The Grand Ducal Family visited 'Gesture and the Territory' exhibition

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Two days after the opening of the 4th biennial "De Mains De Maîtres", Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François paid a family visit to the "The Gesture and the Territory" (Le Geste et le Territoire) exhibition. The exhibition brings together 77 artists from Luxembourg and around 40 from Portugal, the guest of honor.

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

This year, the biennial puts Portugal in the spotlight, a country very close to Luxembourg, whose nationals are the largest foreign community in Luxembourg. The exceptional creations, born from the technical and cultural diversity of the two countries, can be discovered at the exhibition held at 19Liberté until November 26.

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles and Prince François

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  1. Grandparents, parents and their grandchildren, what a lovely family visit. Just a regular family, wonderful to see. Everyone looks great for this family outing. Damsel Dragonfly

  2. Just one word : lovely ! Incl Stephanie"s yellow top, fits her quite well, although more for summer days.

  3. P. the original25/11/23 09:03

    Oh, dear, these two little Boys are just beautiful and adorable and what a delight to have them around on these visits!
    I love the easy going, down to earth approach to people, nice to see.
    They all look wonderful and glowing with genuine joy.

  4. The boys are sooo cute ♥️💋

  5. Wie kann man von diesen Kindern nicht verzaubert sein? Und ihre Pullover sind entzückend bestickt.

    1. Errm..."what kind of child it is??" What does that mean?

    2. Zwei entzückende Wonneproppen :) :)

    3. Lela, what do you mean - wrong translation? Sabsi wrote about how charming the little princes are!

    4. Kann ich nur zustimmen, die niedlichsten "youngroyals" ever! e.

    5. à Anonyme 25/11/23 18:54
      Quand je n’arrive pas à obtenir satisfaction par Google Translate, je passe par la case Google en tapant le texte à traduire complété par « en français » ; j’obtiens aussitôt sa traduction ainsi que la langue émettrice à gauche. Dans ce cas, cela a donné la langue allemande avec le texte en français ci-dessous : «Deux adorables petits bouts de chou » !

    6. While I can read French with assurance the same is not true of German. I am using my soon-to-be-replaced Android and I was unable to use the translation feature.

      My sincerest apologies to dear Sabsi and I agree 100% with her opinion on the two little Lux princelings!

  6. Charles et François sont trop adorables ; c'est un vrai plaisir de les voir tous les
    deux même sur des photos différentes. Stéphanie est superbe dans ce jaune lumineux combiné à du noir !

  7. Whilst I appreciate that this is a fashion blog I just have to state the obvious which is that this couple produces super cute babies!

    1. Virginia Dogwood26/11/23 02:16

      Absolutely the truth!

    2. But why do they have to grow up ? Why can't they be like that for ever and ever and ever .........

  8. GD Maria Teresa looks so happy with her grandson in her arms. I think she is a wonderful grand mother. HGD Stéphanie looks lovely in her yellow top and black pants. Prince Charles iooks like he is amusing himself. Little Prince François is an adorable baby, but he is changing very quickly. He looks already different from his brother.

  9. Lovely family. Gorgeous little boys

  10. Who cares about fashion when Princes Charles and Francois are in the picture? Adorable, much loved boys!

  11. These two little boys - pure cuteness!

  12. The sweetest of all royal toddlers. So cute. Frieda

  13. J'aime toutes les photos qui ont été publiées ici. SAR, la Grande-Duchesse, Maria Teresa, est si affectueuse avec ses petits-enfants. Quelle merveilleuse famille royale et harmonieuse. Le Prince François et sa grand-mère, SAR, la Grande Duchesse Maria Teresa, si proches, si chaleureux !!! Toute la famille royale est si chaleureuse!
    !!!Beaucoup de salutations et de félicitations depuis l'Autriche!!!

  14. If you compare photos of Stephanie and Guillaume as small children it is remarkable how much each of their sons resembles one of them.

    Prince François is a fair haired replica of Guillaume. His eyes belong to Guillaume and the late Grand Duke Jean. And he is as relaxed and as cheerful as Charles was when he was an infant!

    Prince Charles is a virtual clone of Stephanie.with his large eyes and fair complexion. He is very much a Lannoy in appearance. How quickly he has grown from the baby/toddler to preschool stage.

    GD Maria Teresa never seems as joyful as she does as when she is interacting with her grandchildren.

    Stephanie always looks great in yellow and her top is so very pretty. But as someone else has already commented it would be better suited for summer.

    The LRF, particularly Guillaume and Stephanie are my favorite Royal family by far. What they lack in glamour they more than compensate with warmth and natural dignity...which are after all the attributes of true Royaty throughout the ages.

    1. HGD Stéphanie's family name is not "Lannoy" but "de Lannoy".

    2. Yes, don't forget the “de”?
      Princess Staphenie is from a noble Belgian family which took its name from the town of Lannoy in northern France. As a young woman she carried the name of Countess Stéphanie Marie Claudine Christine DE Lannoy.
      Her father was Count Philippe de Lannoy. He died in 2019.
      Stephanie has 7 brothers and sisters.
      Which explains somewhat my ancient family name starting with a “de” which was Madame de AdeGgs. Or if you take the nobleness and history away from it it becomes Madame Deadeggs
      So after centuries of family shame and sin, I am now left with the modern day version of Deadeggs.
      We all have our crosses to carry, don’t we?
      Opps Fashion. It’s a yes from me for the yellow top. Brightens up a dull winter’s day .......... no?

    3. The ancient aristocratic form of Stephanie 's family name is DE Lannoy"...which translated means "OF Lannoy". Of course her full name is
      Stephanie de(of) Lannoy. She descends from the House of Lannoy, as does her son.

      So it isn't necessarily incorrect to say Prince Charles looks like THE Lannoys.

    4. 1. @ Lela : A family name cannot be translated. So it is "De Lannoy" in any language.
      2. @ Deadeggs : "de" or "van" or "ver" is part of family names in Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Lux, ... It is not something one can omit. If you do, it is considered as a complete different family name.

    5. P. the original27/11/23 08:57

      @ Deadeggs

      Maybe not everybody knows that Princess Marie of Denmark Is half noble by birth.
      Her mother is a French Baroness.

    6. Anon. 27/11/23 07:05 continued
      @ Deadeggs : I forgot to give another example i.e. the name Du Bois, it is not an aristocratic name as far as I know, is also written as Dubois, or sometimes as du Bois, also an example of a family name which begins with "du" instead of "de". I can find a lot of family names from that same category, but it would takes too long to list them up here.

  15. Lovely family outing! The little ones are so adorable--and such engaging little ones too. Both boys always seem so relaxed and happy in new surroundings and with strangers. Maria Theresa looks great--less make up and simply styled hair which allow her natural prettiness to shine through. Stephanie looks wonderful here--love her pretty yellow blouse. Her outfit is well fitted and perfect for the occasion--a family outing.


  16. What a nice surprise, to see both Heartbreakers there. One could pinch their cheeks all day. This is defiantly. sugar overload. css

  17. Oh my goodness the little ones are simply the cutest!

  18. I hope that the Grand Duchess Stephanie and the Grand Duke Guillaume go on to have a third baby and that it’s a girl.
    Sometimes it’s the baby girl who keeps her elder brothers in order and is a great complice for her mom.
    When I see Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques of Monaco, I get the impression that Princess Gabriella is already the boss between them.

    1. The same can be said of little Charlotte Wales.

    2. Prince Gabriel of Belgium said the same of his sister CP Princess Elisabeth : "she is the boss". Perhaps it has changed in the meantime since all the children are studying elsewhere and see each other only occasionally and during school holidays.

    3. Yes, Princess Charlotte is, I think, the boss.
      Even though they are Princes and Princesses, nice to see them "normal".
      But then, I think all little girls love to tittle-tattle on their brothers.

  19. Everyone looks very well, very happy and nicely turned out. Hard to concentrate on clothes when these two poppets are about! (Just wish that Grand Duke Guillaume would grow a beard again - I think it suits him better than the clean- shaven look. Some men just need beards!)


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