alexia and Ariane have few official duties yet indeed, good for them! They are still teenagers and deserve to grow up in privacy. There will be lots of offical duties in the future. For now they can enjoy living a bit of a 'normal' life. Willem Alexander and Maxima made a conscious choice there and I applaus them for it.

      And for all the people here critisizing their facial expressions, imagine how akward it must be having to pose for dozens of photographers as a youngster. They are not models! I'm 52 and would feel uncomfortable. The pictures are lovely. Well done girls!


    7. Lisa at 10:55, I totally agree with you. I've also seen the video and I didn't see any negativity at all. But I'm also that kind of person who likes to think positively.
      I like very much these pictures and for me there is no "best Christmas photo" competition.
      Happy holidays to all of you from the land of Santa 🎄🤶!

    8. I agree with you Lisa. I don’t know what Mabel is talking about. It was a windy and cold, and the family was in good spirits sharing laughs and indulged the press.


  9. Very nice. I like the coats and colors. It must have been a very windy day. The dog Mango took center stage? css

    1. @ css. The name of the dog is Mambo.

    2. The weather in Holland (like in Belgium, Denmark and Germany) is horrible for weeks in a row: lots of rain and winter storm Pia are 'terrorizing' the area

  10. Dog and the royal couple are nice to look at. The 3 sisters still haven't found their personell style yet. As usual and yes I'm sorry but I can't find anything which is worth to be highlighted. Frieda

    1. They dress like other young girls of the same age. What style should they wear ? It is Winter, a normal person is wearing a warm coat during that season, which they do. They are wearing pants underneath and sweaters, which looks perfectly normal to me. You cannot expect them to do a photo shoot outside in a dress or an ensemble, too cold for that and too much wind. If you don't like someone you'll always find something to give bad comments on.

  11. Excellent photos!
    The lovely colours and simple styling, together with the continuity of coats for everyone makes the whole look far more than the sum of the parts. And the little dog is the cherry on the cake...or given the season, the angel on top of the Christmas tree.
    Happy Christmas to them all.
    - Anon 9:13

  12. The all look fine. I think Max looks pulled together, her hair looks good, actually all the ladies hair looks good including the doggie. Cinci

  13. A beautiful family that can't do without a black sheep. Poor little sheep - a lot of strength for distancing yourself. Krystle

  14. I like these pictures. Taking into account the speed of the wind 70 km/hour in my town, the pictures are really good. The presence of mambo who is the darling of the whole family make these pictures even better. On the third one it looks like he is smiling. Another thing that I noticed is that the youngest princess Ariane is the tallest of the 3 sisters and even a bit taller than Queen Maxima. Of course CP Amalia was wearing sneakers and P Ariane heels, but still. They all looked like a warm family that cares for each other very much. To me this is the best Christmas picture I've seen this year : the colors, the setting, the Christmas tree in front of the palace, . . . . The first time I see a Christmas picture taken outside of this royal family.

    1. There really was a storm. On another site I saw a selection of of photos with the princesses fighting against the wind which mixed their hair and nearly ripped the coats off... Not the easiest day for photo session.

    2. @ Margot. I saw it too. Sometimes the pictures which are shown here do not represent the real situation.

  15. Une très belle photo de famille

  16. Her wig loods good. Totally snobs these people.

  17. This is a nice friendly familypicture but so very contrived. Why all these fairly boring coats in the same model with the colour as the only difference. So very unspontaneous

  18. Dear Mabel, In old families wearing old coats, especially men, is a sign of good breeding and nothing to mock at. King Charles has a similar favourite coat.
    🌞 Virginia

  19. Anon . Thank you for the correction of the dog's name. Merry Christmas. css

  20. Lovely family photos. The royal ladies all look great, nicely rugged up. The last group photo, I love, the way the King looks at his Queen, it is always a look of love~!


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