The Duke and Duchess of Sussex took part in the closing ceremony of 2023 Invictus Games

Meghan Markle wore a sea blue Raylene strapless cutout embroidered gown from Cult Gaia. Elke Büdenbender

On September 16, 2023, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and First Lady Elke Büdenbender attended the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games Düsseldorf 2023 at Merkur Spiel-Arena in Duesseldorf, Germany. At the ceremony, the Duke of Sussex gave a speech. This year, the paralympic tournament for disabled war veterans was held in Germany for the first time.

Meghan Markle wore a sea blue Raylene strapless cutout embroidered gown from Cult Gaia. Elke Büdenbender

Meghan Markle wore a sea blue Raylene strapless cutout embroidered gown from Cult Gaia. Elke Büdenbender

Meghan Markle wore a sea blue Raylene strapless cutout embroidered gown from Cult Gaia. Elke Büdenbender

Meghan Markle wore Cult Gaia Raylene Strapless Cutout Embroidered Gown
Cult Gaia Raylene Strapless Cutout Embroidered Gown

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Magnifique dans cette robe à bustier mais il ne faudrait pas qu'elle mincisse comme je l'avais suggéré précédemment !

  2. she saved the best for last

  3. Anonymous17/9/23 10:18

    Must say (and even when i don't like strapless dresses, just my personal taste) she looks phantastic in this dress with the interesting texture. anna e.

    1. Duchess Meghan’s dress is from a fashion house known as Cult Gaia.
      It is based in Los Angeles California and was established just over 10 years ago.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 12:44

      Duchess Meghan is looking very beautiful in summergreen and Prince Harry's outfit goes with her dress, but I'm not a fan of of the colorcoordination. Princess Margriet of the Netherland's wearing a bottlegreen silkblouse is beautiful too.

  4. Anonymous17/9/23 10:29

    it is a shame that Invictus games have been a fashion show by Markle.

    1. Anonymous17/9/23 13:00

      You should try actually watching some of the sporting events. That may change your perspective. Or try talking to someone who was there or someone who knows a participant. Before making unilateral comments like this. Just because Megan’s fashion is all YOU care about, doesn’t mean the games were limited to that. A simple google search can help you find events, thrilling games, heartbreaking views into the determination of these injured souls that won’t give up.


    2. Anonymous17/9/23 13:29

      I agree she is not the show, the athletes are. So sad she is so desperate for attention.

    3. Anonymous17/9/23 13:34

      @ Anonymous 17/9 11:29
      I have seen the pictures here and on other sites of her outfits during the Invictus Games. They were rather simple in classic colors. I do not see how the way she was dressed had influence on the games.
      For the closing ceremony she wears a strapless dress which is very appropriate, but again simple. I like the color, but find it just a tad too long. Rose

    4. Anonymous17/9/23 13:37

      Agree !!

    5. Vous n'aimez pas Meghan c'est votre droit.
      Puis-je vous suggérer de passer votre chemin ...... cela vous évitera de graves aigreurs d'estomac.

    6. Anonymous17/9/23 14:19

      Who say this?The mindless haters of course.

    7. Anonymous17/9/23 14:40

      Uh, that way for all the yoyals.

    8. Anonymous17/9/23 16:52

      It's a shame YOU decided to make it a fashion show about Meghan. She got dressed each day, just like everyone else. What the public did after that was out of her control. She hit a sweet spot, dressing casually chic. Had she worn anything dressier, she would have been overdressed. If she wore workout clothes or jeans she would have been accused of dressing too casually, meaning she didn't care. People who enjoy fashion took the opportunity to see what she was wearing. Conversely, people who still have some growing up to do seized these moments to attack her at every turn for what she was wearing. It takes a lot of energy to harbor so much hate. With all that extra time on your hands, try volunteering with an organization like Wounded Warriors to make amends for failing to understand the assignment.

    9. So she shouldn't wear any clothes? most of what she wore was pretty standard casual wear. I think it's really only been a fashion show her, on a fashion website, and in the tabloids because they are click driven.

    10. Anonymous18/9/23 03:45

      There are people who are not able to love. They just are not able to understand Wounded Warriors. They have no real empathie and if they meet a warrier they know everything better.

  5. Anonymous17/9/23 10:50

    He's not bothered to wear a tie. She is in a evening gown. Why are they featured, they wanted privacy. BTW , where are photos of the real royals, not these 2 are non-working royals who trashed the both sides of their family and hurt them, as well as Queen Elizabeth in her last years. So sad they felt the need to hurt a very regal, loving woman. Merle

    1. Anonymous17/9/23 12:01

      She did right this time, nice color dress, it can suit any event.
      i must say, i used to be like you, always posting negative comments about her. i hated the hypocrisy of what she did to her families/and still do but it consumes so much energy, so i focus on her style now.

    2. Well, Anonymous 13:01, in high school, my sister and I noticed that it didn't matter how pretty or fashionable you were, if you were observed treating people poorly, being a snob or a phony, it would ruin your 'image' with people. We observed that the prettiest girls weren't always elected 'class beauty', and this was because true, inner beauty is very important and counts for a lot. And how you treat others, especially others who are 'lower' than you or can't fight back shows true character.

    3. Anonymous17/9/23 14:21

      Please stop the hater.This is not a site for this.Shame on you.

    4. Anonymous17/9/23 14:23

      Exactly like all the royal family.Stop the hate please.

    5. Anonymous17/9/23 14:48

      @Merle. I always heard Prince Harry speaking with much love about his grandmother. And she loved him. QE accepted Meghan from the very first beginning before she married Prince Harry. But if you are not accepted because of the kind of person you are by important and powerful people of your new country, even before they were husband and wife (the newspapers who printed negative articles of her before she was even married to Harry) one cannot call it very promising nor encouraging. If this is going on and on even after your first child is born (the press published lies after lies concerning Meghan as well as concerning Harry), I am not surprised they tried to find a way to escape to protect themselves and the live of their child. They left them no choice. In this kind of situations you must always hear the 2 sides of the story.
      And what has the real royals to do with the Invictus Games ? It is Prince Harry who founded it. Did he had to invite them ? You must be joking. Rose

    6. Anonymous17/9/23 17:10

      @Merle That is not an evening gown. It was shortened to a cocktail dress and it is stunning! It is perfectly acceptable for a man to forgo a necktie when dressing at that level. How do people forget that Harry was brought up in the most formal way? He was fed etiquette for breakfast. The man knows what is proper. Look at the mix of dress. The older men are wearing ties. In the last picture, the man with long blond hair is in a t-shirt and jeans. I don't know when I have seen Harry look better. He is out of the awful mandatory blue suits and looks like a snack!

      Merle, you are doing your best to cause trouble by bringing up things that have nothing to do with fashion. Comments like yours shouldn't be approved for publication here. That is tabloid fodder.

    7. Anonymous17/9/23 17:20

      "M" you have never seen me post anything on this blog or anywhere else, so you are incorrect in saying that I always post negative comments about her. You must have consumed a great deal of energy posting your negative comments, and your statement about me, who you have no clue about is a self-examination of your own use of energy, or whatever you have/had. Merle (at least I do not hide behind an initial) Come out of the shadows and post who you really are, then you can be liberated from the energy you use in hiding behind an anonymous or initial as a name. Have a great day. lol

    8. Anonymous17/9/23 18:19

      @13:01 This event has nothing to do with family issues but you cannot help yourself. Her issues are not your business but the tabloids have trained you well. Choosing to believe one side over another when you were not there smells of kool aid.

    9. @ Merle.
      Feel better no that you've got all that off your chest?

    10. Anonymous17/9/23 19:33

      @anon 11:50 Merle - I cannot believe how easily you (and millions of others) are fooled by the exaggerated nonsense you read about M&H. You need a bigger world view to understand what their (M&H) point is. Those who know, know.
      - Anon 9:13

    11. It's not an evening gown. It's a cocktail dress at best.

    12. Anonymous18/9/23 13:02

      Have to agree with Merle. The statements she made are her "perceptions' of a particular event, not a reflection on the entirety of a person's life. All the others use 'hate' words, or condemn Merle for her perceptions. Each of us has our own thoughts on this couple, good on you Merle for stating your own thoughts and not being brow-beat for stating what you thought on this set of photos. Jenne

    13. Anonymous18/9/23 13:49

      What's wrong with you?You are a serious problem.Get a life and a good psi because you need,and shame on you.What a evil person you are.Revolting.She pay her fees,not the English people or you.Stop the hate.

  6. Whilst the dress looks nice it is best suited to a gala than a closing ceremony of a sports event , just look at those in the audience. It also needs someone with a figure and personality to wear it.

  7. Anonymous17/9/23 11:31

    Gorgeous 😍

  8. Anonymous17/9/23 11:55

    That couple wanted privacy so much??

  9. Anonymous17/9/23 11:59

    Magnifique Meghan dans cette superbe robe qui lui va à merveille

  10. Anonymous17/9/23 12:19

    British understatement:” slightly overdressed”!

  11. J ai l impression que le duc ne regarde plus son épouse avec des yeux amoureux. A moins qu il ne garde ça que pour les invictus

  12. Nice to see Princess Margriet of the Netherlands standing beside Prince Harry at the closing ceremony (photo N°3).
    She is honorary chair of the Recommendation Committee of the Invictus Games.
    She seems to enjoy her work with Prince Harry for the games.
    Along with her work for the Red Cross, she plays an important role as a working royal for the Dutch Monarchy.
    The duchess had her 80th birthday this year.
    She looks young and très chic in her pants and blouse combo.
    Bravo Madam.

    1. Anonymous17/9/23 21:32

      That's Mrs. Büdenbender, Germany's First Lady.

    2. Oh, I didn't recognize her. Thank you for pointing her out! She does look fantastic. Meghan looks great in that green dress, but of course she has some decades advantage. Nice choices for both of them. The lady in the lace dress rather gave me a turn, though she does have the figure for it. I wanted to throw a shawl over her. (Okay, yes, I have prudish tendencies.)

    3. 22:32 Oh! Thank you for the correction.

    4. Anonymous18/9/23 09:36

      She is indeed mrs Büdenbender, and Princess Margriet van Oranje is not a Duchess

  13. Whenever people´s outfits are so over the place I must laugh. So we´ve got someone in a shabby jeans outfit, someone in a dark suit, someone in a strapless cocktail dress and someone in vulgar nothingness, all in the same photo, while the German presidential couple attended in semi-casual everyday business attire.

  14. Anonymous17/9/23 13:02

    I think this dress is a good choice for Megan. It fits well and is a good level of formality for a closing event


  15. Anonymous17/9/23 13:03

    First Lady und so gekleidet? Es sollte für alle Verantwortlichen und Teilnehmer auch *innen eine schöne, einheitliche Einkleidung geben - z. B. für eine Gala bei den Damen ein schickes Rolli oder Bluse mit dem Logo der Invictus. Alles andere ist Kostümierung besonders weil es absolut nicht nötig sein sollte sich mit Statussymbolen zu schmücken. So würde auch diese komische Hose der First Lady nicht so auffallen, modisch besehen, gab es viel zu viel unpassende Bekleidung - das zeigen und können alle anderen Royals weltweit besser - zumindest die, die auch aktiv im Dienst ihrer Kronen bei diversen Veranstaltungen sporteln. -Dorothe-

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 10:00

      Dorothe, zunächst einmal gibt es in Deutschland keine First Lady. Zudem ist die Ehefrau des Bundespräsidenten absolut angemessen für die Abschlußveranstaltung von Sportspielen gekleidet. Zu festliche Kleider sind hier ein bisschen zu viel, und was soll ein ein festlicher Rolli sein?

  16. Anonymous17/9/23 13:33

    Meghan is very elegant in this green lace (?) dress. It looks also festive. So nothing wrong with that. But when I look at Harry's clothes, more sportive and even a bit sloppy, then Meghan is imv a bit overdressed. Also if you compare Meghan's look with the look of a woman in simple trousers and blouse standing next to the royal couple.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 10:03

      This "woman" is the Bundespräsident's wife, she always dresses in an understated, yet elegant way, here a beautiful silkblouse. anna e.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 10:03

      This "woman" is the Bundespräsident's wife, she always dresses in an understated, yet elegant way, here a beautiful silkblouse. anna e.

    3. Anonymous18/9/23 17:58

      Oops, sorry, double comment. anna e.

    4. Anonymous19/9/23 08:56

      @ Anonymous 17/9 14.33
      Prince Harry never has been dressed sloppy during the Invictus Games. I like his men suits very much. No wrinkles. Modern men are not wearing ties anymore for sport events or music concert. King Phillippe of Belgium and his sons did not wear ties for the outdoor concert on the National Day. The days Prince Harry wore his sport clothes he was never sloppy but sportive with beautiful polo shirts and a pair of new jeans and up-to-date sneakers on his feet. The ideal outfit for a sports event. Rose

  17. They both look fine, and now I hope the Global Privacy Tour will be over for this year.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 00:28

      @ quakeress. This comment should not have been published. However, you deserve pity. Another case of someone who has their opinion spoon fed to them then repeats and repeats and repeats.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 05:36

      Good one!!

  18. Anonymous17/9/23 15:39

    Okay, back to California now, byeeee!!

  19. I’m not a fan of Markle’s but this is a great dress. The color is very pretty on her.

  20. She looks lovely, the color is beautiful, but I don't like the fabric of this gown.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 03:10

      A noticeable snark in those Meghan garment comments. The fabric is wrinkle free. The cost lies in the laser cut lace pattern, but the color highlights her complexion. The fit is perfect. The style is appropriate for a semi formal evening. The one drawback is that it may not be sustainable.

  21. Ano yme 11h50.
    Vous vous trompez lourdement.
    Les premiers qui ont saccagé la famille royale sont :Le roi actuel qui avait femme et maîtresse en même temps.
    Le deuxième est son frère qui se retrouve impliqué dans un scandale sexuel avec des mineurs.
    La reine Élisabeth a été donc lourdement blessé par ses deux fils
    Quant à Harry :Il a donné sa version des faits,
    Libre à chacun de croire ou ne pas le croire.
    Vouloir de l'intimité ne veut nullement dire ne plus apparaître en public.
    Chacun a le droit d'avoir une vie privée sans que la presse de caniveau s'en mêle et raconte des mensonges.
    Ce site est dédié à la mode et non aux rapports qu'entretiennent Harry et sa famille.
    Dons:Place à la mode.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 06:44

      Entièrement d’accord avec vous. En ce qui concerne la mode, je trouve que Meghan est toujours très chic, élégante et les ragots concernant la famille Windsor ne sont pas à exploiter dans ce site.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 14:19

      Thank you Valentine and google translate
      /AA 🇸🇪

  22. Anonymous17/9/23 18:09

    Very nice dress and color. css

  23. Anonymous17/9/23 18:10

    Bell'abito dalla linea semplice e pulita che valorizza il suo fisico longilineo e il colore della sua pelle. Bello il make up e delicata acconciatura.

  24. Anonymous17/9/23 18:15

    It's a beautiful dress, tailored to her silhouette and shortened to mid calf. The fabric seems to be synthetic with a laser cut flower motif. The shortened lining shows a bit of leg but still looks demure in photos. Perfect for an evening event . Hair and make-up are simple.
    Ana 1

  25. Anonymous17/9/23 18:45

    Sollte es nicht eigentlich um Kriegsversehrte gehen? Ich habe davon noch nicht ein Bild gesehen...aber das gehört auch nicht auf einen Modeblog - wie diese ganze Veranstaltung

    1. Dies ist ein Modeblog - ganz recht. Deshalb gehört die Diskussion um Meghans Kleid, das ich im übrigen hinreißend finde, hierher. Wenn du dich über die Invictus Games informieren möchtest, sie haben eine eigene Homepage. Und wenn du noch nicht ein Foto von Kriegsversehrten gesehen hast, dann kommt das daher, weil die ganzen Medien lieber Klatsch und Tratsch (man könnte auch sagen oft Unwahrheiten) über Meghan und Harry schreiben (und damit sehr!!! gut Geld verdienen) anstatt über die Kriegsversehrten und ihre sportlichen Wettkämpfe. Das ist halt einfach nicht so gewinnbringend. Aber Meghan und Harry können dafür rein gar nichts.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 00:31

      It is not their fault if the rags you depend on for news do not highlight the achievements of these brave people who dodged bullets or worse while you slept in a warm bed.

  26. Anonymous17/9/23 19:26

    She looks fantastic! Nice to see them both. The First Lady of Germany seems to have a good time, too. 😄

  27. Anonymous17/9/23 19:36

    Mehgan looks great. Low key, understated, chic and stylish.
    - Anon 9:13

  28. Meghan looks amazing in that aqua green dress!

  29. Anonymous17/9/23 23:47

    On September 9, the Daily Telegraph fashion editor wrote a piece titled the following 'How ‘Brand Meghan’ will soon be dominating fashion
    The Invictus Games will provide the ideal platform for the Duchess of Sussex to reassert her status as a global style influencer'

    It went on to say that this would be a 'flagship opportunity' for Meghan to assert herself as a fashion influencer by wearing multiple outfits - possibly several in the same day.

    Since there seemed little reason, for such multiple changes if a person was there only to support the games, I looked with interest and indeed there were three fashion changes every day she attended - the majority new outfits, not repeats from different brands. It would appear the writer knew of what she spoke.

    Some outfits were to my eyes, awful, particularly the romper suit and shorts, some including the Herrera dress were much better. This one falls somewhere in the middle. But it is appropriate to question Meghan's purpose for all these changes and whether she is using Invictus to promote a personal fashion career. This takes nothing away from the participants of the Games, but is an uncomfortable feeling for some of us.

    1. Cessez de lire de lire la presse de caniveau.
      Elle n'est pas une référence et le sera jamais.
      Cette femme est libre de changer de vêtements autant qu'elle le veut
      Où est le problème ?
      "Promouvoir une carrière dans la mode..etc...":Vous avez vraiment l'esprit débordante.
      Sentiment inconfortable pour certains d,"entre nous":Je ne fais pas partie de ce nous.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 04:55

      If it is printed in the Telegraph, it must be true and therefore gospel. Discomfort brought on by a stranger's clothing?
      Why were Brand Harry's outfits not given the same attention? On the first day he went from a power suit, to an oxford shirt and light colored pants, to black jeans and a black Invictus polo shirt.
      During the week he has has worn at least 4 pairs of sneakers, blue, green, black and white shirts, as well as black and white Invictus polos. There were also jeans in 2 color, khaki and dress pants in navy black and gray. It's all there on film for you to verify and add to your discomfort level.

    3. Anonymous18/9/23 05:49

      Thank you Leila for the delicate way you put this into words!

    4. Do the haters (and I mean you Leila and others here on the platform) realise that articles about Meghan are only a most!!!! profitable business for all the media, especially the British yellowpress. They "created" a woman who many people "hate" even they don't really know her, only because they read bad articles about her.
      Normally one would assume that the press doesn't want to write about despicable people and haters don't want to read about such a person. But no, even if Meghan only goes shopping or else she is front in every page of the British yellow press. And you, dear haters, you click such articles, leave your comments and all the editors and owners of these papers are happy. Money, money, money .... The haters complain because there are no articles about the veterans - I can tell you why - because these articles won't be read and commented. No money there!

    5. And by the way - Meghan cannot do any thing right in the eyes of the haters. If she only put on one outfit per day, from morning to evening, they would be saying - oh, she is so disrespectful, isn't? Why can she make an effort for the veterans?

    6. Anonymous18/9/23 12:56

      @Mabel. Both you and Leila are consuming the scraps from the writer's article that she was paid to write.

    7. Anonymous18/9/23 14:21

      Thank you Leila for the reference. If true that would at least put some logic to the numerous and somewhat odd fashion choices made during this event. The video of walking in with the fully dressed military suits next to the romper with blazer (that looked like she just had the blazer on from the back) was particularly odd.
      Same goes for this dress. Once again a lovely, flattering color and look but strapless with the cut outs and mini lining seemed an odd choice for this event.

    8. Anonymous18/9/23 19:18

      The sad thing is the haters believe every f* nasty words the british hate press has and continue to write. Again and again you quote them word for word. Can you please stop this hate. Do we realise what this say about us? Is this the way we want to be treated ourselves? Guess not. I'm shocked how evil and nasty people are. -Sarah

  30. Anonymous18/9/23 07:20

    The haters should try to understand they piss on themselves not Meghan. Try to grow up and behave like adults. It's embarrassing to see how little you think about yourself. I bet you claim to be christians too.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 13:04

      Who brings up the word haters? Ones that do not appear to understand that each of us has our own opinions and are free to share, they are the bullies and try to stomp on other peoples thoughts and ideas. Typical behavior of the less educated.

    2. Anonymous18/9/23 14:17

      Anon 13;56:
      do you reallythink the press wrote the unforgettable ( and unforgivable)words she uttered in the Oprah Winfrey interview?

    3. I noticed you don't use your name or on-line name here, you're only "anonymous', so we are unable to see if you practice what you preach on posts about other BRF members.

    4. Anonymous18/9/23 18:25

      @Mabel - which were Meghans unforgivable words in the Oprah Interview?

    5. Anonymous18/9/23 19:08

      This less educate as you so nicely put it 14:04 agree completely. Anne.

    6. Anonymous18/9/23 19:33

      Matthew 12:37 -

      Applies to us all including the Duke and Duchess of Sussex who have given us much to consider in interviews and books without turning to the press.

      The article in the Telegraph was meant to be favourable to Meghan - quite possibly written with the use of sources close to her. That some of us saw it differently because of the nature of Invictus is our prerogative. And of course, the writer was paid - working for a respectable newspaper - which is what the Telegraph is - is employment.

      As for Meghan, she would be very unhappy if the press didn't report on her.

      Personally, I would be fine with her wearing one or two outfits a day and wearing repeats. And can't see why Harry would need more than one pair of trainers.

    7. Anonymous19/9/23 07:34

      This is Anne again I forgot to write I agree with 18/9/23 14:04. Us less educated even if I went to university, probably partied my way through according to 14:04.

    8. 18/9/23 14:04 👏👏👏

  31. Do you think this article about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be coming to an end soon?
    I'm beginning to fall asleep at my computer zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 16:45

      This is your fourth comment zzzzzzzzz

    2. @Anon 17:45
      Hey, I was having a good zzzzzzzzz when your comment came in.
      Pity you don’t have a nickname.
      That way we could do a count on how many comments you have made.
      NOTE: That’s now 5 comments from me.
      Please update your score book.
      And please, play the game fairly and get a nickname.
      I love counting.
      Now please, let me have my zzzzzzzzzz in peace.

  32. Erm... I don't like the dress. I might be in the minority, but I think it odd. The strapless top does nothing for her (and possibly not for anybody else) and the lining is too short. The colour seems okay-ish. For clarification: This is a comment only about the outfit, it has nothing to do with the person wearing it.

    1. Anonymous18/9/23 19:41

      Good for you for standing up to all the 'haters' that do not think there should be others perspectives spoken. I find it odd there seem to be so many of them for this couple, when other non royals do not get 1/2 of this attention. Would beg the question; is it all coming from one side of the perspective?

  33. Anonymous18/9/23 19:22

    Reading the comments no wonder they run as far away from the UK as they could get. Wtf is wrong with people on this planet. You should be ashamed. I know I am. Louis.

    1. Anonymous19/9/23 06:56

      Good night

    2. I daresay that the commenters on this blog come from all corners of the world, and the UK might not even be overrepresented here. So, your comment, Louis, is moot.


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