The Dutch Royal Family attended the Prinsjesdag 2023 at Royal Theater

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

On September 19, 2023, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien of The Netherlands attended the annual Prinsjesdag 2023 at the Royal Theater (Koninklijke Schouwburg) in The Hague. On Prinsjesdag – the State Opening of Parliament on the third Tuesday in September – the King delivers the Speech from the Throne.

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore a coat by Claes Iversen. Crown Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Laurentien

Queen Maxima wore Claes Iversen coat - Couture 2022 Amsterdam Fashion Week
Claes Iversen Couture 2022

Crown Princess Amalia wore Safiyaa Ayanna Spectrum Long Dress
Safiyaa Ayanna Spectrum Long Dress

Princess Alexia wore Zhivago The Will Cape Gown
Zhivago The Will Cape Gown

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous19/9/23 18:49

    This is what fashion is about: this queen dares to go not for the obvious all the time. Sometimes it's a fail, but today for me it's an absolute win; queen Maxima looks fabulous! All others look good, but in some poses it seems that dresses are a bit tight.

    1. Anonymous19/9/23 19:02

      Agree!!! Ac

    2. Anonymous19/9/23 23:36

      I completely agree on all points! Love this annual event! MR

    3. Anonymous20/9/23 14:50

      I agree, she is so sparkling, she looks great in her very own way. -Siri

    4. Anonymous20/9/23 16:46

      Other royal families brought their children in contact with press photographers from early age on. They all look more at ease and spontaneous than the Dutch princesses who have always been protected.

  2. Anonymous19/9/23 18:57

    Hmmm no. Amalia dresses too much like her mother. That “hat” must go for starters…
    She should find clothes and attire that fits someone her age. Her younger sisters dresses slightly better.
    And another thing, she never looks really happy on duty, mostly nervous. She has that in common with others in line to the throne: Ingrid-Alexandra, Elisabeth, Leonor and Christian. They all look like they want to be somewhere else.
    Compared with Estelle for example, who is always joyful, curious and seems genuinely happy.

    1. Anonymous19/9/23 22:36

      The future monarchs just may want to be somewhere else, doing what other people their ages are doing. Not one of them asked for the life they are being forced into. I think they are all doing their best with the cards they have been dealt. It can't be easy to have a public life that was not of your choosing. The older they get, the less protection they have from the media. I would imagine that is on their minds each time they make public appearances, yet they smile on cue and say all the right things. As for Estelle, she is still young. We will see how she handles things as she gets older.

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 07:05

      @ Anon. 22:36
      Well said. I agree completely. Rose

    3. Anonymous20/9/23 07:39

      Wonder where you have been, and what photos you have seen? All the young royals you mention never look bored. They smile, look engaged and talk to the people around them.

    4. Anonymous20/9/23 08:51

      @Anonymous 18:57 There was booing going on on several places when the RF drove by in their carriage, and also when they were standing on the balcony. On video you can see the girls uncomfortable faces. Apart from that I know what you mean but I also think it's normal: they are teenagers/young adults taking part in a public and formal event, they need time and experience to grow into their role I think.

    5. The king who felt most uneasy in his early days was the late king Baudouin of Belgium who has been a great king throughout his reign. If these heirs to the throne were more demonstrative at this early stage they would be criticized for excessive eagerness (if that is a suitable word). I prefer some discretion.

    6. Anonymous20/9/23 09:44

      Estelle is a kid! It's good she is excited, but it's a kid-like excitement that you're not going to find with most teenagers...
      I disagree that they all look like they'd rather be elsewhere. Ingrid Alexandra looks very happy to be where she is and gets very excited, for instance at her birthday gala or when she got to visit military, fly in planes and jump from that tower. Did you look at her face?
      Leonor is a very smiley person and seems happy to be at all these events.
      Amalia - people always seem to forget that she lives under enormous threat and is not allowed a normal college life. She had to move back to the palace, can't go to parties, cafés, shopping etc with her fellow students or other friends. She might not be very happy, because she has to spend most of her time inside palace walls and when she goes out she is under that of being kidnapped or killed. Who would be happy??

    7. Anonymous20/9/23 11:06

      And if she is just bored?

    8. Anonymous20/9/23 16:26

      Since all the young CP's have been defended except CP Elisabeth of Belgium, I would like to say that she is the only one that was very young when she already gave a speech. She is also the only one who did the most public appearances until now. She is always smiling like her mother, she has been tested for her knowledge of the Dutch language by the journalists but she answered without any accent. She speaks 4 languages (French, Dutch & German Belgium's three official languages) + English. I still remember the speech she held on her 18th birthday party. Just before the end of the speech she said "the country can count on me". An 18 year old person who is not interested in what she is doing would never have said that. Besides she is known for someone who knows exactly what she wants. She is studying at Oxford university and in her summer holidays she achieved her studies at the Royal Military Academy. In a couple of days she may call herself and Officer of the Belgian Army. This cannot be said from every young woman. I admire her, nowadays not many young people have so much courage. Rose

    9. Anonymous20/9/23 19:09

      To be fair, Estelle is younger than the others. Amalia and the others in "her group" are young adults, starting college, having first real crushes, etc. Estelle is a "tween." I think Amalia's group is old enough to really, truly, realize what their life, and life's work, is going to be about and how it really is a double edge sword. On the one hand it's a life of privledge and very unique opportunities to explore the world and life. On the other hand, it's a life of restrictions, heavy responsibilities, constantly being in a fishbowl, and not necessarily being able to carve your own way and choose your own path. Everything has already been planned out for you and that realization is starting to weigh on them a little. I could be mistaken but, I don't think Estelle really has a full grasp of that yet ... but she well.

    10. Anonymous20/9/23 20:11

      I have two thoughts here: 1) we cannot assume that just because someone is a certain age, they would really rather dress differently, just because we believe we would dress differently if we were in the same situation. I suspect HRH P. Catharine-Amalia is choosing her own clothing according to her own tastes. She wouldn’t be the first teenager (and yes, she is still in her teens) to adopt a radically different style from her mother’s.

      2) The Princess had to leave university a year or so ago and come back home to live with her family because of repeated credible death threats (the perpetrator was convicted and sentenced to prison time). I am in awe that she can appear in public AT ALL after that, much less be as poised as she is. Please, let’s all give P. Amalia some grace.


    11. I agree with Rose.. Elisabeth of Belgium looks anything except ill-at-ease in public. She is barely out of her teens and is more elegant and self assured than some adults twice her age. She speaks many languages, and is an Oxf ord student acing her military training like a pro. Princess Estelle is lovely but she is a child. She cannot be compared with the others at all and especially not the Duchess of Brabant.

    12. Anonymous21/9/23 08:02

      As an Norwegian I'm doumbfounded over this comment. I have never ever seen Ingrid the way you assume. She's alway in a good mood, happy and with a big smile on her face. And please give these kids and young adults a break. Right now they are at their most vulnerable place in their life. I guess we haven't forgotten how if felt when we were at that age, and we didn't have a camera shoved up in our face. This event is a big deal in the Netherlands and Amalia is not more seriously than the rest of her family. So where does this nonsense come from?

    13. Comparing a kid who have not yet realized the seriousness of her role to the grown up heirs who have started their training. Who understand what their role entails, and what responsibility lies ahead of them and are probably afraid to get it wrong is pretty bold. PS haven't seen any of these heirs the way you do anyway.

  3. Anonymous19/9/23 19:00

    I don't know where to begin.
    It looks like Queen Maxima is wearing a pink jumpsuit under her coat. The coat on itself makes me think of a "peignoir" (don't know the exact name in English). CP Amalia's dress has the right color but I think the neckline is too deep. The hat makes her older than she is. Princess Alexia is the best dressed. Love her hair. The color of her dress is perfect to fit the color of her hair. Lucky she didn't wore a hat. Princess Laurentien wears a nice dress for a change, good color, classic fit. How come only the royal ladies wear decorations and a sash. The king and his brother do not were any medals, decoration or sash. Rose

    1. Peignoir in English is a bathrobe.

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 06:41

      W-A and Constantin are both wearing morning suits - and according to protocol orders or other decoration are not worn with them (if I remember it correctly).

    3. Anonymous20/9/23 07:13

      Oh, thx deadeggs. I associated "bathrobe" only with the bathroom.
      "Peignoir" can be worn in the bedroom as well as in the bathroom. Rose

  4. Anonymous19/9/23 19:01

    Love the Queen in this over the top outfit! She could lose the hat/topper and it would be a slightly more fantastic outfit, but it’s a small quibble. I also love Laurentein’s color combo…unusual but very attractive.

    1. We are seeing 100% Maxiama with a big, capital "M" Love it.😀

  5. Anonymous19/9/23 19:06

    Sorry, Maxima's outfit, no matter how daring, looks out of place and instead of celebrating the King, she is saying, 'look at me, here I am'. The oldest daughter is wearing her mum's old fashioned hat, and a dress that has the sash pulling the neckline out of place plus doing the one-handed glove made her look too old for her years. The second daughter is in a dress that is not age appropriate. The sister in law was the only woman I saw dressed nicely, though the bow-hat sticking straight up off her head looked a bit odd. Throw barbs at me, does not matter. It is how I see it, you may see it differently, and that is why it is called freedom of speech and from my own perception of how they dressed. Anne

    1. Anonymous19/9/23 21:34

      Anne, I agree with you. Hopefully the young ladies will find their own style soon. And why would Máxima wear such a cartoonish outfit that clashes with the decor of the throne, very strange. The king & daughters (and, surprisingly, Laurentien) are in solid colors, which go nicely with the thrones... then there's Máxima, trying to be the center of attention again. |Melanie|

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 05:18

      I have to agree with you, these looks are something else (and not in a good way, like a cartoon). Laurentien looks the best of all, and something about her always screams "fun aunt", lol.

    3. ladyofthemanor20/9/23 12:23

      I agree with you and you certainly have the right to your opinion

  6. Anonymous19/9/23 19:16

    Alexia looks magnificent, great colour for her, lovely hair. Amalia is a lovely young lady but I’m afraid the hat, the dress, just generally she looks way older than her years. Laurentein normally has an ‘out there’ style - this is understated by her standards and she looks really well. Maxima…I have a soft spot for this Queen, her smile never fails to brighten things…but this outfit - I have nothing good to say so shall say nothing!JJ

  7. Anonymous19/9/23 19:18

    Q Maxima: I actually LOL seeing the photo of her exiting the horse carriage. I really don't know what to comment on, because the entire ensemble is hilarious, and I find that a good thing in this case. Bravo, Maxima.
    CP Amalia: Finally, she's not hiding behind a tent! I find the ensemble a bit conservative for such a young woman, but I'm just glad she appears to be more confident in her own body. The colour looks good on her. Bravo, Amalia.
    P Alexia: She is a stunningly beautiful young woman. Uncanny resemblance to her mother. Self-assured and with a hint of grace about her. Colour spot on. Bravo, Alexia.
    Nice to see strong colours, not the same old pastels.


    1. Anonymous20/9/23 01:52

      Agree. I love the color of Amalia's dress. I think the fit is flattering on her. But the styling is all wrong. The old fashioned hat and the brown accessories.

  8. Anonymous19/9/23 19:22

    I never thought I'd say this, but Princess Laurentien has done it best in fashion today- although it's not wow.
    Alexia - nice hair, nice color of the dress, but I don't understand the strange frill on the top of the dress.
    Amalia - quite a nice dress and jewelry pulled down by a terrible hat. In the photo, the hat blends in with the hair and then it looks weird. Please, please, Amalia, don't borrow your mother's hats. Never.
    Maxima - she looks like she's in a nightgown, a trousers is inappropriate for the occasion, and that weird thing stuck to the left side of her head crowns the fashion disaster.

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 03:50

      I completely agree with you about Princess Laurentien, and I wish we had details of her outfit.


  9. Anonymous19/9/23 19:33

    My overall thought is that it’s a pity that with slight alterations this could be so much be improved.
    Lovely soft rose colour, splendid to her complexion, love the design of the coat: the big flower on her head is to much in combination with the coat.
    Instead of the trousers I would have preferred a skirt.
    Amalia: great colour of dress, but headpiece far too grandma and wrong colour.
    With something naughty on her head she could have been made looking like the 19 year old ( with the lovely face!) she is.
    Alexia: nice dress but being far too tight spoils it.
    Laurentien: good simple dress but also too tight so it doesnot “ flow”, such a pity.
    The sleeves are too short ( like she is going to do the dishes, a bit longer and it would have been quite elegant).
    I am sorry to be so critical, but really I think it needs so little to be much better.

  10. Anonymous19/9/23 19:49

    I think all ladies look beautiful except queen Maxima, she looks clownesk in my opinion.

  11. Anonymous19/9/23 19:56

    I agree with that if anyone can pull off these bold and unusual fashion designs, it's Maxima! She wears them with confidence and purpose and looks great in them. Brava! Full credit also to Catherine-Amalia, Alexis and Princess Laurentien, all of whom look good in their gowns. I'm sensing a new confidence in Catherine-Amalia which is very pleasing to see. Best wishes to all.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 13:28

      Amalia has a beautiful, ‘fresh’ face/complexion, but her dress is horrible. Yes, it fits her nice but the design is awful and the color nice if for a queen. They should burn al those hideous turbans and make a bonfire with them at Halloween.

  12. Oddly, I like Princess Laurentien's outfit the most. Very fetching colour on her, and the hat is quirky enough for her but also leaning towards elegant. Princess Alexia looks very good in her fuchsia dress and the small headpiece. Great debut for her altogether. I don't think the hat that her mother had worn quite frequently looks equally as good on Princess Catharina-Amalia. A purple/lavender hat in accordance with her dress would have looked a hundred times better. QM's look is not bad at all but just a bit wild, although I'm not really wild about it myself. It's something I'd rather expect Laurentien to wear. The colours are marvellous and I appreciate that she had the coat lined in that blush pink tone instead of the green lining the model showed. The flowery headpiece ties in nicely.

    1. I'm with you on this, DSC. Princess Laurentien's outfit is elegant and a great colour. Such an improvement from her sometimes wacky choices. Love Princess Amalia's dress She looks beautiful Good to see Princess Amalia in a dress which really flatters her--lovely colour and a great style for her figure BUT I wish she'd left the hat and gone for flowers or a small headpiece. She looks lovely but much older than she is. She could easily be a woman in her 30s or 40s. Like Mabel and Stephanie I think Queen Maxima's outfit would have been improved with a dress rather than the jumpsuit. Fantastic collection of outfits altogether.

  13. Anonymous19/9/23 20:05

    Joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat.... Comes to my mind... No, not the occasion for this outfit.

  14. Anonymous19/9/23 20:05

    Joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat.... Comes to my mind... No, not the occasion for this outfit.

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 13:31

      I don’t mind QM outfit. The colors are nice and I don’t think it’s really out of place. I like the colors but the round edges are horrible. It screams 70’s tablecloth or curtains for a caravan. Straight lines would, in my opinion, be much nicer.

  15. The fashion today has been outstanding. All the royal ladies look superb.

  16. Anonymous19/9/23 20:16

    Live all the jewel tones. I like the cut of Amalia’s dress. It’s flattering. The styling lets her down though. The accessories age her.

  17. Anonymous19/9/23 20:28

    Wouah la tenue de Maxima
    Amelia est magnifique
    Alexia beaucoup trop serrée
    Laurentien sobre

    1. Yes, Princess Laurentien has been dressing down lately 😒
      I miss her zany, off beat combos.
      Maxima's coat is more for Princess Laurentien IMO

  18. Anonymous19/9/23 20:31

    Objectively, I dislike Maxima's outfit, but it fits her outgoing and sunny personality that I think on the wearer I it. I was expecting to see Alexia! She looks very good in that colour. Amalia looks like a future Queen indeed.

  19. Anonymous19/9/23 20:53

    Warum tragen Maxima und ihre Töchter nur einen Handschuh? (Sieht man oft bei Maxima)

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 11:11

      Zum Händeschütteln! e.

  20. Anonymous19/9/23 21:04

    LOVE IT 😍 this what we want to see instead of Natan

    1. And the black fashion police have been forced to take a day off.

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 13:32

      Nothing wrong with Natan.

  21. Anonymous19/9/23 21:08

    Maxima: I find this outfit too crazy for the State Opening of Parliament. Seriously, just a nice gown in any colour will do!
    Amalia: fantastic, one of her best dresses ever!! But she could do with a more youthful hat in matching purple rather than Maxima's hat.
    Alexia: fabulous debut!! She looks fantastic, great colour!
    Laurentien: looks awesome. Very tame fashion for her!

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 13:35

      Agree on Alexia. I don’t mind it’s tight around her b….m. That’s in line with the cut of the dress. Maybe even better on another occasion.

  22. Tout de suite, je remarque qu'Alexia et Laurentien ont fière allure dans le fuchsia et le turquoise qui correspondent superbement bien à leur physique !

  23. Anonymous19/9/23 22:03

    Although I like the jumpsuit with the coat of Máxima I do not like the colour combination of the coat. And the hat is terrible. Amalia's hat os boring and except for the colour of her dress she looks way onder thsn she is. Alexia has an elegant dress but way too tight around the bump.

  24. Anonymous19/9/23 22:36

    I feel sorry for Amalia who had to wear that stupid bird nest hat. I wonder why Queen Maxima thought it would look good on her daughter! It will be difficult for Amalia to assert herself, her mother has a strong personality and as a Queen she is always the centre of attention. - mjt

    1. You actually think Amelia doesn't make her own fashion choices and lets her Mother dress her? I know she looks timid and shy but she's grown up now and probably makes her own choices.

  25. Anonymous19/9/23 23:41

    Princess Amelia is so pretty. Dress is nice on her, it is the hat that throws it off for me. A small fascinator in her hair would of look fabulous. She is very regal in stature and will shine as a queen.

  26. Anonymous20/9/23 00:02

    please let me unsee this hot mess collage

  27. Anonymous20/9/23 00:18

    I think both daughters look beautiful and fabulous.

  28. Anonymous20/9/23 01:36

    My--what an interesting group today. QM--absolutely no. The jumpsuit might have been fine on its own but that coat--awful. It reminds me of bad fabrics from the early 1970s. Then, there is the "hat"--sorry but it looks like something got stuck on the side of her head. I love the color of Laurentian's gown--and that color looks wonderful on her. As for the fit--it looks good when you see her from the side but then the waistline looks odd from the front and while she is sitting. Her hat is overwhelming her head. Amalia's gown is a gorgeous color for her and I also love the simple style on her--the neckline is a bit deep and her sash is pulling it aside. Wish she had left the "hat" in Mom's closet and chosen a different color for her accessories. Overall, she looks wonderful and very pretty. My winner is Alexia--what a beautiful gown for her first time at Prinsjesdag! Do think it might be a bit tight but she is fine as young woman in such a dress (its a style I see all the time). Can't figure out what's in her hair but the hairstyle is very pretty and very flattering. She looks fabulous!


  29. Anonymous20/9/23 02:09

    Amalia and Alexia are wearing such beautiful colours - Louise

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 13:37

      Alexia has such a great haircolor. I just love it.

  30. Maxima can smile and have a grand personality, but she has zero taste. Her outfit is laughable. Amalia looks older and bored, and she should never wear Maxima's leftovers. Alexia looks good, but the dress is a bit tight. Rose, I'm ready for your comments.

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 12:41

      Kteach, spot-on. Rina

    2. Anonymous21/9/23 17:50

      @ Kteach. I already wrote my comments on Sept. 19 at 19.00.

  31. Anonymous20/9/23 05:22

    I can’t stop wondering what is the thing with the gloves… both CP Amalia and Princess Alexia wear ONE glove… Alexia by the way is so beautiful. The color and cut of the dress - very flattering.

  32. Anonymous20/9/23 06:43

    Princess Alexia's dress looks a bit tight down the waist but otherwise the color looks gorgeous on her, her hairdo and makeup spot on. She looks so pretty.
    Princess Amalia and Princess Laurentien also look lovely in their sleek gowns. Didn't like Amalia's hat or Maxima's hair accessory.
    Maxima's hair were styled well but she was worst dressed. What she wore looks too eccentric for the queen, wrong place to wear it.

  33. Let's sing and dance.
    It's carnival time for the opening of Parliament.😀

    1. P. the original21/9/23 17:03

      Alexia's gown shade fluctuates between deep red and hot pink on my screen, depending on the pic angle.
      Anyway , it's in tune with the Rio- like atmosphere!

  34. I had to think of a "Monty Python"-movie. Or a new adaption of "Alice in wonderland".

  35. Ladyofthemanor20/9/23 10:12

    Lots of comments already but I will still add mine. CP Amalia looks very good in this elegant dress. It s pity that the asymmetrical design of the neckline makes it look as if the sash is pulling. The hat is hideous making her look a lot older. I also do not like wearing boring camel coloured gloves with this beautiful blue color.
    Her sister Alexia looks great.Unfortunately her dress has lots of wrinkles coming from it being too tight across the hips.
    Laurentien is the best dressed of them all. Nice dress, lovely color.
    I don´t like the color combination nor pattern of Q Maxima´s coat and this shade of salmon pink is not my favourite. I also think the large flower in her hair is overdoing it. The dominating pattern of the coat is enough

  36. Anonymous20/9/23 10:35

    Article 1: 🇳🇱Dutch Constitutional Payment to the members of the 🇳🇱Dutch Royal House:

    👑🇳🇱King Willem-Alexander-€6.408.000
    👑🇳🇱Queen Máxima Zorreguieta-€1.111.000
    👑🇳🇱Heir apparent Princess Amalia-€1.727.000

    1. @Anon 10:35 : Is there a connection between this and fashion?
      Maybe the Financial Times would be interested in this information.

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 17:46

      The connection maybe being that thats a lot of money to buy new, ugly outfits.

    3. Anonymous20/9/23 17:52

      I don't think Amalia receives money now, while she is studying. Damsel Dragonfly

  37. Anonymous20/9/23 11:17

    The young crown princess may be the spitting image of her great-great grandmother, Wilhelmina, but does she have to wear her clothes?

    1. Anonymous20/9/23 12:02

      Agree !!

    2. Anonymous20/9/23 13:43

      Of course she’s a teenager and chooses her own outfit. At least I guess she does. But why on earth there is nobody with any taste gives this young girl any good advice. It’s not easy to find something appropriate for the occasion, her age and figure… I feel a bit angry… She should get some good help, maybe from French or Italian stylists or the quirky British…

    3. Anonymous20/9/23 15:49

      Not Wilhelmina but queen Emma Wilhelmina's mother. Google Queen Emma and you will see how they resemble each other. Rose

    4. @Anon 11:17 and Rose.
      Yes, the similarity when she was a young woman is incredible.
      Try this link for some photos.

    5. Anonymous21/9/23 18:45

      She is the spitting image of Emma, I often thougth that too.

  38. Anonymous20/9/23 13:38

    Crown princess Amalia looks amazing. To me this is one of the best looks on her. She is actually a very beautiful young lady.

    1. Anonymous21/9/23 17:35

      I agree. My personal opinion is that she is the most beautiful of the three sisters. Jacqueline

  39. Anonymous20/9/23 17:08

    Rose, you are right about the family traits going back to Emma. The present king looks a lot like her too.

  40. Anonymous20/9/23 20:30

    This is one of the occasions where the king & queen should look like a unit; however, they look like they don't belong together. Out of all the royal attendees, Maxima looks out of place. |Melanie|

  41. Anonymous21/9/23 02:44

    You all have said it all, question, each daughters has the glove on a different hand, Maxima in both hands, so what's the protocol? Anyone knows?

  42. P. the original21/9/23 16:48

    After scratching my head more than a couple times, I've come to this conclusion:
    Maxima- no comment.
    Amalia, Alexia and Laurentien look to have favoured the snug side, which I applaud.
    P.Amalia is beautiful in her irises blue- purple gown but I do not like how she accessorized it.
    P.Alexia's deep red gown is fabulous and compliments her hair shade and skin tone.
    P. Laurentien is surprising, her gown is such a nice change in comparison with her usual oddily artsy ensembles.
    Well done to her.

    1. Dear P. the original
      Scrarching your head is much better than "sitting on the fence"
      Much more confortable and saves the risk of the neighbours calling the police 😁

    2. P. the original22/9/23 06:55


  43. Anonymous21/9/23 23:11

    Very nice for the Pss's Amalia look stunning in this blue gown. Alexi's gown the color is very nice, I think this gown is just a little bit too tight maybe. I have no Idea what Maxima was thinking wearing this. But then again this is Maxima. josebabe.


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