Queen Jetsun Pema attended the premiere of ‘The Monk and the Gun’

Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, Princess Dechen Yangzom Wangchuck, and Princess Kesang Wangmo Wangchuck

Queen Jetsun Pema attended the Bhutan premiere of the film ‘The Monk and the Gun’. The film was directed by Pawo Choyning Dorji. Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, Princess Dechen Yangzom Wangchuck, and Princess Kesang Wangmo Wangchuck also attended the premiere. The Monk and the Gun was selected as Bhutan’s official International Feature Film nominee that will compete in the 2023 Academy Awards.

Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, Princess Dechen Yangzom Wangchuck, and Princess Kesang Wangmo Wangchuck

The director Pawo Choyning Dorji, 40, was awarded the Druk Thuksey medal on Bhutan's National Day last year for his contributions to the art world in Bhutan. ‘The Monk and the Gun’ tells the story of Bhutan in 2006 that was a time of great historic change for the country, and it is another achievement for Bhutan's film industry.


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  1. Jetsun Pema est vraiment une reine magnifique vêtue dans de belles couleurs !

  2. She looks beautiful, gorgeous colors of her ensemble.

  3. Once again, all the ladies look attractive in their lovely outfits, and I like the way the men are wearing their tassled shawls. I'm guessing that it is a traditional way to hold them out like they are doing?
    Great to see Queen Jetsun Pema performing official engagements barely 2 (or 3) months after giving birth to her third child.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous5/1/24 20:17

      The princess was born on September 9th and this was October 18th so it was a month after having the baby 😱

    2. Anonymous5/1/24 20:17


  4. The Q looks great. What a stunning Lady and mother of 3 css

  5. The statement reads: ‘We are honoured to share the wonderful news that a healthy baby girl has been born to Their Majesties, The Druk Gyalpo and Gyaltsuen today, coinciding with the 25th day of the 7th month of the Female Water Rabbit Year, in Lingkana Palace, Thimphu. Both Her Majesty and the Royal baby are doing well. The new-born Princess is the third child and first daughter of Their Majesties. Their Majesties extend their heartfelt gratitude to the medical team of dedicated doctors and nurses, the Zhung Dratshang for all the prayers conducted and to everyone for their well wishes.’ Source: https://www.tatler.com/article/baby-joy-for-the-king-and-queen-of-bhutan-as-they-welcome-their-third-child-together

  6. It is always a pleasure to see Bhutanese fashion and read about their culture.
    Wikipedia has this to say about the textiles in their country ……
    “Bhutanese textiles represent a rich and complex repository of a unique art form. They are recognised for their abundance of colour, sophistication and variation of patterns, and the intricate dyeing and weaving techniques. The weavers, who are mostly women, must not be seen merely as creators of wealth but also as the innovators and owners of artistic skills developed and nurtured over centuries of time”.
    Bhutan is a country on my “must visit” list.
    A bundance of good health and happiness to their baby daughter.


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