Queen Maxima visited the Pink in Blue Police Force in Amsterdam

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

On Tuesday afternoon, October 3, Queen Maxima paid a working visit to the Pink in the Blue (Roze in Blauw) Police Force at the Police Academy in Amsterdam. The working visit took place in the context of the Diversity Day. The Pink in Blue is the oldest police network and is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

To make contacting the police for LGBTI persons easier, the Netherlands has a Pink in Blue police force consisting of LGBT+ police officers that helps victims of LGBT+ related crimes.

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

Queen Maxima visited the Roze in Blauw police force. Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino

Dutch Queen Maxima wore Valentino scale-print silk twill midi dress
Valentino scale-print silk twill midi dress

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  1. Anonymous3/10/23 21:43

    O dear, the red scarf and shoes are spoiling this beautifull dress in tender colours, what a pity, but the overall impression stays good.

  2. Anonymous3/10/23 21:57

    I thought she was wearing some sort of lanyard at first. I don't fully get the idea of that... scarf? tie? neck-thingy, especially the way Maxima wears it, but the rest is nice! Great colour on her and well-chosen accessoires.

    1. I thought she has these thing around her neck which you get when visiting a conference and where you put your badge on!

  3. The actual dress is lovely, fits beautifully. The red shawl over her shoulders and color of her accessories, perfect. But the piece falling down the front, I just cant !

  4. Beautiful!! Love the whole outfit, so flattering! And the red shoes and purse are the cherry on top!!

  5. Anonymous3/10/23 22:42

    maxima on fire! that red shawl was not necessary. too over dressed for this event. her dark green jumpsuit would have been great or pants and jacket.

    1. Anonymous4/10/23 06:50

      Context is everything… she was presenting at a conference on behalf of the UN earlier in the day, hence the lovely dress and heels. Not always time to change, although I do agree the green jumpsuit is excellent and would have been nice otherwise.

  6. Anonymous3/10/23 23:34

    I just love this dress (except for the ribbon around the neck, which looks like she wearing a lanyard) and the way the dress fits Maxima. The red accessories are perfect as well.
    - Anon 9:13

  7. Anonymous4/10/23 00:45

    Maxima's dress nice but the tie around her neck is distracting and weird.

  8. I think she looks very stylish except for the bow halfway down her front, shame.

  9. Anonymous4/10/23 04:53

    She looks beautiful on these pics. The earrings are gorgeous. I agree about the ribbon around the neck - it is just distracting. Actually it reminds me of the ribbons used to attach a work place id-pass.

  10. P. the original4/10/23 08:20

    I'm m not overly keen on this dress.
    Anyway, the pumps are glorious.
    Red high heels are a must have for f/ w 23-24.
    I expect Q Maxima to come up with some western outfit ASAP....i.e. fringed jacket plus skirt or pants, and western syle hats and boots .
    I myself would wear them in no time.

  11. P. the original4/10/23 08:24

    I feel like joking now.
    What if Maxima should pay a visit to the Hair Police on duty on this site?
    They would be pitiless, I bet!

  12. I like the dress also, yes ribbon is unnecessary. The hair is fine with me , when accepting the cut style. She looks quite good.

  13. Un grand merci pour nous permettre de mieux voir la robe à larges plis de Maxima dont les motifs sont dans des couleurs automnales. Je voudrais bien connaître l'utilité de ce long ruban ; il faudrait demander à Valentino hi, hi ! Je me contenterai de mieux voir ses boucles d'oreilles ; même si ce ne sont pas des petits rubis, j'en raffole !

  14. Anonymous4/10/23 15:48

    While the dress has a nice fit, the pattern is not atttractive. The overall look is consistently bad when her hair is messy and unhealthy looking.

  15. Anonymous4/10/23 17:16

    Strange dress and tie, horrible colours and print of fabric, yet the stringy hair was the thing that I saw first, imagine that. Edwina.... Nice smile, this woman needs some help with clothing and hair.

  16. Anonymous5/10/23 22:51

    Nice looking dress and make up. css


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