Queen Maxima attended FMO’s Future of Finance conference

Dutch Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino. She is wearing red leather pumps

On 3 October 2023, Queen Maxima attended in the FMO Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank’s conference titled Future of Finance at Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam. The Queen attended in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.

Dutch Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino. She is wearing red leather pumps

The Queen gave a speech in which she stated the importance of safe, accessible and affordable financial services that protect people and promote economic development.

Dutch Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino. She is wearing red leather pumps

More than five hundred representatives of banks and other financial institutions from more than sixty countries discussed financial services that contribute to protecting the most vulnerable people and reducing poverty. This year's conference also focused on the impact of climate change and the increase in the cost of living due to inflation.

Dutch Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress by Valentino. She is wearing red leather pumps

Dutch Queen Maxima wore Valentino Scale-print Silk Twill Midi Dress
Valentino Scale-print Silk Twill Midi Dress


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  1. Anonymous3/10/23 14:02

    Lovely dress, but I don't understand the thingie around the neck. Just useless.

    1. Lovely dress, appropriate for plenty of occasions

    2. Agree with your thoughts on the "thingle" This is a nice dress for Queen Maxima and the shoes are lovely.

  2. Anonymous3/10/23 14:04

    I do not care for the pattern on this dress. Her hair is the usual mess.

  3. Anonymous3/10/23 14:48

    Fantastic - and I love that she chose not to tie the bow in a “pussy bow” which rarely enhances a face or outfit - and placed the bow lower in her own styling. I also could see the dress being improved by cutting the bow off altogether, but none of that detracts from Maxima’s warmth and loveliness. (Frieda)

  4. J'aime beaucoup l'imprimé de cette robe dont la jupe est à larges plis mais pas du tout fan pour ce genre de noeud Lavallière qui ressemble plutôt à un ruban qui pendouille en me faisant penser à une couturière ; les boucles d'oreilles pendantes déjà portées sont bien choisies ; j'adorerais voir de plus près les pierres qui ressemblent à des rubis qui sont mes pierres favorites !

  5. Anonymous3/10/23 15:59

    I've always liked this dress on Queen Maxima. She wore it several times already and I still like it. It is a perfect dress to wear for business meetings and conferences. It has the perfect length and suits her very well. Rose

    1. Anonymous3/10/23 17:31

      Agreed. And perfectly accessorized with red shoes also. Damsel Dragonfly

  6. Anonymous3/10/23 16:05

    Such a pretty dress, but marred by that bow with its endless streamers. I don’t blame Queen Maxima for wanting to fuss with it, but I think it unfortunately ended up looking sloppy, instead of just silly. I think she should simply have removed it, lol. — Jane

  7. This is kind of cute. I think she did well in choosing red accessories, they bring it to life. The ribbon hanging from the neck wasn´t necessary but it doesn´t bother me much. Tying it losely was definitely a good call.

  8. Ladyofthemanor3/10/23 16:42

    Basic design and fit of this dress is great but I find the fabric a bit too busy. It would look way better without the ribbon which seems totally unnecessary imo.
    Great use of red accessories.

  9. Anonymous3/10/23 16:54

    The dress is nice, the shoes too. In order for the outfit to be elegant, you need - in my opinion - to throw away the carnival earrings and replace them with some simple classic ones, take off the forgotten The dress is nice, the shoes too. In order for the outfit to be elegant, you need - in my opinion - to throw away the carnival earrings and replace them with some simple classic ones, take off the forgotten tailor's gauge and finally find the right hairdresser.
    I remember a few pieces of advice from my mother: One - Hair is the crown of beauty. Other: A colorful pattern on the dress should be combined with simple jewelry and accessories, a single-colored dress with a simple cut goes well with extravagant jewelry.

  10. Anonymous3/10/23 18:47

    I really like this dress on HM Q Maxima. It fits her beautifully. The red accessories are great with it, and I kind of liked the bow tied just above the waist - it’s just unfortunate it came undone at some point. And, I know they’re not to everyone’s taste, but I do like those tassel earrings! This a markedly restrained look for the Queen and, in this case, I sort of see the earrings as her own personal stamp of just that slight, in this case, bit over the top.


  11. A very pretty dress, which fits well, but the thing hanging down the front of her dress is most unfortunate!

  12. Anonymous4/10/23 01:21

    I like the dress and I'm glad to see she ditched the pussy bow--I'm not even sure the dress really needs that bow either. The dress fits beautifully and she looks wonderful. Not too sure about her earrings--with such a busy patterned dress I would have preferred a more classic earring choice but, Maxima is Maxima!



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