The Norwegian Royal Family hosted a lunch for the Nordic Council

King Harald and Queen Sonja are hosting a lunch for the Nordic Council. Crown Princess Mette-Marit is wearing a Dior dress

On October 31, 2023, King Harald and Queen Sonja held a lunch for the Nordic Council at the Royal Palace in Oslo. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were also present at the lunch. The Nordic Council will hold its 75th Session in the Norwegian parliament in Oslo.

King Harald and Queen Sonja are hosting a lunch for the Nordic Council. Crown Princess Mette-Marit is wearing a Dior dress

King Harald and Queen Sonja are hosting a lunch for the Nordic Council. Crown Princess Mette-Marit is wearing a Dior dress

The Nordic Council is the official body for formal inter-parliamentary co-operation. Formed in 1952, it has 87 members from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Aland.

King Harald and Queen Sonja are hosting a lunch for the Nordic Council. Crown Princess Mette-Marit is wearing a Dior dress

King Harald and Queen Sonja are hosting a lunch for the Nordic Council. Crown Princess Mette-Marit is wearing a Dior dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Ladyofthemanor31/10/23 16:22

    Queen Sonia looks very beautiful and elegant. Love the colour and style. I don't think Mette Marit´s dress is a good choice for her. The hight neckline and bell sleeves rather accentuate her square body shape. She has worn a v-neck, even a small one, a few times and it is so much more becoming. Then the eyes are drawn to her pretty face instead of chest area.

    1. Anonymous1/11/23 01:30

      Agree. Queen Sonja looks great. Mette Marit’s dress is not flattering and does her no favours. King Harald looks frail

  2. I agree, Mette Marit’s dress is not flattering at all, the pattern and the sleeves look all wrong. A square body shape? I think she has a normal figure and I much prefer this look rather than the rake-thin bodies of some of the royals. One must not forget that she is chronically ill and medication affects the body.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. You make a fact (“ body shape”) into a judgement, which it not necessarily is.

    2. Agree !!

    3. I agree with Anonymous 17:56. Body shape is not negative, just like face shape, it has nothing to do with weight. Although Catherine has a long torso, and Meghan has a short torso, they both also have square/rectangular shapes.


    4. P. the original1/11/23 09:13

      Oh, hello@ Anonymous or Sunny Virginia, if you like it!
      You know, I've just stopped primping myself as usual just to say that you seem to really have an obsession with weight, body shapes (yes, it may easily change into bodyshaming and you are not alien to it) and medical diagnoses and related medicaments.
      I am more and more convinced that you are a health consultant in disguise and if so you should be awarded with some sort of Nobel Prize.
      I can imagine you participating in Nobel gala dinners and unvealing the most hidden secrets in a couple of royal circles.
      I hope that you will have adjusted to high fashion (high stiletto heels never below 8 cm, just to make an example) and royal etiquette rules by that time, namely never bodyshame people and women in particular, no public whining, bright smiles, never complain and never explain and so on...
      There's still hope, I think, given that even Camilla has done wonders in her wardrobe and quitted her unbuttoned cardigans and old black boots.
      Anyway, I know you are more interested in royal underwear...

  3. Yes she is chronically ill, and has been for quite a long time. None of our business. She can dress beautifully and does so from time to time too. I always think it is really not necessary and also intrusive to excuse bad choices with personal traits like illness or body type. She can dress well but this outfit is a bad choice and she is simply not very pretty in this very not-pretty dress :-) (GM)

    1. Well said, I agree.
      And let’s not forget the King: being well again, standing and delivering a speech.
      I am happy for them.

    2. Agreed.

  4. The Queen looks modern and stylish, very chic. I love her modern piece of jewellery, necklace. Not so sure about her shoes, regardless she looks fabulous.
    Not so sure about CP MM's dress, the pattern of the fabric I don't like at all. Regardless of that, she looks well and happy, wonderful!

  5. Princess Mette Marit is looking like a ray of sunhine - classy and elegant as always.


    1. I agree, the colour and fit is lovely on her.

    2. Are you looking at the same photos I am?

  6. Must be the first time I have heard Dior been trashed like this from the fashonistas in here 😂🤣 personally don't see what you see. I think MM looks great in her Dior dress. And please can't we stop bodyshaming. Instead we should support women, even royal ladies. We could as grown ups talk about what we like, and keep the negative for us self. After all we wouldn't like to hear other people talk about us the way some people talk about the royals in the commentaries.

    1. So we can just say just what we like? And are we supposed to keep quiet about things, about fashion pieces, that we don't like? Did I understand it correctly?
      So allow me 2 more questions.
      1. What happened to freedom of speech?
      2. If we don't criticize anything, how will we move forward - not only in fashion, but in life in general.?
      Always patting yourself on the back, always saying - oh, how wonderful you are... Be careful, we are growing a generation that will collapse at the slightest criticism, everything touches them, everything offends them...
      Saying about someone that they have, for example, an ill-fitting dress or an inappropriate color, or a bad haircut is really not a crime at all.

    2. Ladyofthemanor31/10/23 22:36

      Talking about body shapes is not body shaming. We all come in different shapes, square, round, pear shapes, rectangular, triangular. Not all type of clothing fit all these different shapes. Some styles of clothes look good on some shapes and not so good on others. Many people on this blog have over the years commented on Q Mathilde being high wasted and that belts or no belt or some of her dresses look better on her than others. This has nothing to do with body shaming and neither did my comment above. A designer dress is no guarantee for being the most flattering choice fore everyone.

    3. I so agree with you!!! C

    4. Anonymous1/11/23 06:54

      Stephanie normal grown up behaviour is never wrong. Why do you feel it's ok to trash people on internet, but you wouldn't do this to the people in your life, and you certainly would like it if people treated you this way. Why can't we stand up for a fellow woman? Try to be nice. Treat them with dignety. They are people with the same feelings and problems as us. If we don't like what they wear we could say I like her shoes, smile, hair whatever. We don't need to tell even a royal you look aweful when they feel pretty and like their outfit. What effect do you think this has on their psyche? And don't say they don't read what we say. They do. This we know after several has said so. And what does this say about us as a fellow human being, and some even call themselves christians. We should live after the golden rule, -treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. It can't be that hard. And try to remember if you send out good energy, good things will come back to you. And when negative energy is sent out into the world, bad things will return to the sender. So your choice.

    5. Hear hear. Couldn't agree more!

    6. Anonymous1/11/23 11:05

      Dear anon 6:54
      Do you think that when I say that a some lady's dress is not appropriate, that it is insult? Do you think I'm rude because I say I don't like something about an outfit? No way! It's very disrespectful of you to suggest that I don't have mature manners. You don´t know me.
      I come to this blog for fashion, I assume the other debaters do too. What would be the point of this blog if there were only eulogies?
      I want to learn from this blog, I want to inspire myself.
      I have attended high-level receptions several times - either as an escort for my husband or because of my work in some European Union projects and the Duke of Edinburgh Award (including a gala dinner with Prince Edward). I really appreciated the honest opinion of the protocol experts, who directly told us: "This dress is fine, this costume is terrible, this dress doesn't fit, these shoes are okay,, but this one throw away... etc." I was not offended! I learned from the criticism and was grateful for it! I realize that if I am participating in an important meeting, I am also representing my college or my country.
      Only a very weak and insecure person is offended when fashion critics give their honest opinion.

    7. P. the original1/11/23 12:55

      Yes, @Anonymous, we are allowed to comment on fashion, of course.
      But nonetheless, you see, sometimes it may happen that the mere presence of a hard- fighting lady- no matter if she is styled as a Crown Princess- is much more important and relevant than what she is wearing.
      She is there with her combat gear on , just the one that you' ll never see and that's what counts most.
      Sometimes showing empathy and being not overly critical may be helpful to see beyond appearances.
      The blood of her Viking ancestors still flows in this brave Princess' veins, she never gives up.
      She just disappear when she is too worn out to perform her public duties.
      So, what about just rejoycing seeing this gorgeous brave lady out and about again?
      Please, decline all your body considerations,
      there's s much more to say about this marvellous lady.
      Hope you' ll get what I mean.

  7. La reine Sonia a ressorti cette robe dont la couleur lui sied à merveille ainsi que les chaussures originales qui me paraissent confortables ; Mette Marit serait encore plus élégante avec un petit col en V et des manches légèrement plus courtes ; dommage de ne pas mieux voir ses boucles d'oreilles qui se cachent dans ses cheveux !

  8. The Q looks good, super color... MM dress looks not that great, the color washes her out. css

  9. Anonymous1/11/23 00:26

    QS looks beautiful in her elegant burgundy dress. Can't say I am a fan of M-M's dress color--I think it would be wonderful had it been in a different, solid color as the shade of yellow mixed with the green plaid design would not flatter many people. Good to see King Harald and M-M back, out and about.


    1. Anonymous1/11/23 01:10

      Agree with all of your comments. I also think that M-M’s dress is more fitting for spring or summer, and maybe a sunny, outdoor event that would let the colors shine a bit more.

  10. Anonymous1/11/23 04:39

    Maybe the reason there is body shaming on this blog is because so many people don't understand what body shaming is. I thought that was a given. Comments about weight (being too thin or too fat, big, large, etc.) are body shaming and we all need to mind our own business. Body shaming comments are not only rude, but can be triggering for people with any body issues themselves.

    Comments about a body SHAPE are not body shaming. We all have a body shape as mentioned above. The key is to know how to dress the body we have. That includes waistline, leg length, height, and skin and hair coloring. That is using fashion as one should. The body can be made to look taller and leaner with the right sartorial choices. Often we see poor choices made and the result is a wider, squat body. Color choice can warm the skin or leave one looking sallow. Opinions vary greatly when discussing different outfits here. Most often personal preferences dictate the comments as opposed to genuine fashion critiques. The comments here are a good place to start. A rectangular body does not have much of a waist, and the shoulders and hips are about the same width. There are ways to dress a rectangular body to its best advantage.

  11. Anonymous1/11/23 11:04

    LOL these ladies can never win. If Charlene wears black it's not the season for it, and black is only used at funerals and she should chose a light color(comments said on this blog), but no we see a light color is also wrong and not the season. Give me a break ladies. Wtf is wrong with us. Do we have to criticize them just to criticize. And please talking about someones body is bodyshaming. How do you think she would feel seeing your comments? Anna

  12. Anonymous1/11/23 15:07

    The King and Queen look in great spirits, as do MM and Haakon. While not fond of the dress MM is wearing, or the colour, it is just nice to see her out and about. Edwina

  13. Anonymous1/11/23 16:23

    I was not body shaming Mette Marit, whatever that means, in fact I was merely quoting a remark by Ladyofthemanor. Mette Marit is very ill, this is official and public knowledge, and I was merely defending her. Empathy is far better than some of the terrible remarks some royals have to endure on this blog, especially Princess Stephanie of Luxemburg.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. P. the original2/11/23 09:13

      @Anonymous as Virginia

      Personally, I believe that bodyshaming should be easily understood.
      Circumlocutions are useless.
      Moreover, I also believe that women resorting to always bodyshaming other women or royal ladies - as it is the case on this blog- have serious issues with their own bodies acceptance and satisfaction.
      Even more issues are related ito underestimating bodyshaming conducts and consequences as well as considering It as a sort of daily routine and nothing else.
      Bodyshaming is no fun and no way of wasting time in an otherwise totally dull life.
      I think it mainly stems from a lack of a good cultural and educational background.
      Anyway, whatever the issues connected with compulsively bodyshaming others may be, they fall into medical fields and competences and there's no way they can be treated and cared for on this platform.
      Lastly, I believe that bodyshaming on this blog is a form of cyberbullying and this falls into a judiciary territory too.
      It is a true law infringement.
      Hope I used a basic, clear and understandable vocabulary this time.


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