Swedish Royal Family attended 2023 Nobel Prize ceremony at Concert Hall

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

The 2023 Nobel Prize ceremony took place at Stockholm City Hall on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. On December 10, 2023, King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina attended the Nobel awards ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm.

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

The Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the prize in economic sciences were awarded to the Nobel Prize laureates during the ceremony.

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Sofia and Princess Christina. Purple gown, pink dress and diamond tiara

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  1. Everyone looks great. I absolutely love that purple on CP Victoria. Sofia looks incredible dripping in all that jewelry.

  2. All the royal ladies look fabulous here! QS is regal as always. The blush pink of her gown is beautiful, and she likes to bring out the “big guns” in tiaras! The bigger the better! I think purple is Victoria’s best color. She looks stunning. Love her gown! The material, the detailing, the color. And the amethyst jewelry coordinates perfectly. Sofia looks exceptionally regal with her jewelry and her updo! Not sure if the necklace is real diamonds or crystals but they’re beautiful. Can’t really see her dress but she looks gorgeous. Don’t know the king’s sister’s name but she looks marvelous too.

    1. I think that's Princess Christina. I agree, they all looked marvelous. I loved seeing the Napoleonic Amethyst tiara on CP Victoria.

  3. QS: Classic 'Silvia' ballgown in a muted colour. Rewear, always good. Nothing new fashion wise to comment on.
    CPV: Classic 'Victoria' ballgown in a strong colour. Rewear, always good. Nothing new fashion wise to comment on.
    PS: Classic signature 'Sofia' 1980s gown in a funeral colour. Rewear, don't know (she has similar gowns in other colours). Nothing new fashion wise to comment on. Except the 'over the top' clunky necklace (it's crystals, not diamonds) that does not add anything. Amy

  4. Q Silvia and cpr V are beautiful!

  5. Q Silvia o Cpr V looks beautiful! Leon

  6. Unfortunately we can’t see Sofias full dress here, but she is the definite winner this evening! I wish Madeleine was attending aswell.

  7. The take this event more seriously in Sweden than Norway, all the tiaras, gowns and white ties. in Norway it was all casual

  8. Prize ceremony is not in the city hall.
    It is held in Stockholm’s concert hall.

  9. The ladies of the SRF look outstanding!!! QS is elegant and beautiful in her pink gown--love that she is wearing the pink topaz earrings and brooch as I love that demi parure. Victoria looks gorgeous in her purple gown (I'm a bit iffy on the huge bow on her shoulder though). The amythests are marvelous on her and the deep purple is a perfect color for her. Wish I could see more of Princess Christina--she knows how to make the 5 button tiara look great. Finally, Sofia!!! While I can't see her gown I think she looks stunning--dripping in jewels (finally!!!) and a glorious--looking updo. She looks as if she really pulled out all the stops this year. Hope to see more pictures soon.


  10. The royal ladies look magnificent. The gowns are stunning, the jewels, wow! divine. The colors of Silvia and Victoria's gowns, are really beautiful, love both.

  11. De toutes ces dames, Sofia est superbe avec tous ses bijoux dont surtout le diadème sur lequel les perles ont été remplacées momentanément par des émeraudes !

  12. Victoria looks very regal and beautiful. What a great colour for her!

  13. Very nice and well put together. css

  14. The Nobels are here!!! My favorite event in the Swedish Royal calender, but I must say I'm a little disappointed with this year's outings.

    Q Silvia: Her Majesty always brings out the big guns and never really misses. The pink topaz earings and brooche are stunning. I don't really care for her dresses though.

    CP Victoria: Unfortunately her whole look was a complete miss for me. Which is actually sad to even say given thatbshe is usually the best dressed. Even though her gown's style and color are absolutely regal, Crown Princess Victoria's whole look is a complete repeat from a previous Dutch Stae Visit which takes away any "surprise element" as we have seen it before.

    P Sofia: Best dressed of the night in my opinion. Her black gown is pretty with being too over the top. Green is definitely her color. I'm really glad she went with her original emerald toppers and those emerald earrings and the prettiest of any Royal collection. My only criticism would be her necklace. I personally wouldn't have worn one, and she wore 2. They don't really match so they don't look good.

    Always a pleasure to see Princess Christina and her husband, and I wish Princess Madeleine could have made an appearance.

  15. Sublime coiffure pour la délicieuse Sofia

  16. Ladyofthemanor10/12/23 23:17

    CP Victoria looks super elegant. Love the dark purple colour and the one shoulder design with the large bow. It is made by designer Camilla Thulin. The amethyst demi parure suits her very well. Love the queens soft pink dress and big gun tiara. This must be the first time I think Sofia looks really good at Nobel and it is all due to the elegant hair.. Wearing an overlarge piece of costume jewellery with a diamond tiara is a bit tacky imo

    1. Dear Ladyofthemanor.
      Yes, confirm, Princess Victoria’s gown is by the Swedish fashion house “Camilla Thulin”. A fellow blogger said that it is a reware.
      BUT the “think” on her right shoulder ??
      Very little comment.
      HOWEVER when QMaxiam and the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a similar ‘thing’ on their shoulder, they were shot down in flames.
      We’re a funny lot, aren’t we?

    2. P. the original11/12/23 11:23

      Dear@ Deadeggs,
      Yes, I think you are right.
      I would define myself as a " one shoulder gown friendly", as I like them a lot.
      Pss Victoria's saturated purple gown is the right compromise between solemnity and modernity all in one design.
      Pss Sofia is splendid, really queenly and majestic, though she does not have a statuesque figure.
      My only quibble is that the amount of fabrici is overkill and detracts from the overall visual effect somehow.
      Her jewelry is well chosen and simply stunning.
      Surprisingly, Q.Silvia looks kinda of downdressed for the occasion to me but her gown is very nice anyway.
      The gentlemen are all groomed to perfection.

    3. Ladyofthemanor11/12/23 13:25

      Dear Deadeggs, I think it is all down to proportions. Even a few centimeters in diameter can make a big difference. Perhaps the riband coming out of the rosette also adds/distracts to its size and placement.

    4. Camilla Thulin of the Swedish fashion house, Camilla Thulin, has made an impressive mark in haute couture and costumes for the theatre.
      Princess Victoria seems to have been a faithful client to this fashion house.
      Madam Thulin has been able to keep her private life very private.
      SCAN Magazine did an interesting article on this designer.
      You can read it via ……

  17. My favorite look overall is Victoria’s - gorgeous! I like Silvia’s dress and jewelry, except the tiara; that tiara always looks too narrow and too pointy/tall to me for some reason. I do not care for Sofia’s crystal jewelry or black dress for this event.
    -Royal Watcher

  18. Elegant ladies. Sofias dress is from Andiata 🇫🇮 it’s lovely but the color makes it very boring and her jewellery on her neck is too much


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