Queen Silvia attended the 2023 World's Children's Prize ceremony

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

On October 4, 2023, Swedish Queen Silvia attended the award ceremony of "World's Children's Prize 2023" at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred. Every year, the World’s Children’s Prize Child Jury elects three Child Rights Heroes from among the nominated candidates, who are individuals or organisations that over a long period and in difficult circumstances have done outstanding work for children.

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

This year, Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam were honored by the World's Children's Prize 2023.

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

Mohammed Rezwan from Bangladesh, Cindy Blackstock from Canada, Thích Nu Minh Tu from Vietnam

Among those who have become the World’s Children’s Prize (WCP) program patrons are Queen Silvia, Malala Yousafzai, the late Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Graça Machel, Xanana Gusmão, and former Swedish Prime Ministers and Ministers for children.

Queen Silvia from Sweden, Bindu from Nepal and Kwame from Ghana

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  1. Très bon choix dans les couleurs de la veste ressemblant à du Chanel, du pantalon violet, son sac à mains et chaussures Bordeaux ; légère amélioration dans son rouge à lèvres qui change du violet auquel elle nous a habitués !

  2. Anonymous5/10/23 15:46

    Love the jacket, the pants and accessories go along well with the rest of the outfit. Youthful looking. Edwina

  3. Anonymous5/10/23 22:41

    Nice and easy. css

  4. Anonymous6/10/23 03:02

    She's back to the purple lipstick, which IMO is not flattering to her. Also not crazy about mixing shades of purple like the grape trousers with the plum bag and shoes. S.M.

  5. The jacket, I really like its gorgeous. Her pants work in well with the outfit.


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