The Danish Queen attended the opening of the exhibition 'Ehrengard'

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

On October 5, 2023, Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the opening of the exhibition "The Queen Sets the Scene for Ehrengard" at the Karen Blixen Museum (Rungstedlund) in Copenhagen. The Queen’s costume sketches, selected costumes and forty-one decoupages are now displayed at the exhibition, accompanied by excerpts from "Ehrengard", published in 1963 shortly after Karen Blixen’s death.

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

"Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction" is a Danish Netflix feature film directed by Bille August. The film is based on the book Ehrengard written by Karen Blixen and a script written by Anders August. Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke is one of Denmark’s internationally most recognized female poets, author and storyteller. Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the film.

Queen Margrethe is the costumes and sets designer of the Danish Netflix feature film of Karen Blixen

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  1. Anonymous6/10/23 14:50

    Maxima's hair, and this Queen's teeth, both very unsightly, even though they have lovely smiles, the hair and teeth of both women, ruins their good looks. Edwina

    1. Anonymous6/10/23 16:55


    2. And the fashion topic for discussion this week is teeth and hair.
      Pens and paper on the ready girls.

    3. Anonymous6/10/23 18:52

      You are a troll.

    4. Anonymous6/10/23 19:39

      Absolutely agree!

    5. Anonymous6/10/23 22:31

      Smoker’s teeth…yuck!

    6. Yet they are still Queens and we are still just internet posters.

    7. Anonymous7/10/23 07:05

      How very unfriendly

    8. And @Anon 18:07 said “if only she (the Queen) would wear a better bra !!”
      So now we have the Queen’s underwear brought into question along with her teeth, plus, by the same commentator, Maxima's hair.
      The bunion subject seems to be having a rest at the moment.

    9. P. the original7/10/23 14:13

      You can call it a perception or just my 6th sense but I feel that you are an elderly woman yourself(no blondeur , no high heels, no great legs for sure!).
      I was taught to respect people in general and women in particular and even more the elderly.
      What about you?
      You know, I feel entitled to forget what I was once taught this time and to make an exception just for you.
      So, now you' re targeting a Queen in her eighties for the...lack of a better bra???
      Are you for real?
      Please, have a look at yourself first.
      I sense you do not look any better.
      As I have already said elsewhere, I am polite to whoever is polite and you are not , again.
      Shame on you for questioning and elderly lady's underwear.
      You claim respect and politeness for yourself but you have none towards others.
      Re: the teeth.
      Q.Maxima has a good set of teeth.
      Q.Margrethe shows the signs of normal' age progression too as far as her teeth are concerned.
      What about your teeth?
      And what about the bunions, feet issues and various illnesses you almost always embellish your comments with?

    10. Anonymous7/10/23 19:26

      14.13 so sick of it

    11. Anonymous7/10/23 20:44

      Und wieder ein langer Seelenerguß von p.. Nun ja, wer sich berufen fühlt...

    12. The feelings about teeth are not the same in every culture. Americans can judge harshly on teeth, usually being unaware that they are making a class judgment. Many other countries are far less fixated on teeth. As an American, I try to remember this when I see less than perfect teeth. Personally, I think a person is fortunate if their teeth function and don't hurt. The rest is not important.

    13. Anonymous8/10/23 01:54

      I agree with the original poster, the yellow teeth look horrible! Just like Maxima's hair. Neither one should appear in public with those yellow teeth, or the stringy, unkept hair, its not very nice to look at when they have so much money and spend so much on clothing and shoes. uggg. Ashely

    14. P. the original9/10/23 07:22

      @Anonymous 7/10/23 at 20:44
      The reason why you concoct your blathering in German is unknown.
      We all can detect who you are.
      Please, just write in English to regale all of us bloggers with your platitudes.
      Thank you .

    15. If you don't understand German or any language, use google to translate.

    16. P. the original11/10/23 09:05

      Anonymous 10/10/23 at 14:13
      Ok, as you like It.
      It seems that you have quite a huge amount of time to waste arguing with blogsters, as usual.
      I have very little time on my hands instead.
      I attach here the same comment you' can find on the post about Charlene- 25/9/23-.

      @Anonymous as Margot now
      I never said in my previous comments that Finnish is a Germanic language..
      I said it is a mix (I know what I am talking about).
      I am sure you are not a Finnish native speaker either.
      You need to study if you want to know and speak languages well, not just using a translator (same goes for German, which I clearly perceive you know nothing of) and concoct nationalities which have nothing to do with you.
      You know, a good education as well as language practice in real life, are the very base of it all.
      Your Google researches- also as far as languages origins and features are concerned-will never substitute for a quality schooling.
      You should take into account that I have to practice a handful of languages on a daily basis too, speaking to real native speakers, which I am sure is something unknown to you.
      I find it almost ridiculous to speak to you in German or Spanish or other languages given you change idioms just out of a sort of childish fun and not out of a real and effective knowledge.
      You are not a German or a Spanish native speaker either.
      Hope you' 'll get the sense of my comment for good.

  2. Anonymous6/10/23 15:15

    Very pretty and elegant dress for HM today! She looks lovely in this electric blue color and I love the bow in her hair. Love her choice of turquoise jewelry today. She is a lady of many talents--the artistry of the one picture we can see of her designs is beautiful.


    1. Anonymous6/10/23 18:18

      Agree with all your comments on the lovely Queen Margrethe

  3. Une robe d'un très joli bleu lumineux retrouvé dans le rajout de ses cheveux ; je trouve que la couleur turquoise de ses bijoux est bien choisie mais cela aurait été mieux pour une autre occasion !

  4. Anonymous6/10/23 17:32

    She needs to retire and let Mary and Frederick take over.

  5. Anonymous6/10/23 18:07

    Queen Margarethe looks very good in this colour blue. If only she would wear a better bra !!

    1. Anonymous8/10/23 17:33

      She is kind of sagging on different sides, something she has not appeared to do before, maybe she is wearing a different sort of bra that is more comfortable for her.

  6. Anonymous6/10/23 20:38

    Lovely color dress. The Q looks good. css

  7. The Queen looks beautiful, love this shade of blue, her dress suits her well.

  8. The Queen looks great, blue is her color. She's 81 years old and still has much to contribute to her Country and the Arts.
    And for those complaints about her teeth. Just going to say they were much worse 10 years ago before she quit smoking 😅 they have gradually gotten better so maybe she's getting them slowly whitened.

    1. Anonymous7/10/23 09:20

      When did she quit smoking?

  9. Anonymous7/10/23 10:38

    I like her blue dress. It is a shade of blue that suits Q. Margrethe very much. The blue hairclips are looking a bit childish to me. Why can't she wear her hair like her sisters Benedikte and Anne Marie. I know she is an old lady, but with her tiara on she would look much better when her hair falls a bit on her forehead instead of tired backwards. Rose

    1. I thought the hair ribbon was delightful. Why should children have all the fun? Give me a grown-up with a touch of whimsy every time.

    2. Anonymous8/10/23 15:14

      I believe that "hair ribbon" is actually an expensive brooch.

  10. Anonymous7/10/23 14:33

    In fact Q. Margrethe is 83 years old!

  11. Anonymous9/10/23 15:59

    ewwww! Nasty teeth on display in first photo. You would think the Queen has enough $$ to get to a dentist. Allie


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