Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel attended the National Day of Mourning

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

On November 19, 2023, Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel attended The Central Remembrance Ceremony in Berlin on the occasion of the annual National Day of Mourning. Every year on the second Sunday in November, Germany observes the National Day of Mourning (Volkstrauertag).

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel were welcomed by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender in front of Bellevue Palace. Then, the Crown Princess couple attended the wreath-laying ceremony at the New Guardhouse (Neue Wache) Memorial. Crown Princess Victoria gave a memorial speech at the German parliament.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new navy blue dezire wool coat by Andiata, and black dress by Andiata. Elke Büdenbender

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Dezire Wool Coat
Andiata Dezire Wool Coat

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Ladyofthemanor19/11/23 17:42

    Very nice coat. I am not sure about the dress. The low neck at the back puts it more into cocktail category and there are definitely som fit issues.

  2. The dress looks nice, but a lovely strand of pearls would have uplifted the overall look. The coat is gorgeous. The lady in the 4th photo looks lovely.

    1. Frau Büdenbender, wife of the Bundespräsident, always elegant in an understated way, wird in Deutschland sehr geschätzt. anna e.

    2. ... für was geschätzt, bitte?

    3. Dear 21.20, das läßt sich leicht googeln. Sie wird für ihre caritative Arbeit ebenso geschätzt wie dafür, daß sie ihre Arbeit als Richterin während der 2. Amtszeit ihres Mannes wieder aufgenommen hat. Gern geschehn ;)

  3. What a difference with the last days. Here she looks much older, her hair is done like she usually does.

  4. Alle Damen sind angemessen gekleidet, wegen des Anlasses ist wohl nicht mehr zu sagen.

  5. Fashion-wise, I like the style of this dress; the shiny fabric no so much. I only wish the heavy black would have been broken by having some pearl accessories involved. Also, just an observation that until the last few photos, I was very confused because of the smiles and genuine happiness, that this was a mourning event. I'm not saying they can't smile at all and must walk around frowning the whole time, but the first few photos look like people entering a wedding.


    1. The smiles are ok to me, because of the situation, Begrüßung von Gästen alway with a smile. Später at the Kranzniederlegung ernste Mienen.

  6. Dress and coat are too old style. She looks older and wider than she really is. I prefer Mrs. Büdenbender's outfit.

  7. Classic dress. I really like her look today. She speaks very well German. I liked her speech. Responsibility yes. The world today sadly ignores it. With entitlement come responsibility. In hate war or just nastiness no one is a winner. css

    1. Do you have a link to it?


    3. Thank you

    4. Ladyofthemanor20/11/23 09:52

      Her mother and of course grandparents are German. Her father grew up speaking German to his mother so I am sure she has grown up with the language.

    5. The crown princess said in an interview that they never spoke german when she was a child. Queen Silvia has also explained that she didn’t want her and the children to have their own secret language that the king couldn’t understand. It wasn’t until Victoria was an adult that she started taking serious lessons, to be able to get around better with family in Germany, and now also in public.
      The king never spoke german with his mother princess Sibylla, she always spoke Swedish, with an accent, and the king and his sisters teased her for that.

  8. Victoria is wearing a beautiful dress but I'm not too sure its the right dress for the occasion. Between the shiny fabric and the appearance of the dress being more suited for a cocktail party. That said, Victoria looks marvelous in the dress but I do wish she had selected something for such a solemn occasion. Her coat is gorgeous and is perfect!


  9. ... diese Bilder wirken auch ein wenig befremdlich auf mich. Diese Absätze an den Schuhen der Prinzessin muss man zu diesem Kleid schon mögen, das Kleid an sich sitzt auch nicht wirklich - alles in allem mir zu aufreizend für diesen tieftraurigen Anlass. Sie wird nie mehr ihren Haarknoten nach oben bringen, egal wie es in ihr aussieht, sie hat um sich so viel Personal und vielleicht sollte sie doch einmal ihre Schwester Prinzessin Madeleine in ihre Kleiderkammern zum aussortieren lassen. Sicher hat Prinzessin Victoria viel zu viel um sich herum an Aufgaben und auch Sorgen und Kummer, sie sollte sich täglich mindestens einmal ansehen, wie liebevoll und glücklich sie an ihrer Hochzeit ihren Prinzen Daniel vor dem Altar anstrahlte - damit trug sie die Liebe und das Glück hinaus in ihr Land und in die Welt - es täte sehr gut wieder mehr davon von ihr zu sehen, ich wünsche Prinzessin Victoria die ehrliche Freude an Ausstrahlung zurück. -Dorothe-

    1. On point.

    2. Dorthe
      Oh Dear
      /AA 🇸🇪

    3. @Dorothe - was für ein Bildzeitungs-Quatsch - und wie unpassend für das Thema hier (=Mode).

  10. That dress makes her looking wider and older same is with that georgeos Andiata coat

  11. Wowza. She looks fabulous and absolutely proper for this solemn occasion. Her energy and excellence for and in her job is much more valuable in my eyes than whatever she could do to her hair to look like blog visitors would prefer her to see. (GM)

  12. I heard her speech. Very well delivered in almost flawless German. She is not the best public speaker, but she did really well here.
    I like her dress, I think it´s ok even for this occasion. She does look good in it. She is right that it is challenging and dangerous and sad times we live in. I wish the West were more honest about the origins of the various conflicts and about their own involvement. All this remembrance doesn´t help if you don´t learn from history. She didn´t mention peace, unfortunately, which should be everyone´s no1 priority. Also, Sweden made a colossal mistake by joining Nato, imo. We should have never given up neutrality.

    1. Please stop Vanessa.

    2. I’m not sure who is asking Vanessa to stop, but I always appreciate her thoughtful fashion points and her extra thoughts too. I too wish the west would be honest about what’s really behind the conflicts. - AnneLise

    3. Vanessa
      I thought this was a fashion blog.
      /AA 🇸🇪

    4. Vanessa darling, have you been watching to many pageant competitions? Save your ”My biggest wish is for world peace” and other political comments for other ”non-west” forums.

    5. to anonymous 20:04:
      Some people really like to stay in their bubble, it would appear.
      What makes you think that this is a "west"-forum? Just because it´s primarily in English doesn´t mean there aren´t people here from "non-west" countries reading and following and contributing.
      This state occasion, and the speech given in front of Germany´s parlament discussing current international conflicts is very political by nature. Most of all, what´s wrong with world peace? You get triggered by all the wrong things, darling.

    6. Annelise, so you don‘t get it

  13. CP Victoria's coat is lovely but the dress doesn't fit well. I like the hair piece but would have preferred a proper hat. Frau Steinmeier's dress is perfect

  14. PV looks stunning again! A necklace, even pearls, would have looked too busy and matronly with the head band. I think she looks quite regal and lovely! MR

  15. Ravie qu'elle continue à se coiffer d'un chignon bas sur lequel le bandeau apporte une touche élégante ; j'aurais bien vu son manteau en laine plus près du corps sur sa robe à la jupe évasée !

  16. Dear Vanessa, Please bear in mind that Princess Victoria does not voice her own opinions in sensitive political speeches, especially in a foreign country. These are carefully prepared by the foreign office and have nothing to do with what she might personally think. Please do not put the blame on this dignified crown princess.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. I know. I do have a soft spot for Victoria, but let´s be honest - she is interesting only because she is a princess. If she was a regular person from Sweden, no one would invite her or listen to her. So, of course she´s speaking in her official capacity as crown princess, and of course she´s only representing. It´s still crucial to realise though that she´s not representing the people of Sweden but the official policies as dictated by those who really hold power, and they are neither in Sweden nor Germany.

    2. Mon dieu, what ist about, vanessa?

    3. Tp Vanessa 15.29
      Dear Vanessa, your views expressed in the last post (15:29) are completely wrong (Your words: "she´s not representing the people of Sweden but the official policies as dictated by those who really hold power, and they are neither in Sweden nor Germany).Of course, she represents the Swedish people and represents the Swedish government elected in FREE and DEMOCRATIC" elections. Europe (mainly western and central ) is not ideal, but it is certainly the most democratic part of the world and is not controlled by any ideology or religion! This is precisely why hordes of immigrants are pouring into the European Union. And in addition, central Europe (- where I live) does not suffer from any historical guilt complex.
      Victoria is dressed very nice.

    4. @ Stephanie: hhm. I find this overly simplified. The world is enormously complex.
      We all want to be the good guys and do good, so we tend to justify almost anything we do to match that perception and prefer to point our fingers at others. It´s always them. THEY are bad, THEY are to be blamed, THEY are in the wrong. And then we try and impose our ways on others.
      Of course we too are subjected to massive propaganda and ideologies: Russia is bad. Israel just defending themselves. We need to stop CO2 emissions. Immigrants are enriching us. Vegan is healthy. Surveillance means safety. There are 35 genders and you can choose any one you like... These ideologies are everywhere. They are just so normal to you that you don´t notice. If you looked at the west from an outside perspective, you´d see.
      Immigrants are not pouring in because they are running from ideologies. They are coming because they are after money and benefits. A better life. Their share of the cake.
      Our societies aren´t free - you surely remember how our freedoms were suspended at the elite´s will during covid. Simply thrown out the window.
      Our societies are not democratic either as more and more sovereign power is transferred to either big corporations or unelected entities (the WHO being the latest addition). Elections are heavily influenced by media preventing any real public debate and narrowing down socially acceptable views.
      Central Europe most certainly has a massive guilt complex, and someone works very hard to keep it alive.
      There is no paradise, no country or system got it all right or all wrong. There is no black and white. Whenever someone offers you these overly simplified answers, you should look closer.

    5. Van, just stop that rubish and take a deep breath

  17. Dear Vanessa, This blog is not a political vehicle. It is obviously concerned with royalty and fashion and here and there other light topics. I find your views overwhelming and unsuitable and suggest you air them elsewhere. I might be wrong, but I also suspect that you are an anti-royalist, which is perfectly legitimate, but in my opinion you would be far happier in other quarters.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Totally agree.

    2. This blog isn´t a political vehicle, you´re right. Unfortunately, royalty have become a political vehicle, and - being a royalist - I find that both disappointing and concerning.

      I think there are two types of people here: those who follow royalty to enjoy the pretty things and the glamour and then those who follow because of the role royalty plays in society. I´m certainly in the latter group, and to me royalty would be nothing if it wasn´t for the lineage, the cultural-historic heritage, the unifying symbolism, the continuity and diplomatic significance. Discussing these things isn´t unsuitable, but if you´re in the first group and after "light" topics, possibly even to escape from today´s pressing political issues, I understand that you don´t want me here. While I´m sorry that you find my views overwhelming, I´m not impressed when you tell me to go away. That is as if I told you to go browse a fashion catalogue if you want pretty things detached from reality. I won´t say that but maybe you understand what I mean.
      The royal engagements we follow are not a fashion show. They aren´t a self-purpose but always happen in a context and with a purpose. The purpose for any royal engagements is always stated here. Please consider this before snapping at me next time.

    3. So you are so important, that most comments here are from you?

  18. Dear Vanessa 21.11.23, 21:44
    All my opinions are totally opposite from yours: I'm no royalist, I'm watching them like a scientist watches something under a microscope, I've been a happy and convinced vegan for 12 years now, and I'm a cyclist because there is a bloody climate catastrophe and saving emmisions is what we need to do and I'm fully and with all my heart on the side of Israel and the Ukraine because I hate terrorists.
    If someone airs an opinion which is not yours, Vanessa, then there are no dark unseen monsters behind closed doors forming our mindset and our conscience.
    We call it democracy.

  19. Dear Vanessa, This is a fashion blog and not a political platform and I think you are misusing New My Royals.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Virginia, I couldn't agree more. Thank you.


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