Crown Princess Victoria received representatives of SRC

Crown Princess Victoria wore a tweed cropped boucle jacket by Arket. By Malina silk shirt. Andiata gray tousers

On October 6, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden received representatives of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. At the meeting, Professor Carl Folke, Professor Henrik Österberg, researchers Robert Blasiak and Frida Bengtsson from the Stockholm Resilience Center informed about the upcoming Keystone Dialogue taking place in Busan, South Korea, October 10–12.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a tweed cropped boucle jacket by Arket. By Malina silk shirt. Andiata gray tousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore ARKET Cropped Boucle Jacket
ARKET Cropped Boucle Jacket

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  1. Rien de tel qu'une veste avec un joli boutonnage pour mettre en valeur un look ; nous sommes dans ce cas mais le bât blesse au niveau de la longueur des manches et surtout l'incontournable pince à cheveux !

    1. Anonymous7/10/23 13:19

      Achard62, - j'ai été littéralement bombardé de commentaires négatifs il y a quelques jours concernant l'incontournable pince à cheveux, qui soit dit en passant je trouve horrible de l'utiliser en public. Je vais dorénavant m'abstenir de tout commentaires sur les cheveux. J'imagine que je suis trop vieux jeu pour certaines de ces dames.

  2. Anonymous6/10/23 18:14

    Perhaps it's just me, but blouse sleeves sticking out under a cropped jacket with sleeves that appear to be too short isn't a good look. I also don't like too many buttons/fasteners as embellishments on a jacket or coat.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Totalmente de acuerdo 😃

    2. Ladyofthemanor7/10/23 18:51

      The sleeves are definitely too long

    3. Anonymous9/10/23 20:15

      We have seen this before. Remember MM did this with a shortsleeved zara jacket, and Mary has also done it. Wonder if this is a norm in fashion?

  3. Anonymous6/10/23 18:17

    Really like this Arket jacket. Might have a look for one myself 😀

  4. Anonymous6/10/23 20:37

    CPss Victoria looks lovely again today. josebabe

  5. I wonder what is the right length for the sleeves, too short on the model as well...

  6. The Arket jacket is gorgeous, lovely fit.

  7. Virginia Dogwood6/10/23 23:12

    Nice pieces separately, but together the long sleeved blouse does not work with the 3/4 length sleeved jacket. Why can't the CP wear simple scooped neck pullover tops either ivories or bright colored under her jackets. You can't focus on the lady for getting around the mis-matched outfits. It appears she is trying too hard, when all she has to do is keep it simple and elegant. Looks like a nice hairpiece from what I can see.

    1. Anonymous7/10/23 07:55

      I think her clothes or the way she looks do not always have priority. She is a very busy woman, who is replacing and helping her father as much as she can. I can imagine her outfit for the day to come is ready and as long as she finds it OK, she is wearing it. The same for her hair. Unless for a special event, I think she has no time to wait hours and hours before the hairdresser has finished his job. Her work is more important for her than how she looks.

    2. @Anon 07:55
      To me your comments are spot on.
      And as a young mum, I'm sure she is always trying to find some time for her kids and their dad.

    3. Anonymous9/10/23 20:19

      Strangely enough when Mary did it in May no one complained 😉

  8. Anonymous6/10/23 23:48

    She is cute pretty beautiful and Kern to learn! C

  9. Anonymous7/10/23 00:53

    Nice jacket but the shirt underneath doesn’t work with it due to the color and cut of the collar and sleeve length. The jacket would look more sophisticated with a better pairing.

  10. Anonymous7/10/23 02:51

    PLEASE please, just once with your hair down..

    1. à Anonyme 07/10/2023 02:51
      Oui et si elle leur rajoutait un petit serre-tête, elle serait tout aussi belle !

    2. Yes, if I remember well the last time we saw her hair down was before or around her wedding.

    3. Anonymous8/10/23 01:51

      It was not before or around her wedding. It was on one of their wedding anniversaries, when she was dressed in different beautiful gowns, in, around, or outside in the gardens. She was beautiful. Ashley

  11. Anonymous8/10/23 11:44

    Anon 02:51
    PLEASE stop complaining
    /AA 🇸🇪


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