Belgian Crown Princess Elisabeth celebrates her 22nd birthday

Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a new viscose silk blend top with embroidered mesh collar by Dries Van Noten

Crown Princess Elisabeth turns 22. Elisabeth, Princess of Belgium, Duchess of Brabant, was born as the first child of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. The Princess is first in line of succession to the throne. On July 21, 2013, the Princess received the title of Duchess of Brabant, which is a title given to the presumptive heir of the throne. The Royal Palace in Brussels has released two new photos made by photographer Bas Bogaerts.

Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a new viscose silk blend top with embroidered mesh collar by Dries Van Noten

Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a new viscose silk blend top with embroidered mesh collar by Dries Van Noten

Crown Princess Elisabeth wore Dries Van Noten Embroidered Mesh Top
Dries Van Noten Embroidered Mesh Top
  1. Happy Birthday to this lovely young lady!

  2. Happy birthday your Royal Highness. I wish you all the best for the future.

  3. Elisabeth looks lovely. She will make a great queen one day! Damsel Dragonfly

  4. Beautiful picture of a beautiful princess. I love her top by Dries Van Noten. On this picture one can see her beautiful eyes which are dark blue.

  5. Don't care for the birthday outfit, but the princess makes it work somehow. She is an exceptionally elegant young woman!

  6. Happy Princess 😍 She always has a Happy Face.

  7. Congrats to Elisabeth. Such a beautiful young lady

  8. I love the delicate top!
    It matches her seemingly warm and lovely blue eyes and personality.

  9. OMG what an amazing top/dress. Young, modern, festive. Love Dries van N. And the crownprincess is such a beauty with a marvellous figure and seem to be very intelligent as well ( studying at Oxford university).The Belgian royals always had a good taste. It began with the Italian princess Paola. Her DNA is in the current generation

  10. Bon anniversaire à la princesse Elisabeth qui est particulièrement superbe vêtue de ce haut qui met en valeur son visage et surtout ses yeux bleus !

  11. As some have said, she does look a lot like Leonor of Spain. The Dries Van Noten top is gorgeous.

  12. The elegant delicate top looks so lovely. She looks very pretty.

  13. A very happy birthday to this charming and lovely young lady!

  14. She does not look like Leonor of Spain. People must stop to compare every young princess with another one that they prefer. CP Elisabeth is a good mixture of her mother and father. The only thing that she has in common with Leonor is the way she does her hair. Her mouth is different and she has a thinner and smaller body.

    1. You just contradicted yourself and did more of a detailed analytical comparison than I did. So who needs to stop comparing?

    2. Just to draw your attention on all the points she has NOT in common with Leonor. I did not say she looked a lot like Leonor of Spain, you did.

    3. I don't mean to get into an argument with you. But comparison is part of life and part of being a human being. We are always comparing whether you are aware of it or not. We compare ourselves constantly with other people. Since childhood we are comparing and being compared. If you are honest with yourself you will admit that. And you had to compare the two princesses to come to your conclusion that they don't look alike.

  15. P. the original26/10/23 09:19

    Happy belated birthday to beautiful Pss Elisabeth!
    Her black top is gorgeous and sophisticated👍

  16. I am not in favor of comparing these young ladies. However if the comparison is based on some fast judgement, Elisabeth looks probably more like Leonor than like Amalia. But this is irrelevant, but might bring some kind of satisfaction to some bloggers.

  17. Ladyofthemanor26/10/23 15:38

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful princess. Love the black top. Very modern, young and elegant. Her gala dress is Copenhagen also had an understated elegance but still a youthful look. Not so easy to achieve

  18. She seems to be one of these young women who can just wear anything and look good. css

  19. Happy birthday, Crown Princess Elisabeth!! Beautiful young lady. I love the color and detailing on the blouse. Pic #2 is spectacular!


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