The Princess of Hanover presented Pierre Foundation's 2023 Prizes

Princess Caroline wore a purple belted crepe maxi dress by Dries van Noten. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a pink top and pants

The winners of the 2023 Prizes of The Prince Pierre Foundation were announced on October 10 at the awards ceremony held at the Opéra Garnier in Monte-Carlo. Princess Caroline of Hanover presented The Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's 2023 Prizes.

Princess Caroline wore a purple belted crepe maxi dress by Dries van Noten. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a pink top and pants

Charlotte Casiraghi was also present at the award ceremony. The Principality Prize, awarded jointly by Rencontres Philosophiques and The Prince Pierre Foundation, was presented to Jacques Rancière for his entire work.

Princess Caroline wore a purple belted crepe maxi dress by Dries van Noten. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a pink top and pants

Princess Caroline wore a purple belted crepe maxi dress by Dries van Noten. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a pink top and pants

Prince Albert II and Princess Caroline of Hanover inaugurated a monument commissioned to the artist Giuseppe Ducrot, as part of the commemorations for the centenary of the death of Prince Albert 1. The work was installed on the facade of the Lycee Albert Premier of Monaco near the Oceanographic Museum.

Princess Caroline inaugurated a monument commissioned to the artist Giuseppe Ducrot

Princess Caroline inaugurated a monument commissioned to the artist Giuseppe Ducrot

Princess Caroline inaugurated a monument commissioned to the artist Giuseppe Ducrot

Princess Caroline inaugurated a monument commissioned to the artist Giuseppe Ducrot

Princess Caroline wore DRIES VAN NOTEN Belted crepe maxi dress
DRIES VAN NOTEN Belted crepe maxi dress

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  1. Charlotte en pyjama
    Caroline magnifique couleur pour sa robe mais faut pas regarder sa tête fade sans éclat

  2. Elégante Caroline dans cette robe bleu-roi ; je trouve qu'elle lui sied beaucoup mieux qu'une veste/pantalon dans laquelle elle flotte !

  3. I'm getting pyjama vibes from Charlotte's outfit.

  4. Ladyofthemanor12/10/23 14:21

    Princess Charlotte forgot to take off her pyjama pants before leaving home. The blue dress looks rather boring and a bit too long so the angle straps make her legs look chubby.
    I like Caroline's second outfit much better. A simple blazer, silk blouse, nice trousers and great Chanel shoes.

    1. There’s nothing nice about those trousers full of static clinging to her legs

  5. Do they go out of their way to dress horrible, no care is taken about style..sad.

  6. I only like the blue Dries Van Noten dress. I'd preferred it in a midi version not maxi. Rose

  7. Mon Dieu Caroline et ses cheveux, qu'est ce qui lui a pris de se laisser ses cheveux horribles, ce pantalon trop grand pour elle, quel amaigrissement aussi. Charlotte et sa tenue pijama.

  8. Princess Caroline rarely misses a beat and she didn't this time. She is so classic!

  9. Wow, the outfit that princess Caroline coordinated with her brother is gorgeous. I don’t like the neckline of her blue dress. Charlottes outfit has a lovely colour, I only wish it were a maxi skirt as opposed to the pants.


    1. Gorgeous…you’re being polite

  10. The blue dress looks fabulous, gorgeous color and I love the design of the dress. The 2nd outfit, the pants I don't like
    Charlotte's outfit, I don't like. Her hair doesn't look groomed at all.

  11. Nice dress and lovely color. The second outfit seem the pants just hangs on her. Charlottes outfit come across more like a run around the house outfit and way to shiny. css

  12. Lovely blue dress for Caroline and iffy trouser look from her. I would love the trouser outfit had the legs not appeared to have static cling to her legs I actually laughed when I saw the first full-length picture of Albert and Caroline standing together because I thought they were twinning! However, Albert's trousers are khaki while Caroline's appear gray. I really like her hair with a side part--very flattering. Charlotte...great Chanel shoes but her outfit is only pretty because its pink but the style is regrettably saggy, baggy, and reminds me of loungewear.


  13. In trousers and black blazer Caroline is classic elegant.
    The blue dressI find difficult to see the cut.
    Charlotte: no words, full length trousers could have made it a bit better.

  14. Love the outfit of the Lady lefthandside of the first pic.

  15. Sometimes I get the impression that Princess Caroline and the women in her family are above fashion.
    They do what they want to do and don’t give a damn about the impression they give.
    To me it's a type of snobbism

    1. Caroline was for about 30 years not only the most beautiful and the most glamorous royal but also the best dressed. I think that, indeed, she now has risen above all that. No plastic surgery, no fillers, grey hair, and her own, sometimes exotic fashion choices, all of which makes her eventually also the most chic and the most sophisticated.
      Lily T.

  16. The comments, once again, show how little this community knows about fashion. While some of the things Charlotte wears would be better if left on the runway, these two women are very fashionable. This community cannot keep up with the latest styles, and is years behind.

    1. OH! Thanks for the info.
      By the way @Anon19:16 could you please use a nickname so that we can get inspiration and information from what you say to help "this" community to move into the 21 century.


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