Our blog wishes our followers a happy and healthy new year

New My Royals wishes everyone a healthy and happy new year 2024

New My Royals wishes our followers and everyone a peaceful, healthy and happy world in the new year. We also thank our followers very much for supporting our small blog. We hope that their all wishes come true. Happy New Year!


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  1. Thanks, the same to you! ✨

  2. Have a happy and healthy New Year! Thank you for all your hard work on this blog and the enjoyment that it brings.

  3. Thank you and a very happy New Year to you, Helen, too! Interesting and surprising news from Denmark in January..

  4. Thank you, Helen! Happy New Year! Appreciate you and your good work on this blog all year long.

  5. Alle guten Wünsche und viel Gesundheit! Vielen Dank für die schönen Bilder und dieses tolle Forum ; ) Herzlichst, Dorothe : )

  6. Feliç Any Nou!!

  7. Happy New Year, Helen. Thank you so much for your incredible efforts with this blog. For many people, like myself, it's a wee moment of calm in busy days

    Bliadhna Mhath Ur from Scotland to all fellow bloggers

  8. Thank you very much for your kind wishes. I also like to wish you the same. css

  9. Thank you and happy new year to you, Helen you and to all the royal watchers. Long live this blog for all things royal. 🙏🏽🎉

  10. Anonymous1/1/24 00:02

    Happy new year. My wish for 2024 is that we leave nasty comments behind us in 2023. And that we walk into 2024 with the golden rule as our mantra. Will my wish come true? Sadly not.

  11. Anonymous1/1/24 01:34

    Buon 2024! Auguri a tutti serenità, salute e amore.
    Rossella 🥂🎄

  12. Anonymous1/1/24 02:18

    Happy New Year!.

  13. Thank you for such a wonderful blog. Happy and safe New Year to you all. Australia x

  14. Anonymous1/1/24 07:00

    Happy New Year to all the bloggers, and you Helen. Much blessings for 2024. Gelukkige Nuwe Jaar!
    Rochelle, van sonnige Kaapstad Suid Afrika

  15. Thank you, Helen! A very happy new year to you - and also to all the readers of this wonderful blog! 😊🥂🌹

  16. Que cette année 2024 se passe sous de meilleurs auspices pour tout le monde. Hélène j'espère continuer sur votre blog que je ne manquerais pas pour rien au monde ; en effet, c'est une bouffée d'oxygène que d'ouvrir mon ordinateur afin de lire et d'échanger des commentaires !

  17. Je vous lis plus que je ne participe mais je tiens à vous souhaiter Helen, à toutes et tous une très belle année 2024, Lou!

  18. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar from 🇧🇪 🥰🥰🍾🍾🥂🥂

  19. Anonymous1/1/24 12:18

    Meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle bonne continuation pour ce blog qui respire la sérénité dans les commentaires. Paix ici et ailleurs

  20. Happy New year to fellow bloggers and to Helen, our administrator.
    1923 has been an exceptional year for royal events which has included births, weddings, state visits and a coronation.
    Helen has spoilt us with a long list of photos and information.
    I think Newmyroyals is the blog that presents the most photos of royal events. Thank you Helen and please continue with your good work.
    Long live Newmyroyals.

    1. Opps, 2023 and not 1923.
      Time to put the glass down😁

  21. Anonymous2/1/24 10:51

    Happy New Year! This blog was something I happened to stumble upon in 2023, and I am glad I did. May 2024 be a fun year of blog posts and comments.

  22. Anonymous2/1/24 12:39

    Hyvää Uutta Vuotta !

  23. Anonymous2/1/24 15:10

    Сретна Нова Година✨
    Sretna Nova Godina🎇
    Happy New Year🥂


  24. Anonymous2/1/24 16:59

    Happy New Year to the administrator, Helen and fellow bloggers. Edwina


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