The Princess of Wales visited the Design Museum in London

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

On November 15, 2023, The Princess of Wales attended the Shaping Us National Symposium held at the Design Museum in London. The symposium event, hosted by the Princess of Wales and The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, brings together leaders and specialists to consider key foundational skills for early childhood which can result in healthy adult lives.

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

The Princess launched the Shaping Us campaign in January, which aims to highlight the significance of the formative years of a child's life. The long-term project has been described as the Princess' "life's work", which she hopes will influence attitudes towards children in the early years period of their lives.

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

Kate Middleton wore a purple blazer suit by Emilia Wickstead. The Shaping Us National Symposium

Kate Middleton wore Emilia Wickstead purple jacket suit Fall 2021 Ready-to-Wear collection
Emilia Wickstead Fall 2021 Ready-to-Wear Collection


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Love the color of her suit and she looks lovely.

    1. Agree. That’s it in a nutshell

    2. Princess Catherine of Wales is looking beautiful though personally I think she could skipp Dianas earings cause this reminds me on all that pain Diana hat to face. Krystle

  2. Great colour, fab suit (and fit) and I love her hair.
    If there's a blouse underneath, that's how it should be worn with a jacket collar and neckline like this: invisible.
    - Anon 9:13

  3. beautiful fresh autumn color

  4. Lila mag ich gar nicht, zu klerikal. Aber der Prinzessin steht die Farbe und der Anzug sitzt wie angegossen.

    1. Mit der Abneigung gegen die Farbe sind wir wohl in der Minderheit, aber der Hosenanzug ist toll geschnitten. e.

  5. Finally a sleek, modern outfit in a beautiful colour worn by the PoW, but she looks very, very tired.

    1. Surely working too hard :-( Tough life being a royal.

  6. Looking unkempt is now a permanent feature if she wears her hair open and it ruins the overall well-groomed and structured impression she usually makes. What a pity, what an unlucky decision. (GM)

    1. Unkempt??? 😲
      It's okay that you might want a different hairstyle to go with a certain outfit. But calling Kate's hair unkempt is really strange. She has wonderful, thick, shiny, healthy and well-groomed hair. There's nothing unkempt about her, even if she wears her hair down. I don't understand the constant criticism of her hair. Too long, too curly, now unkempt. What is this - envy?
      About the outfit: Great color, nice blazer.and shoes. I don't necessarily like the shape of the pants, but she can wear it. I would prefer longer pants myself.

    2. Anon 20:03: Please read again, maybe then you can tolerate my impression somewhat better (and spare us the question mark overflow). I wrote: "Looking unkempt", which is not the same as saying that she "IS unkempt". (GM)

    3. Catherine's hair does look a bit on the messy side ever since she appeared with bangs/fringe. |Melanie|

    4. That is saying exactly the same thing. Unkempt describes an appearance, a look--not an intangible condition. If you judge someone as looking unkempt, you are saying that they are unkempt.

    5. "Looks unkempt" and "is unkempt" means exactly the same thing, as the word describes an appearance, not a way of being.

    6. Anonyms 3:50 and 3:42 - besides respecting Helen's rule to give a nickname, please make yourself better acquainted with the fine differences language choices offer us, e.g. the difference to make an assumption versus to judge unanimously. If you are not able to recognize it, be quiet is always a good choice instead of making a fool of oneself. (GM)

    7. Why is it that whenever we criticize Kate's hair someone makes the accusation of envy? Maybe some of us just don't like super long hair.
      Do we have to like it? You have to admit it is an extreme hairstyle so it is going to have polarizing views and not everyone is going to like it.

    8. This is "an extreme hairstyle"???

    9. (GM) 16:39 I’d like to see your well groomed everyday hairstyle..

    10. GM: Or, say, the difference between "unanimously" and "anonymously." Surely, you meant the latter.

  7. Beautiful pantsuit, the Sapphire and diamond earrings, perfect choice.

  8. Elégante silhouette mais j'aurais préféré la couleur lie-de-vin comme celle du mannequin !

  9. She’s stunning woman suit fit’s her perfectly but: the panda looking make up again!
    It make’s her look so tired.

    1. Lovely outfit indeed. I also wonder what she looks like without the black undereye make-up, would it be better? I don't know. Damsel Dragonfly

    2. Anonyme 15/11/23 18:41
      Je remarque que ses sourcils sont d'une teinte plus foncée, ce qui a tendance à alourdir le maquillage de ses yeux qui est comme d'habitude !

  10. Not bad, but I prefer pants that cover more the feet. Since the legs of her trousers are too tight they cannot be worn longer of course.

    1. With high heels, this is the perfect length for trousers.

    2. Yes if you wear your pants still tight. Otherwise it is not, I still prefer the feet more covered.

  11. Catherine looks great in this color and the fit of the pantsuit is perfect. I would have preferred purple shoes and more color in her lipstick.


  12. Wow, she looks gorgeous!

  13. Love the color. Not sure about the cut.

  14. What's wrong with her right eye lately? I never noticed before that it is significantly smaller than the left one.
    I don't really like the suit. Not even on the model. The jacket doesn't match the cut of the trousers and a high ponytail would have spiced things up a bit. Good colour for her but not a particularly good look today. Maybe too much partying at the father-in-law's yesterday? Frieda

    1. Agree, what´s wrong with her eye?
      Elegance coming back, finally.

    2. Maybe she got an infection due to heavy eye make-up. Always buy eye-make up at the pharmacist's.
      About the hair, maybe she likes the wind in her hair. Maybe she is tired of people that wish to see her always impeccable, with clothes that are cut perfectly, with make-up that is done perfectly, with people who wish her wearing red lipstick instead of pink, etc...

    3. Ha ha ha, Frieda, on Daily Mail online were some pictures of "Wills and Kate" leaving the party. They seemed to be in a very good mood indeed, they were laughing and relaxed. Kate wore a wonderful green dress.

    4. I hadn't noticed about the eye, but indeed there seems to be a difference. I wish her to be able to solve the problem soon, if any.

  15. This week, the royal ladies have been giving their support to fashion designers from different corners of the world. The Princess of Wales’s suit is from Amilia Whickstead, a New Zealand designer who is based in London.
    Princess Madeleine, German designer, Queen Matilde, Italy designer, , Queen Letizia, Venezuela/New York designer, Princess Sofia, designer from Finland, Princess Victoria, Danish designer, G. Duchess Maria Teresa, Swedish designer. Princess Mary’s blue and white ensemble ? Maybe Australian?

    1. If you're going to act like a know it all, at least spell the designer's name correctly. Her name is Emilia Wickstead

    2. If you're going to act like a know it all, at least spell the designer's name correctly. Her name is Emilia Wickstead

    3. To Anon21:36 (no nick name).
      Thanks for pointing out the error.
      My sincere apologies to Mme.Wickstead.
      I hope that, with the part of her life she spent in New Zealand, she has acquired some of the great charachterisitics of the New Zealand people.
      If so, she shouldn’t be too upset.
      Of the New Zealand people I know, they appear to be quite “cool” and easy to get along with.
      Again my apologies to her.
      p.s. I have a good friend with the first name of Amilia. She is known by her nickname of Amy.

  16. Love it she looks great, css

  17. Beautifull silhouet: K’s jacket is slightly longer than on the picture of the model, which is an improvement.
    Like the blue suede shoes also!

  18. She looks marvelous. Fantastic suit, love the color. However, do wish she would quit with the heavy liner under her eyes. But otherwise, this is outstanding.


    1. she looks stunning, love the suit and the colour, I agree the eye make-up is too heavy.

  19. The jacket is a smidge too long and that the length on the model would work better, but I’m applauding the contrasting shoes.

  20. Love this suit on her. It's perfectly tailored and the color pops. I would have loved to see a brooch or necklace to add some Princess sparkle.

  21. Gorgeous trouser suit and perfect color for Catherine! She looks beautiful. I also love her hair--feel like she is growing out the curtain bangs. I do wish she would wear a stronger lip color with jewel tones like this as I think it would enhance her makeup.


  22. I love her earrings. The colour of the suit is nice - Louise

  23. I love rich colors and this shade looks wonderful.
    I hate those ovesized blazers-suits that seem to be in vogue these days but this pantsuit looks timeless, elegant and flattering. Another winner look.

  24. P. the original16/11/23 10:11

    This purple pantsuit is a work of art in all respects, flawless, modern, professional.
    Pss Kate wears it immaculately well.
    Just fabulous.
    A great visit too.

  25. WoW Catherine looks stunning, the suit is perfect, it fit Catherine so well, love her hair
    And most of all her positive attitude always happy always smiling

  26. Beautiful tailored suit. The colour is most flattering on PoW. I much prefer the pant suits our royal ladies are wearing of late. Bea

  27. The Princess of Wales looks beautiful. I have a soft spot for her, being an introvert shy person myself. The growth she has gone through these couple of years is admirable. And the speech she delivered was her best yet and very heartfelt.



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