Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako hosted a garden party at Akasaka

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

On November 2, 2023, Japan's Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and other Imperial family members attended 2023 autumn garden party held at the Imperial Garden of Akasaka Palace in Tokyo. Nearly 1000 guests were invited to 2023 autumn garden party. This was the first autumn Imperial garden party in five years.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako

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  1. Quel léger mieux dans la famille impériale avec Masako ravissante dans cette couleur jaune doré même si elle porte à nouveau le même style de tenue ; je remarque que sa fille marche sur ses traces. La princesse Hisako de Takamado toujours aussi élégante sans surprise dans ce magnifique tailleur beige satiné dont la veste cintrée est judicieusement accessoirisée ; est-ce sa fille à ses côtés que nous voyons en couleur violette ?!

  2. Anonymous2/11/23 13:34

    The Empress has a wonderfully flattering trouser suit the other day but I don't think this outfit hits quite the same mark in terms of tailoring. It looks too large and gives her a different silhouette. The Crown Princess' outfit isn't my favourite, either.

    Princess Akiko and...Princess Tsuguko? look quite 'British Royal Family' in their outfits, Akiko with her coat and tilted hat and Tsuguko in her purple suit with a bit of a flair to the skirt. Princess Takamado looks elegant as always.

  3. Anonymous2/11/23 16:07

    A good time was had by all.

  4. Anonymous2/11/23 20:56

    Classic and elegant. Also, nice to see some strong colors, not all pastel. css

    1. Agree.
      Strong colours are seen abundant in the countryside as the trees change into autumn colours.
      Maybe this is why they have a garden party in November.
      I’ve noted that all the women wear the same style of shoe.
      Maybe this is a rule given by order from the imperial palace.

  5. Wonderful photos of the Royal family out and about.


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